Killers needs to be punished for Dodging lobbies



  • kevinb420
    kevinb420 Member Posts: 32

    Killer main here, ping goes both ways. I’m not gonna play against a survivor that’s bouncing all over the map and I don’t like playing against 4 flashlights so I’m gonna dodge those lobbies all day. 15 minutes is a little excessive for dodging a lobby.... I also don’t like when you can tell it’s a swf group so I don’t usually play those lol just saying it goes both ways.

  • Jack11803
    Jack11803 Member Posts: 3,918

    OR! OR! Get this! They could add dedicated servers so Killers don’t need to host. Problem solved.

  • Someissues
    Someissues Member Posts: 1,604
    edited June 2018

    @Jack11803 said:
    OR! OR! Get this! They could add dedicated servers so Killers don’t need to host. Problem solved.

    This will never happen, they mention on dev stream since launch, it will never happen. Too much work for them apparently, with all the codes and stuff

    also to some of the people here please get it over your head, survivors with high ping favors you the **Killer **massively , not only are they are unable to loop, they are useless to the survivor team, it's an easy win for you

    @Master said:
    When I played during the infinite times only a few survivors used those, but nowadays everyone uses crutches and plays in SWF

    I played since launch and everyone at High rank uses Infinite, the moment a killer chase them they would run to Infinite, make the killer gives up, then he chases another survivor, that survivor do the same, rinse and repeat. It was easy for survivors back then, many people claims they were fine since killers are meant to give up on chasing one survivor

    @Tsulan said:
    I just disconnected (esc, leave match) my first game in 6 months. I never do that, but i had a fully equipped deathsquad with DS, SC, SB, purple flashlights and odd bulbs
    I usually don´t dodge or disconnect. But that was simply to much. When the gates were powered, i didnt had a single hook. Not because i foolishly tried to catch the looper, but because there was always someone with a flashlight or a DS.

    Devs are not balancing SWF due to the fact that the death rate for survivors is 50%, meaning the game is balanced. People need to get it over their head, I am a Killer main I understand how fast the games are and the pain of going against them, just play for fun, it's fine if you lose. Dodging lobbies like that makes it an easy win for killers, as a result, messed with the balance of the game. SWF will never be balanced at this rate until all Killers step up and show the real statistic of the game

    All Killers wants the game to be balanced around SWF yes? Then you need to show the devs the real statistic of the game or it will never happen

  • Swiftblade131
    Swiftblade131 Member Posts: 2,055
    edited June 2018

    Well, the thing for me isn't so much dodging SWF as it is leaving for the survivors with poor ping.

    I cannot tell you how many times the survivors sit there in the red, like what is running through their head? It sure as hell won't go down in game.

    Sometimes when I am not paying attention and do get into a game with survivors that have high ping, they either call me a lag switcher or just say I have bad internet. But you see... The problem is... You saw how bad the ping was, but you chose to stay, therefore you get to put up with it, not my fault if you are trying to connect from friggin Europe or Russia. Also, the lag is not always the killers fault, just putting that out there.

    So no, dodging shouldn't be punished, don't want to be forced into match with these types of people. They added a ping indicator for a reason, either use it, or I will assist you by removing myself from the equation.

  • TheTimeMachine
    TheTimeMachine Member Posts: 229
         Man some of those SWF can really put a damper on my roleplay though. I’d much rather put on a good show for survivors who appreciate a good scare.
  • Someissues
    Someissues Member Posts: 1,604

    @Swiftblade131 said:
    Sometimes when I am not paying attention and do get into a game with survivors that have high ping, they either call me a lag switcher or just say I have bad internet. But you see... The problem is... You saw how bad the ping was, but you chose to stay, therefore you get to put up with it, not my fault if you are trying to connect from friggin Europe or Russia. Also, the lag is not always the killers fault, just putting that out there.

    It's nice that you are being considerate of people with high ping, but if the survivors refused to leave it's their fault, not yours. In other games dodging out of a game penalize you for 30 minutes, or even a game ban. Dead by daylight is the only game so far that has this system where no one is punished

    @TheTimeMachine said:
         Man some of those SWF can really put a damper on my roleplay though. I’d much rather put on a good show for survivors who appreciate a good scare.

    I agree it's much harder and frustrating to fight against them, by the time you hook the second person all gens should be done if they're good, hence NOED

  • Khroalthemadbomber
    Khroalthemadbomber Member Posts: 1,073
    My one issue with this has been I sometimes have survivors in my lobby with 600-800 ping for whatever reason and they ready up. I'm not dealing with someone that's lagging that bad so I'll leave before the match starts and try and get people with better connections. Further more, after about the fifth or sixth survivor dodge of my lobby I sometimes have difficulty getting new survivors to connect so I need to reset my lobby by leaving it.

    I'm not sure if this is the issue you're referring to, just something I've had from personal experience.

    Now if your meaning killers that DC because they're being facerolled I suppose that depends on the scenario. I've never dced as a killer unless it was internet issue or an irl situation occured. That being said, I've also witnessed games where the survivors refuse to leave and just insist upon being annoying twits and just keep pallet slamming and window vaulting to be as annoying as possible. I dont mind these people as they generally screw up eventually but I understand people that just dont want to deal with that sort of B.S. So if you're going to implement a punishment based on THAT it should be proxy on the length the match has gone on at time of DC.
  • Someissues
    Someissues Member Posts: 1,604
    edited July 2018

    @Khroalthemadbomber said:
    My one issue with this has been I sometimes have survivors in my lobby with 600-800 ping for whatever reason and they ready up. I'm not dealing with someone that's lagging that bad so I'll leave before the match starts and try and get people with better connections. Furthermore, after about the fifth or sixth survivor dodge of my lobby I sometimes have difficulty getting new survivors to connect so I need to reset my lobby by leaving it.

    I would appreciate it if people would stop making excuse with survivors with 600-800 ping, with 2.7k hours the max i saw was someone with 400, anything above that you are clearly lying. China/ Japan players get close to 300 ping from where I live in the UK, whereas it's 100-130 for US players. 600-800 is impossible with world's distance, even so, they are easy. Someone could be consistent with over 800 ping but they are either downloading stuff or uploading, and they are rare in lobbies. This does not happen often

    Stop trying to defend it by saying high ping survivors, it's all excuse we all know it

  • Khroalthemadbomber
    Khroalthemadbomber Member Posts: 1,073
    Not an excuse. I attempted to take on one of these people survivors and didn't leave the lobby before the match started. The person in question teleported everywhere and I couldn't lay a finger on them each time I attempted to put chase.

    I realize it forces survivors to have to reque but after that nuisance of a show, I'm not dealing with it again. If someone is showing a nasty ping like that and readies up, if the ping doesn't change I'm requeing.
  • Someissues
    Someissues Member Posts: 1,604

    @Khroalthemadbomber said:
    Not an excuse. I attempted to take on one of these people survivors and didn't leave the lobby before the match started. The person in question teleported everywhere and I couldn't lay a finger on them each time I attempted to put chase.

    I tested with 800 ping, there are no such things as teleports for survivors. They move at random speed but its tremendously slower than a normal survivor with good ping. If anything a survivor with good ping used a much harder challenge than someone with 800 ping

    If people want to use such thing as excuse go derank yourself to 20 and rekt noobs

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @Someissues said:

    @Khroalthemadbomber said:
    My one issue with this has been I sometimes have survivors in my lobby with 600-800 ping for whatever reason and they ready up. I'm not dealing with someone that's lagging that bad so I'll leave before the match starts and try and get people with better connections. Furthermore, after about the fifth or sixth survivor dodge of my lobby I sometimes have difficulty getting new survivors to connect so I need to reset my lobby by leaving it.

    I would appreciate it if people would stop making excuse with survivors with 600-800 ping, with 2.7k hours the max i saw was someone with 400, anything above that you are clearly lying. China/ Japan players get close to 300 ping from where I live in the UK, whereas it's 100-130 for US players. 600-800 is impossible with world's distance, even so, they are easy. Someone could be consistent with over 800 ping but they are either downloading stuff or uploading, and they are rare in lobbies. This does not happen often

    Stop trying to defend it by saying high ping survivors, it's all excuse we all know it

    "It's never happened to me, so it can't have happened to you. After all, I've experienced everything there is to experience."

    That's what you sound like when you try to discard someone else's very realistic experience with ping.

  • Larcz
    Larcz Member Posts: 531

    Lol surv must be punish for take in last second when he got ready buton on 3x flashlight.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @RSB said:

    @Someissues said:
    Note there's still a bug after 2 years where if some of the current survivors leave the lobby, the lobby can be bugged as a result no one will end up coming. This can also happen when 2-3 SWF comes in and then no one comes.

    Now as for the topic, I never dodge any lobbies myself and would like to see the same for all Killers. The true balance of the game is not done properly because Killers can pick easier matches rather than facing hard match-ups. As a result, they keep getting easy 3-4 kills while some of us and survivors have to suffer

    Bring back the 15 minutes time out for Lobby dodge per Killer, and only Killers, survivors have the excuse of dodging a lobby since the matchmaking sometimes finds people outside of your region and you end up with 200-600 ping which is unplayable.

    If there was a bug where survivors can't join, then the penalty should not kick in to allow the killer to find a new lobby. So the punishment should only start when there are 4 survivors readying up and not leaving

    When playing as a Survivor it is absolutely disgusting to see Killers abusing this, they are ruining the real statistics of the game and ended up giving false info on high ranks such as Nurse and Wraith have the same kill rate. Leatherface best killer at 3rd, Hag most 4k etc

    -- "Note there's still a bug after 2 years where if some of the current survivors leave the lobby, the lobby can be bugged as a result no one will end up coming. "

    -- "Bring back the 15 minutes time out for Lobby dodge per Killer, and only Killers"

    Literally... What?

    You say, that lobby can be bugged, but killers should be punished for leaving it? And survivors not, because "muh survivors". And no, making a script that detects bugs is more complicated to do, than fixing this bug.

    You just... You just bended space-time with your bias. Use your superpowers to make the world a better place, do not waste your precious time writting on this forum.

    Especially when you do not have nothing smart to say.

    Just the classic survivor main, you do beset just ignoring him and not falling for his bait :wink:

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Someissues said:

    @Khroalthemadbomber said:
    My one issue with this has been I sometimes have survivors in my lobby with 600-800 ping for whatever reason and they ready up. I'm not dealing with someone that's lagging that bad so I'll leave before the match starts and try and get people with better connections. Furthermore, after about the fifth or sixth survivor dodge of my lobby I sometimes have difficulty getting new survivors to connect so I need to reset my lobby by leaving it.

    I would appreciate it if people would stop making excuse with survivors with 600-800 ping, with 2.7k hours the max i saw was someone with 400, anything above that you are clearly lying. China/ Japan players get close to 300 ping from where I live in the UK, whereas it's 100-130 for US players. 600-800 is impossible with world's distance, even so, they are easy. Someone could be consistent with over 800 ping but they are either downloading stuff or uploading, and they are rare in lobbies. This does not happen often

    Stop trying to defend it by saying high ping survivors, it's all excuse we all know it

    During the steam summersale I got another game such that I dont have to suffer in DBD too much and I downloaded while playing. Before I throttled down the download I easily reached 800 pings in DBD (I am using a free connection btw because I dont need high down/up rates)