
Is Ghostface going to be a standalone Killer or will Sydney actually be a part of it? Because they are talking about a little glimpse of the upcoming chapter, so if ghostface, his animations, a perk and the new charm system is only a little glimpse there must be more.
At the moment the speculation tends towards being The Ghost as a Paragraph so that you will only get a Killer and not a Survivor.
And well, "little glimpse" can also mean that there is Stuff (new Killer, his Power/Add-Ons, Charms), but nothing how those exactly work.
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paulie said that he could be a standalone killer but if the devs have time they could put sydney or other survivor on it
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I bet it is stand alone.. The amount of leaked information in the Dev build.. and nothing shows anything about a survivor being included. If they got that much in for The Ghost, they would have survivor stuff in it too, since the release date seems to be for May 28th based on all the info.
They got a wack of new cosmetics in there too.. so too me that Dev build looks like they are just finalizing things.
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But we generally get a new map, new survivor and a new killer every 3 months.
Does this mean they changed the plan or something?
The roadmap has ended, they are not obligated to give us a new survivor or a map as well. I just would like them to say anything, like if this is going to be a paragraph or a full blown chapter.
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Seems like he's stand alone which I don't mind seeing how clueless the devs have been with Survivor perks recently.
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@Bongbingbing Oh they are not clueless, they knew exactly what it was. I bet they earned hell lot of money from that.
It is just a horrible business practice, that's all.
They are gathering stats to see if the perk is balanc...
No they are just selling Ash right now, when the sales go down and lots of survivors have the perk, they will nerf it.
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The did say "some lucky players got a glimpse of our upcoming chapter" though, so I would assume there'd be a survivor as well.
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They called ash a chapter too though
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Ash was chapter 12 so maybe ghostface its chapter 12 standalone
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All I'll say is this...if they don't include Sidney and a map from the films, it would be a HUGE missed opportunity.
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I am pretty sure that if they dont introduce something like a Map or a Survivor that it is not BHVRs decision. If they did not get the license for anything else, there is no chance to get anything more at this point.
Apparently they only have the license for the mask.