Look the sticky post:
in that subreddit there is even a leak of phone that ghostface use in the mori!
Dude... That mori... Oh my god... Those unique animations... BHVR really went all out with Ghostface...
I mean... Before we were operating under the assumption that he's Pig and Myers stuck together. But in reality he's Pig, Myers, and Legion.
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yes the mori with a selfie is fantastic, in that subreddit you can find even the phone that ghostface use in the mori
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Can you convert it into a youtube video?
I cannot watch it atm
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That mori sold the ######### DLC for me
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Oh #########, really? Well, now I gotta take another look at the sub!
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You can also see the full list of add-ons for the Ghost. Is it me, or do Knife Belt Clip and Drop Leg Knife Sheath seem like crap compared to Leather Knife Sheath (especially considering Sloppy Butcher exists)? I mean, MAYBE the other ability is a lot better than I would expect, but c'mon.
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These all look very cool. I'm excited... and I'll probably spend real money on this one. I hope he comes out powerful and unique. It seems like he will be. Not every killer needs to be in the Trapper/Freddy/Pig range man....
We need more Myers/Doctor/Hag killers or preferably more Billy and Nurses.
I see the add ons seem to be mostly strong. The Ghost Caught on Tape one should be moderately decreases gains when NOT peaking.
This considerably and considerably crap is annoying. Ultra rares should be powerful and have little to no drawback. Some drawback is okay, but to do it considerably and considerably is annoying. Who knows how this power works though?
He seems like a reverse Myers. Which is cool.
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I really hope these floating tapes won't be in actual release. Are they gonna keep this crap? Looks incredibly ugly and also makes him more noticeable.
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Cool mori but it's yet another one that falls to the same problems that Clowns does, it's way too long. That wastes you a lot of time.
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They'll definitely have physics.
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We can have 919395929 killers in the game but if they dont nerf the nurse everyone will keep playing ONLY her
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Not nerf the Nurse, but buff all the other killers for more variety. 😊
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If the other killers were viable, maybe people would play them as well. But if that's your logic, then let's nerf the most used survivor perks and make Claudette shine like a miniature sun.
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Not to mention, they are a clear reference to the original black robe in the movies, which also had long jagged cloth strips hanging on the sleeves....a very nice touch I'm glad they added.
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Those animations look amazing but that ghostface model puts me off. Looks like clothing a mage or an Assassin would wear in a fantasy rpg.
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@TheShape78 Sucks that everything else isn't based off the movies.
This seems to be a modern Ghostface with the smartphone and selfie animation.
This Ghostface is either entirely unique and will be a solo dlc out before the next full chapter.
Or...Its secretly Season 3 tv show Ghostface chapter.
So RIP Sidney fans
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I must be the only one that doesn't like the selfie mori, I never knew a Ghostface that took selfies.
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Looks like a late 90s/early 2000s flip phone to me.
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I IMMEDIATELY noticed those about 2 seconds into the animation as well.
It's as if they were added to his design just to make sure that he's not super hard to notice and to give survivors a chance at spotting him before he get's too close.
If they float and flap about as he moves he will stand out a lot more than if he didn't have them, giving that "what was that moving?! ah there he is!" scenario.
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Who is Olsen? That name shows in two of the add-ons. Doesnt sound like a character from the movies..
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It's Kates curly hair all over again.
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This is called broken logic. Why nerf a powerful killer to make others play a variety of killers?
That makes no sense. You're just increasing a problem.
They need to take 4 of the least played killers, and simple buff them in small ways. Make it to where the 4 least played killers become very difficult to place in a tier. Make it very debatable.
Right now, the great great consensus is...
Just take those 4, and BUFF. I know Trapper got a small rework last year, but make these 4 stronger. And that will shake things up. Not every killer can be top tier. I get that. I think the Hag is perfectly balanced for example.
The power role should be powerful. We don't need to take a powerful killer and make them weaker.
Take weaker killers and make them more powerful.
This kind of flawed logic blows my mind man.
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Yeah it doesn't look modern really at all. Looks like a flip phone. I remember some phones having self taking pictures back them, but if not... who cares. It's still cool as F.
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I noticed that too and looked it up. Apparently, a man named Olsen sold a copy of the famous "The Scream" painting, which the Ghostface mask is based on.
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The dude freaking takes a selfie and sends it to someone OMG!! <3
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yes exactly
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ghostface model without a mask: