Please fix your game for the love of god

drunky26 Member Posts: 686

And stop pumping out new content when the game itself is in a terrible state.

I just played nurse for my daily, it was a great match but it crashed at the very end.

i ended up wasting good 20 minutes of my time for nothing, i got 0 bloodpoints and my daily was reset. its soo frustrating. came to a point where im afraid to start a match because i know theres a chance of it crashing.

it's annoying me that you devs choose to release new survivors and killers while not bothering with the main issues in the game. i'd much rather have a stable game then to see a new killer every 3 months. and you're not even a doing a good job at releasing new stuff too. you added an op perk just after nerfing one a month earlier. like what were you thinking? also not to mention these "killer leaks" like who the hell works at bhvr? everything you do or try to do ends up messed up.

like holy #########. fix your goddamn game.


  • CallMeSpidey
    CallMeSpidey Member Posts: 625

    On Console or PC?

    I've played Nurse for several hours yesterday and non-stop Monday and Tuesday and I didn't experience a crash.

    What model is your computer?


  • drunky26
    drunky26 Member Posts: 686

    @CallMeSpidey It's not about Nurse, it's about the game itself.

    My pc is not the problem. It runs the game at high stable fps, I can show you my specs but it is not necessary.

    Also forgot to mention all the infinite loading screens.

    90% of the community is experiencing it.

  • TheBean
    TheBean Member Posts: 2,320
    edited May 2019

    Actually had a crash last night playing Billy on the Plagues maps.. right off my first M1 hit on little Nea.

    First time had a killer crash in a long time.

    Sucks I feel for ya.

  • BBQnDemogorgon
    BBQnDemogorgon Member Posts: 3,615

    I dunno about stopping content...

    I'm pretty damn excited to play Ghostface in a few weeks/next month...

    Stuff like that gets me way more hyped than bug fixes.

  • PunL
    PunL Member Posts: 136

    Game crashes can have multiple reasons and many are nothing you can blame on BHVR. Surely its frustrating, but this can happen in every other game there is.

    New content is important to keep the game alive, there are not just us "veterans" with 1000+ hours, there are mostly casuals out there and the need new content in order to come back regularly (i can link you a cool explanation from the devs of Path of Exile if you want).

    Sure DBD has some flaws, but overall the state of the game has improved massivly over the past 2 years that i play it.

  • drunky26
    drunky26 Member Posts: 686

    I understand all that.

    But what's the point of adding new stuff when the players are constantly experiencing crashes and infinite loading screens.

    That should be a priority, don't you think?

    And don't think I'm the only one.

    You can find tons of threads and even on steam discussions about this issue.

    Also how do you explain them adding MoM just after nerfing DS?

    What's with that ?

    Licensed character with a broken perk, of course a lot more people would buy it.

    It's a money grabbing tactic. This also is one of the many issues with the game.

  • Endorb
    Endorb Member Posts: 151

    IDK, i've had the game freeze twice during the double BP event but that's about it for all the probles so far this year for me. Some people just have that one graphics card or something that the game isn't optimized properly for because it's optimized for hte other one instead. Software/hardware interactions are a #########

  • GodDamn_Angela
    GodDamn_Angela Member Posts: 2,213
    edited May 2019

    @MegsAreEvil Never bring this up in these kinds of threads. These people are mad and think that all those who work at Behaviour work on all things. So they believe those creating content should stop doing that and get to coding and fixing bugs.

    In reality this is nonsense but people like this don't live in reality, only in a state of anger and frustration where everything needs to bend to their will.

  • moonlunn
    moonlunn Member Posts: 170

    A dev confirmed that the people working on cosmetics have nothing to do with the people fixing bugs so them not releasing and creating new content will not do anything more for bug fixes

  • CaptainCastle
    CaptainCastle Member Posts: 536

    People who beat this drum have no understanding of how software development and release cycling work.

    My company often delays new features in lieu of stabilization changes, despite them being driven by different teams. Prepping and releasing anything takes dev resources that could be spent working and developing the fixes. Lower environments being occupied with new content means they have to either create new environments or risk compatability errors.

    Considering this teams propensity for ######### up branch merging, they should absolutely back burner new content while they stabilize things.

  • AntiJelly
    AntiJelly Member Posts: 1,155

    In the last 6 months, I've had maybe 1 crash. Only a handful of infinite loading screens.

  • Watery
    Watery Member Posts: 1,167
    edited May 2019

    Content Release such as chapters or cosmetics are handled differently.

    Cosmetics belong to the art/design team, who’s job is to draw said cosmetics and other assets. Model Sculpting and Animation could be a tie to both, however, I believe the programmers are a different team themselves, and have their work cut out for them.

    Also consider BHVR doesn’t blow all their funds into one game; even looking at their previous works and current needs can help support this; they’re into mobile gaming.

    While I can understand where you’re coming from, the release of content is one of many things that keep this thing alive. They are currently trying to resolve the infinite loading bug; and usually, details of what the game’s script was doing up to that point is needed. Hence, I recommend if you’re on PC follow the directions from this forum post,

    Or report your bugs to the bug reports section if you’re on console. They are trying to resolve it, and they have acknowledged this issue which likely means it’s beinng actively worked on. I hate it just as much as you do, definetly: It can be kinda a bummer. But I think the current patch as it stands resolved other issues (such as the DC during loading screen). Not to mention how smooth the game has been running recently. I think the games health is being addressed as it stands, but, that’s just my opinion, which is completely open for interpretation and change.

    EDIT: TLDR: BHVR doesn’t only work on DBD, if new content was put on the back burner, the design/art team for this game would be out of a job and have to abandon what they’ve likely been working on for months.

  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    I feel you PREACH!!!

    I understand @TreemanXD maybe layoff some of those "content creators" and hire more for bug fixes since we have and constantly have so many issues?

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    @fcc2014 they’re currently hiring but it isn’t easy to find bug fixers in their area.

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    OP: did you send a crash report to them to see what caused it? so they can work with it? or did you just restart and go back to playing what ever game you wanted?

    Computers can screw up and be the best and most optimized by many things. a slight power surge (nothing to hurt the pc) can cause it to record a 1 instead of the 0 it should (how the data is stored) you could easily gotten borked data from your ISP causeing your game to crash. neither of these is BHVR's fault what so ever and that's only a small option that can cause this

  • May_Day_Panic
    May_Day_Panic Member Posts: 8

    I have been with DBD since launch, I've seen it's good and it's bad. In the past few months the bug for crashing came back on me hard core. I couldn't play a game without it crashing despite using all of the known 'remedies'.

    I was a new streamer and got a nice 30 followers in one month, most from DBD.

    I recently spent 170$ on computer parts to help with what would have been the issue on my end.

    And it keeps crashing, every other game. All brand new top of the line parts, and your game keeps crashing. But hey, this is just a 3 year old bug by now that has been a known issue and it keeps being ignored. But I sure do appreciate being able to look really cool for the two minutes I can play in a lobby. AND you are considering punishing people who DC.....yet you are a majority of the problem with the DCs on my end.

    Please, please for the love of all that is good in this world fix your game. We've been begging for years.

    I get that two different teams work on cosmetics and game mechanics/issues. I really, ralyl do. But the problem is that the cosmetics team is actually doing work, where as it's clear the other team isn't.

    Maybe people wouldn't have to post the same thread, over and over; and get the same sarcastic responses from you lot over and over if a bug that I say yet again is over THREE YEARS OLD would be fixed.

  • Jamez666
    Jamez666 Member Posts: 26

    It is funny because a game like Rainbow 6 Seige took a year/a year and a half off of their content roadmap to work on fixing bugs, glitches, and balance issues. I know BeHavior is very different from Ubisoft, but the overall playerbase was happy to have fixes prioritized over content because the game was better as a whole.

  • May_Day_Panic
    May_Day_Panic Member Posts: 8

    Well I understand that the game needs to make money to pay it's employees which includes making new content. Making new content isn't necessarily a bad thing even in this case. It's that there are problems that have been with the game since year one that they have yet to fix. Issues that break the game entirely and crash it. Not annoy bugs or minor fixes. But game breaking crashes.

    The fact of the matter is that at this point they don't care. There is no other explanation, or at the very least they haven't respected us enough to give us one. For something to have been in game this long, for them to know what is causing it and just not do anything about it, that is the only thing I can think of. They are more focused on making money than keeping players which will just bite them in the tail at the end of the day.

    I loved this game, part of me still does. From fanart, AMVS, streaming, cosplay you name it I've done it for this game. But at the end of the day it doesn't matter because as much as I care about this game they don't care about us.

  • Chordyceps
    Chordyceps Member Posts: 1,711

    I see what you're getting at, but I'm not sure I'm down for a dbd version of operation health.

  • T0xicTyler
    T0xicTyler Member Posts: 504

    My game almost never crashes. I'm loving all the new content along with the incremental improvements to the stability of the game.