Cant Mend Other Team Mates During EGC ?

SlinkyJinky Member Posts: 371
edited May 2019 in General Discussions

Is this working as intended? Is it a bug? why cant we mend other downed Survivors during EGC? How is that in any way fun or fair for Altruistic Survivors wanting to make good use of [ No One Left Behind ]

"Once the Exit Gates are powered, gain 50/75/100 % more Bloodpoints for actions in the Altruism Category and perform them 4/8/12 % quicker".

It essentially renders the perk almost completely useless, it may as well be removed because it does NOTHING other than buffing Altruistic actions such as de-hooking and MENDING other Survivors ONCE THE EXIT GATES ARE POWERED IN END GAME COLLAPSE. Do you see what I'm getting at here?

Why is this even a thing, seriously uncool.


[ Patch notes sourced here ]

Please see the Survivor section on healing. Nowhere does it say we wont be able to mend other Survivors in EGC. It even says we CAN do it.


  • Closing the hatch instantly powers up the exit gates.
  • End Game Collapse starts when an exit gate is opened or when the Killer closes the hatch.
  • End Game timer starts at 2 minutes. Timer is slowed down when a Survivor is downed or hooked.
  • Survivors are sacrificed by the Entity when the timer expires. These sacrifices count as kills.
  • The Killer can now open a powered up exit gate.
  • The hatch always spawn as soon as there is 1 Survivor left in the trial.


Added new score events to work with the End Game Collapse:


  • Gate Open: Opening an exit gate (500).
  • Hatch Close: Close the hatch (250).
  • Late Hook: Hook a Survivor after the EGC has started (250).
  • Late Sacrifice: Sacrifice a Survivor once the EGC has started (500).
  • Time's Up: Entity sacrifices a Survivor after the EGC has expired (500).


  • Late Heal: Heal another Survivor during EGC (750).
  • Late Rescue: rescue another Survivor during EGC (2000).
  • Pressure: Be the last Survivor alive and EGC starts (250).
  • Release: Open an exit gate after the EGC has started (1500).
  • Tenacious: Complete repairing a generator after the hatch has opened (500).

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