
it would absolutely fantastic if crossplay was introduced!
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Console players can finally experience a PC Nurse. 😋
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Never do that if you don't want the game dying. Why?
- Killers have higher sensibility on PC while on controller you don't want to increase it.
- Higher Framerate on PC
- Keyboard + mouse
- Game is unbalanced on high ranks so PC players will melt us with nurse.
Except if you do like fortnite make two seperate matchmaking ( one for controller and one for K+M ) while adding an K+M support on console.
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maybe only crossplay for willing partys since they now have dedicated servers?
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@xllxENIGMAxllx It'd be the opposite of dying. The player pool would be bigger than ever it'd be one big community.
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im only seeing more pros in this situation
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Yes when the players will get rekt each game because of the advantage PC has.
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If crossplay became a thing, all console players would remain in low ranks because of the sensitivity issues controller has.
Do. Not. Want.
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Technically speaking, Survivors as a whole would not be affected. Playing Survivor on a controller versus keyboard + mouse does not provide any advantage or disadvantage, it's just a matter of what you're comfortable with. Likewise as far as playing Killer is concerned, the Survivors you are playing against aren't going to be harder to hit whether they're on PC or console. The only real difference would be the variety of Killers you're playing against. While a Killer like the Nurse is a lot more common on PC, it's not so common on console since it's harder to play with a controller.
Still, this is not something that's guaranteed to happen, we're just looking for feedback. Even if it were to be added, it could always be optional as well (opt in for faster queue times, or opt out if you feel like it's unfair).
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I actually kinda like the idea of Fortnite-style cross-platform matchmaking.
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i just want to be able to play with friends without having to buy a new ps4
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If cross play does happen and it's forced upon all players on all platforms. Everyone will disconnect if they realise it's a nurse just because she is probably a PC player and will destroy the team.
I think cross play has a high chance of negative backlash if it is forced upon all players. If it's optional perhaps for new game modes then in it's not causing any problems.
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ill be happy if its just for KYF
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Yes of course like i said only killers has a heavy advantage the biggest example are the nurse when blinking on PC you turn around while blinking while on consoles it's too slow to do in a chase maybe, if you increase the sensibility for killers (consoles) would a difference.
Plus there is a much better priority matchmaking , rank disparity still exist and queues are insane for me.
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Remove that could and your good to go. Cross-play is never a serious problem as long as it's ALWAYS opt-in. Gears of war 4 did it right when they were taking feedback as well. Want to play with PC, just toggle it on in options, and toggle it off when you don't want to.
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Yes if this happened I wouldn't have to switch platforms to play with friends.
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at least make crossplay just for KYF
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Cross play would really help with wait times and I really want to go up against a PC nurse!
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good luck running with traps on your feet
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it is still difficult on pc though just slightly less though
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Pleas only crossplay for ps4, xbox and switch.
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@LCGaster this is true. When I get destroyed by a nurse on console I take my hat off to them because they had to work for it.