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Gate Locations for the new End Game Collapse need a Rework.



  • Member Posts: 8,243


    Well, let's consider some other variables:

    • The last survivor will usually wait till they aren't in the killer's terror radius before walking to the exit gates because it's the most safe call.
    • Let's assume they take at least 1 second to start opening the exit gates after they are in the clear from the terror radius.

    If the survivor starts opening the gates whenever the Hag is 28.4 meters away (added 4.4 meters to her 24 meter terror radius to account for that extra second it takes to walk to the exit gates and start opening it), she will see the other gate from 16 meters in 9.9 seconds, assuming the gates spawned 88 meters from each other. Then she will comeback to see the gates opened at 16 meters in 12.7 seconds. The gates were already opened for 1.8 seconds because she made the trip to the second gate and back.

    This is acceptable because she didn't put a trap at the gates, which would had bought her 2-5 seconds worth of time. Huntress is a complete different story because her secondary terror radius is 40 meters which can cause survivors to be too safe.

  • Member Posts: 7,314

    Perhaps there can be a sort of system where gates have a specific distance they spawn for specific killers put in place.

  • Member Posts: 8,243


    That would work perfectly but again, that depends on the developers since it's their game.

  • Member Posts: 7,314

    I mean hey, they said on stream its all RNG so they can't do anything. But I feel they say that because they haven't actually considered that option yet.

    Maybe if they see this post they'll think about it, or if someone asks in their Q&A

  • Member Posts: 7,314

    Hopefully this post, or an echo of this post can get to BHVR's ears. Or not, we'll have to see.

  • Member Posts: 3,271

    So at his third chance at escaping, instead it being about their wit's, you want it to be about the coin toss if the first gate the killer checks is the one the sirvivor camped since the hstch opens?

    Wanting it mathematically inlikely for the killer being able to patrol the gates ONCE while the gate gets opened in one sitting... are you even thinking about this nonsense?

    Long live queen sally, her reign will be eternal. if those ideas go through.

  • Member Posts: 7,314
    edited May 2019

    I've patrolled gates that're not 24 meters away like in my scenario above, and 9 times out of 10 there's a view between the two (excluding Lery's and The Games, those are set Gate locations that're across the map every trial) and most of the time i'll know where the survivor is because I can physically SEE the red lights on the doors.

    Also explain how this is their "third chance of escaping" nobody likes to elaborate on that, if you're say in a team and everyone did their part but still died you're given a coin toss of you either finding the hatch first or the killer. Than after that you're given a 2nd chance to open either gate when the EGC starts. That's two chances, idk where a third came into this equation but someones not doing their math right.

    I'd rather a coin toss at the 2nd chance than a literal unfair end to the game where the killer could have a vantage point over both gates from a hill.

    Struggle all you want, the Entity wants sum of that survivor ass. I guess that's what survivors want for their End Game though, my bad looking out for y'all.

  • Member Posts: 4,570

    As I wrote in another thread, a gate spawning algorithm might be too complicated. Alternatively, the devs could create 5-6 different fixed gate spawn scenarios for each map of which one gets chosen randomly.

    To make it perfect, take into account the killer's speed at which he can't patrol the gates.

    Keep in mind that there are not only "unfair" gate spawns for survivors, there are also gates spawning on opposite sides of maps which are impossible to patrol for a killer.

    Gate spawn is not only an issue for the EGC when one survivor is left and the hatch closed. It's also an important issue for matches where several survivors are still alive when all gens are done. Gate spawn should not heavily put one side at advantage/disadvantage.

  • Member Posts: 7,314

    I'm sure if they actually put time and effort into this issue there would be a fair change for everyone.

    They've had like 3 years to think of something, if they can't do it in 3 years than I have no idea. (It depends if they even bothered to try and think of something)

  • Member Posts: 3,271

    First chance: "Do 5 generators, open a gate"

    Second chance: "Jump into the hatch"

    Third chance: "Open a gate, but with a time limit"

    This is just the current trial rules, not even accounting the "second chance/safety net"-perks"

    The EGC should be an undesireable situation.

  • Member Posts: 7,314

    So the EGC should be undesirable... Does that mean it should also be unfair in these scenarios I've presented?

  • Member Posts: 4,142

    Tried that. I was slugged and had to wait 4 minutes instead of just the 2. Better to hide and wait.

  • Member Posts: 1,371

    Sometimes the gates will be very far apart, some times they will be close yo each other. Deal with it

  • Member Posts: 7,314

    Also, I see that more often since I saw the EGC launch. I guess its a killers new way to BM survivors.

  • Member Posts: 3,293

    Exit gates spawns are wonky and yes, they might need to be adjusted. However there are more pressing concerns the devs need to be worried about right now.

    Not saying you don't have a point. I just can't see this happening anytime soon considering how many issues this game has.

  • Member Posts: 7,314

    Well of course, there is a sea of issues that need to be addressed before mine. So i'm not really here to change minds and hearts in an instant, its just to keep things in mind ya know?

  • Member Posts: 3,293

    Understandable. You wouldn't believe how many people demanded changes and demanded them instantly in these forums.

  • Member Posts: 7,314

    It how it be sometimes, people expect change in an instant. When it doesn't come they lash out at BHVR and others, so this is where most of them vent.

    I understand their frustration but it is misguided.

  • Member Posts: 3,293
  • Member Posts: 7,314

    Someone has to I guess, especially on these forums.

  • Member Posts: 1,423

    If gates are made to be on opposite sides of the map then closing the hatch would be a bad idea for most killers who don't have mobility. You'd be basically giving the survivor a 50% chance at survival since gates take 20 seconds and getting to both gates in 20 seconds after closing the hatch wouldn't be possible for most killers. Killers would just end up waiting by the hatch until the person runs into them or gives away their location.

    For a third chance after failing I don't think it should be that easy to escape. You fail the objective and you get a second chance with the hatch, You fail to get this second chance and are given a third chance. I think leaving it up to RNG is perfectly fine.

    This way you have games where survivor sided and some where it's killer. I've seen it done multiple times since the update a survivor waits by the gate, hatch is closed and the gates are open and the survivor is gone before the killer can even get to the gate.

  • Member Posts: 7,314

    Idk, giving us killers a chance at looking at both gates from a hill seems pretty unfair to me...

    Same with the problem with the gates being too far for killers. Maybe if one of the suggested systems were in place it would be left up to a coin toss with some stealth and skill involved?

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