After a day to calm down

I sorta change my stance on not playing the game like I have before. My opinions still remain, my thoughts on what the game is remains, my anger to how unchanged Legion is still remains. But after some time of cooling down, and testing the changes...
I can kinda handle the new Legion, but I still want to give my thoughts, let me tell you a short story, small one, quick one:
When the Legion came out, I was excited. Because the Legion had so much potential to offer without being revealed, then I found out their cosmetics actually changed the overall voice and size of the killer you play. While I was a bit sad their power was not going to incorporate all of the members, I was excited that I was able to vault windows and pallets.
I played fairly enough, I only moonwalked the first time I heard about it, and then only did so when I personally felt that a survivor deserved it, I only killed with Frenzy when I either wanted to mess with someone/they deserve it (my opinions, not yours)/to prolong the game. I never used any exploits, I play fairly as I can without actively hindering my own fun. Things were alright for the most part, I lost matches (shocking, I know, since Legions apparently shouldn't lose), I won many more. I enjoyed playing as, and against the Legion.
Then this update was announced. I had some optimization. I figured maybe the Legion I grown to love wouldn't be butchered. In a way, I was proven right and wrong. The Legion fundamentally has not changed. Gameplay and funwise.... Well. I was right the first day.
Now for the point of the story
The changes were needed yes, the Legion as they were was unhealthy for the game in the long run (shocking that I know this, I know), but unless they are planning on giving the Legion appropriate buffs soon, there is no reason to play them. If I wanted to play a powerless killer, I'd just stick with the Trapper. At least then I can have some sort of presence or payoff. As it is, there is not reason to run the pin add ons since you are hindering yourself hitting someone twice. And the Fuming Mixtape needs a new effect, honestly.
The main problem is, I don't think the Legion might get changed any further because of a few reasons. And one of them is that everyone who complained about the Legion (I have a few names in mind but no naming and shaming here) will not be playing the Legion anymore then they would like to face them. The LoL clan here on the forums are only a minority. And we're losing folks interested in playing Legion.
Which brings us to the second problem, the less people willing to play Legion is the less chances of the Legion receiving the attention needed to make them fun (gasp) and viable (which is apparently not wanted by the devs). Eventually, as I fear, they'll be forgotten in the meme pit of despair that once housed Freddy (and with what happened to Legion, I truly fear what is going to happen to our main man). I gave my suggestions to how to fix the new problems faced, and other people have too. Unfortunately it's either 'gIT gUd DuDE' or 'wAiT bLaH BLaH BlAH'. Whatever, it's not like they'll (fellow forum members) actually listen to me now, I call it.
I very much enjoy it. This was needed for the longest, and now I think I might stick around to die more and more cause of how cool the animation of dying is. I also managed to let the timer run out in one of my killer games to allow the survivors to die.
I enjoy closing the hatch and hunting down the survivor who remains.
This is possibly one of the only reasons why I might stick around. If the power remains as is, and they don't completely butcher this killer, I will stick around longer and play between The Trapper, Legion, and Ghost. I like the idea of a killer who can actually stealth correctly like that. The Pig was nice, but the power could be a hindrance. Especially now since they butchered her and tried to serve her to us.
Anyways, that is all my thoughts after a day to cool down. I recover pretty fast, unlike the Legion.
*Reads the Ghostface part*
They turned pig into bacon my guy
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@Hoodedfengm1n Yes, yes they did.
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well im glad you cooled down
the stress form work and the anger over the changes impaired my judgement yesterday and now ive been incarcerated whoops
i really need to get more sleep
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I just dont appreciate the devs lying to us about legion. We were explicitly told the bar WOULDN'T completely disappear on a miss in feral frenzy.
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Do you remember the original Legion Trailer, where they were selling the reduced swing time during Feral Frenzy as a feature of the Legion?
at 2:39 Missed attacks have a shorter cooldown.
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I'm glad you're better now my bruddah :D
Now, I don't want to give you false hopes, but I remember I saw in a video of this youtuber, that, apparently, has insiders at BHVR. He said that according to those insiders with this they wanted to get Legion to a point so that they could balance them easier. I hope it's true.
And I want my Pig's buff 😤
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I think she needs an add rework or new changes focused on to tamper the traps so they go off when exiting the gates or hatch. This would fit pigs lore so well.... I wish that more add ons would give her a more ability to tamper with the rbt and boxes to better effect as she never made the game fair in the films 🐖
Going to give it some time with her still learning same with legion I have enjoyed few games i have had with legion but on console it's very ruff times due to missing attacks.
Hopefully we can hope for some legion adjustments and pig quality of life changes.
Don't forget let's get bubba a nice suit also he would be so handsome 💋
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Yes indeedy so handsome 💖🐖
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Just because I took a bath filled with liquid nitrogen doesn't mean I'm not happy, but I also am not boycotting BHVR either.
I'm not angry, I'm just disappointed.
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Either the person who said that was misinformed or they changed it after the fact. People make mistakes.
Edit: toned it down
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Totally get it I really enjoyed reading your ideas before the changes such thought out and so much effort put into your ideas must really be disheartening to feal not listened as you really seem to have a good idea of balance with legion. I really hope they do keep their word on tweeking legion again.
I respect the effort you put in tho
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@Darkskies I just wanted what was best for a killer I felt a connection to, next to the Trapper.
My condolences for how they turned the Piggy into bacon by the way. She didn't need that.