will ghostface be in a chapter or paragraph?

devs said "upcoming chapter" and "next chapter" in the tweet so im gonna assume theres a new map and survivor coming with ghostface, but this ghostface looks like the devs own take on him so idk what movie they would base it off of (or if they make their own original survivor and map for him)
They have the rights lionsgate gave them. Lionsgate got the rights from the original films, so they just decided to make him more scary-looking. Also, there's also a leaked offering from woodsbro's highschool and everybody knows that Sidney will be the survivor yes or yes
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@Angelicus23 do you have a picture of the leaked Woodsboro offering?
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it's never "the devs own take" on licensed characters. they have to follow the licencor's exact desires. Behaviour has to go to them and ask if what they're making fits within the license, only then can it be made. Also i believe it is the TV version of Ghostface.
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It was just an image. There was no more info about it, I think in the name was wrote woodsboro highschool or univerity
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No, the TV version has a different mask, and that license is not owned by Lionsgate, is from Netflix
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Hasn't that hat been in game files forever, along with the duncecap and grapple?
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@Supernaut Nope, that's new.
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you're wrong, lionsgate has produced the scream blue ray but to get a license of the character you still have to go to those who own the rights: Dimension Films.
They don't have the rights to the Scream franchise, which is why it doesn't have the original dress, so either it is a dlc based on the TV series or survivor and map will be original.
Nope. The license owner of the TV Series is MTV, not Netflix