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Emblem Score is a joke

ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

He goes multiple games getting 4mans and only getting to black pip. Emblem scoring is just all over the damn shop. Sort this mess out will ya?


  • tt_ivi_99
    tt_ivi_99 Member Posts: 1,463

    If you want to be rank 1 you have to be not just a good killer, you have to be the best killer, it's a competitive zone, you are not allowed to mess up a single time (which he did a lot of times) or you'll go back to purple.

    Also I want to add that I love It when people say "gen rush is not real, just apply preassure"... No one is healing at purple rank and you can see that on the video, so now imagine red ranks who actually know how to loop and know totem-wi dows-pallets spawns... That's the reason I only play Billy.

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333
    edited May 2019

    The problem here is that if you are the best killer people die too fast to satisfy the emblem score. You're not judged on your actual skill. You're judged on how well you can maximize the emblem which would be fine if it didn't require that you be dependent on survivors being interested in maximizing their emblem score. The current system needs a ton of work on both sides. For killer though, it doesn't care if you're the best most efficient most dominating killer. People complain of depiping or black pipping due to killing too fast all the time. That shouldn't be a thing if you're getting the entire team down.

  • tt_ivi_99
    tt_ivi_99 Member Posts: 1,463

    That's the point of the new emblem system.

    Im rank 1 because I play with survivors before killing them, that's how you rank up now. As Billy I can end a match in less than 2 min if the survivors are potatoes, but I let them unhook, I go and kick gens, and I prolong the game to get all emblems and then face those tryhards like me at rank 1.

    Once you reach rank 1 you'll never depip if you are good enough because survivors wont be messing around, you wont be making mistakes and the game will last long enough to keep you at red ranks.

  • George_Soros
    George_Soros Member Posts: 2,270

    @tt_ivi_99 "Im rank 1 because I play with survivors before killing them,"

    Yeah, that's why ranking system is faulty. You actually have to let them unhook, prolong the game (without letting them fix gens too fast). Basically, you get to high ranks by playing the way devs want you to, not for actually playing well. My survivors often wonder why I let them unhook, then immediately down and hook them again. You gotta cheese the system if you want a decent amount of BP and emblem scores. Quite stupid to be honest: if you can massacre the whole bunch of them fast, you should be getting MORE pips, not less than if you fool around (or are fooled around).

    Survivor emblem scores are quite faulty too: they don't count for a LOT of actions that help your team: dull totem cleansing, taking a hit to protect someone, trap rescues, and, though I hate saying it, you should also be rewarded for not simply doing gens, but doing them FAST, kinda like reversing killers' Gatekeeper score. And as many pointed out, sometimes a survivor gets chased for five gens, yet no pip. This particular problem could be fixed by removing the Emblem score cap for categories.

    And then, it would also be necessary to give Emblem rewards for the remaining survivors for early DC-s (and BBQ stacks to killer).