Game cancel after a rage quit of another player
Since the last update, I noticed with great surprise that when a player left the game in progress, at the end of it, we had a message telling us basically that someone had left the party was canceled. In itself that we do not take level in rank does not bother me, but that it cancels the points of hard-earned blood in a game of 3 survivors against a killer, I do not really agree. Basically having someone who leaves during the game clearly handicaps us, I think that we should think more about punishing people who leave, that those who continue the game costs. A small example of possible punishment: after a first rage, wait 5 minutes to wait before joining a new lobby, after a second one goes to 10 minutes, after a third one goes to 15 and beyond 3, the person concerned is caught a restricted lobby where she has to wait 5 minutes before joining a group (and this at each game) for a week.
Thank you for the attention paid to my message.