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Mori Improvements/Ideas

Hello! This is my first post in the forums, and I would like to post some ideas about moris that I hope the community and developers will like.


These should NOT be high priority items. Game-balancing, dedicated servers, matchmaking, new content, etc. should absolutely come before any of this.

  1. Make moris third-person (survivor perspective) by default – I’m confident most of the community will agree that moris are much more enjoyable to see from a third-person POV than the killers’ first-person POV. It seems like the developers are also starting to prefer this considering the last three killers have all had their moris in third-person only, presumably because they would look awkward or be difficult to animate if they were in first-person. I think this would be a nice quality-of-life change, especially because it would also allow all killers to see their customized character during the animation. It would make those hard-earned cosmetics feel a little more worth it since killers normally don’t get to enjoy seeing their cosmetic in-game other than at the very beginning of the match, and then just seeing their weapon and feet.
  2. Rework/add additional moris for killers – The developers have been getting more creative with moris for each new killer, which is starting to make the oldest ones (Trapper, Wraith, Hillbilly) show their age. I think reworking some of the older ones could be great, but I think an even better idea would be to eventually add new ones for all the killers over time. My thought is which mori you want to use could then be pre-selected or customized before a match, similar to an offering. If these additions required a great amount of extra work for the developers, I would not bat an eye at paying $4.99 for a mori expansion DLC pack. I’m sure some people will protest this considering many people already complain about how expensive cosmetics are. However, I think an extra price tag for this additional content would be well-deserved, and a lot of people would be willing to pay for it if the moris are good. It would be another way to help development team grow and create additional content.

Overall, I think improving and expanding the memento moris would be a great project for the development team to invest in at some point in the future. Whenever a new killer comes out on the PTB, you constantly see videos highlighting the new mori. It’s something a lot of people get excited about and I would not underestimate the impact it could make on player satisfaction. I hope the community and developers see this and will give it their consideration. Thank you!

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  • Member Posts: 1,310

    Ebony is op change my mind.

  • Member Posts: 651
    edited May 2019

    I definitely had something in mind like that as well!

  • Member Posts: 651

    That would be another way to do it and I don't think anyone would have an issue with it!

  • Member Posts: 1,043
    edited May 2019

    I'd personally like a non clipping mori where I'm not stabbing a locker and the survivor is darth vadered beside me. I don't mind the first person Mikey mori too much though, I love that the survivors make different expressions, megs make me laugh they look so offended but 3rd person generalisation might be nice then we can actually admire the animation.

    Wraith and trapper definitely need some love though especially after how cool legions turned out, makes trappers look really sad (and lacking personality) in comparison.

  • Member Posts: 651

    If it wouldn't be too difficult to pull, giving the player the option to switch between the two POVs for killer would be nice. I agree, Mikey's is one of the better ones in first person. But yeah, the newest killers all have really good moris and I think players would really like if the older killers had some new and improved ways to finish off their prey.

  • Member Posts: 587

    I'd like a way to shorten some mori's. Take clowns for instance, it takes way too long to execute while someone like Billy does it in about 10 seconds. It wastes precious time. If that was implemented I would be very happy.

  • Member Posts: 7,186

    Trapper and Wraith badly need a new mori.

  • Member Posts: 651

    I think the difference is by about only 3 or 4 seconds, but I know that can make a huge difference at high rank play. Not sure how they could make the moris shorter as long as they are in real time. They could speed it up a bit, but that might look weird. I think it's another reason to add another mori for each killer. If the killer has a longer than average Mori, give them a shorter one that is more helpful for the competitive players who just want to quickly get it over with and move on.

  • Member Posts: 651

    Those are definitely the most needed. I personally think the Pig's is very underwhelming too.

  • Member Posts: 651

    Not the worst idea. If you want to grind for it, P3 your character and it's yours otherwise it can be bought for say, 500 cells?

  • Member Posts: 504

    I'd really like to be able to buy new mori's. I agree 110% that they should all be in third-person.

  • Member Posts: 651

    @T0xicTyler Glad you agree! I hope more people share their thoughts on this. The more people that agree and want these changes, the more likely they are to happen.

  • Member Posts: 651

    @Peanits @Patricia @not_Queen

    I would really like to hear your thoughts on this! If you are too busy at the moment with other projects, I completely understand. I hope you all are at least able to see these ideas and maybe consider them in the future.

  • Member Posts: 1,809

    I would add the choice to escape being mori'd by doing 3 difficult skill checks

  • Member Posts: 651

    Interesting. How do you think they could do that? My first thought is the survivor would already be pretty much dead in the time it took to hit those skillchecks by the time the animation was finished.

  • Member Posts: 1,693

    Maybe different types of Moris could be options, like either really short ones like the current Trapper's and Wraith's, or longer more brutal ones that can be bought. Maybe something like Wraith rips off the skull out from the survivor like his weapon Avarov's Skull crusher and yelling in pain or victory. Trapper could be some kind of dismemberment. Maybe bonus blood points for more brutal but longer Moris, since it will sap the hope of survivors faster seeing the potential killing spirits these killers have.

  • Member Posts: 651

    @Ember_Hunter That's a really cool-sounding mori for Wraith! Would love to see something like that. I've seen people mention a Trapper mori where he curbstomps their face onto a bear trap, which I think would be brutal.

    I do know the devs try to avoid super graphic gore. I remember them mentioning they wouldn't want to a beheading because that could get the game banned in certain countries. But I hope that wouldn't limit their potential creativity too much.

    Yes, I think a longer and shorter mori for each killer would make a lot of players happy.

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