Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

Why do you keep ignoring MoM discussions?

drunky26 Member Posts: 686

You added a broken and unfair perk just after nerfing one a month earlier.

We would like to see what you (devs) have to say about all this.



  • senjuhash
    senjuhash Member Posts: 5

    Yeah you're right. The developers coddle baby killers so they give you an extra chance even when you've lost (all 5 generators done). If they do 5 generators they outplayed you simple as. So if MoM activates end game it isn't a problem. They deserve it.

  • senjuhash
    senjuhash Member Posts: 5

    Well it does make sense to be honest. I've been downed unfairly before because of the broken hitboxes. If I don't have a second chance perk how could I rebel against this injustice?

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897
  • Arroz
    Arroz Member Posts: 1,433

    Just like the old ds thread and legacy one

    there are like 1000 of them and devs are not gonna response those

  • MistressChara
    MistressChara Member Posts: 112


    When MoM first came out they responded to threads about it, and when The EGC launched they said they were gonna take a second look at it that may or may not result in a change. So they aren't ignoring discussions so much as everything that's been said has been said and they already decided to take a look at it.

    HURRI_KAIN Member Posts: 358

    I bought Ash, for get this,... ASH. I didn't buy it for a one time DH with prerequisites AND penalties. MoM is not a problem stop whining. I only used it for adept Ash, don't even use it now.

  • SlinkyJinky
    SlinkyJinky Member Posts: 371
    edited May 2019

    MoM is no more "broken" or "unfair" than BBQC is. It can be countered in a very similar way.

    People who say "MoM has no counter" are blatantly ignoring the undeniable fact that it can very simply be countered by downing them without letting them escape to heal. AND THAT'S IT!

    The only real problem with MoM is Killers who cant do that ^ I mean come on people, hit them and don't let them escape to heal. It's how MoM works, they get hit, they escape (and in doing so EARN one MoM pip) they heal and repeat the process twice more to activate it so that the next time they're hit they have 1 more hit to down (which is also countered by just continuing the chase and hitting them again)

    Anything after that is just general Killer house keeping.

    First stage in the denial (or counter) of MoM:

    • Down them by hitting them twice (or once if your a M2 Killer) without letting them escape to heal

    Second stage in the denial (or counter) of MoM: General Killer House Keeping:

    • Hook them and don't let them get rescued
    • Don't let body blockers deny your hook
    • If you cant make it to the hook, drop them and make it un-safe for any rescue attempts by patrolling the area
    • Once sacrificed you've fully denied the 3 escapes to mend survivors are required to earn before getting their reward of 1 EXTRA HIT

    Once they activate MoM and get their extra hit which again they EARNED by escaping your grasp to heal three times that's it! they can't mend again or their totally screwed by the 100% permanent aura reading debuff that makes them visible to the Killer till the Killer decides to go put them on a hook.

    At that point the process resets and again all you have to do if they're rescued from the hook is don't let them escape and mend so they don't earn the first of 3 pips.

    If the Survivor is god level proactive stealth skills they can use MoM a lot more than the 2 possible times it can be activated in a match. I've never been able to get it to work more than once in a match without dying so really in that respect DH is SO much more OP than MoM ever was.

  • SlinkyJinky
    SlinkyJinky Member Posts: 371

    @cetruzzo Shrine of secrets

    The only things ever behind a pay which people may consider to be pay to win wall are things that can't be earned in the Shrine of Secrets such as:

    • Myres 1 shot down
    • Bubba's 1 shot down
    • Freddies Pay 2 Lose Dream Demon
    • Pig Stealth / Reverse Bear Trap

  • Madjura
    Madjura Member Posts: 2,502

    You should emphasize the Dead Hard comparison more, because it is literally just a much worse Dead Hard

    Otherwise excellent post

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669
    edited May 2019


    oh ma god how could i not think of that?

    its so super simple!

    alright, in order to counter them i will just be invisible afk in a corner for the rest of the games i play! (now watch the "invisible wraith in corner ruins game" threats xD)

    (lul accidentally gave the wrong person a message xD)

    Post edited by Mister_xD on
  • fernando2590
    fernando2590 Member Posts: 33

    I am a main killer sincerely MoM when there is one or two survivors is not a problem if you play strategically sometimes lost games without MoM but with repair skills as you put tests and tactical players and won games with 2 or 3 MoM not camping with players who do not have a game plan, excuse me inglish, I'm from Latin America

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    Most MoM threads aren’t constructive and most ideas to nerf it would destroy it.

    If you don’t like MoM then give ideas on how to nerf it.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    @SnakeSound222 I’ve read most of the ideas and they’d just destroy it. Funny you mention crutches and act like only survivors have them.

  • SlinkyJinky
    SlinkyJinky Member Posts: 371
    edited May 2019

    @Unnamed_Freak BBQC has 2, Hide behind a Gen / Hook's aura or hide in a locker

    @Sairek Well yeah escaping and mending after the hit is the optimal use of MoM, it's how you truly earn the full potential of the perk. I mean sure you can get hit twice, get downed, hooked, rescued then get hit a 3rd time, downed and hooked again (at which time the Killer had two chances to ensure you stayed hooked) and then rescued again so that the next time your hit during the inevitable tunnel it activates but your not really getting much out of it. I much prefer the escape & mend x3 method which requires by far the most skill rather than just derping your way to a hook repeatedly. But you surely knew all that.

    Again what it all really boils down to is, hit them twice, don't let them escape to mend, hook them, don't let them get rescued and you've denied (or countered) MoM's 3rd pre activation pip.

  • Mr_Black
    Mr_Black Member Posts: 93

    MoM is balanced because it gives one free extra hit after getting hit thrice... This means you'll have already been hooked once... So, 2 hits, downed, hooked, 1 hit, injured, 1 hit, MoM, 1 hit, down, hooked twice, 2 hits, downed... Someone can only use MoM twice if the can chase... Not to mention the disadvantageous aura read when you heal... MoM is fine as it is... It's like Dead Hard for people who can't use DH... Stop complaining...

  • Mr_Black
    Mr_Black Member Posts: 93

    Oh no, hitting someone one extra time, such a burden... They literally ruined Legion... Could've at least made it so a whiff drains the gauge by like 40% or something... MoM is fine, look at pig ffs!

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  • SlinkyJinky
    SlinkyJinky Member Posts: 371


    ^This is literally the answer to every MoM complaint.

    Hit them twice without letting them escape to mend and their down for the hook. Don't let them get rescued and you've just denied MoM

    If a Killer can't do that then their probably brown ranks.

  • KillermainBTWm8
    KillermainBTWm8 Member Posts: 4,212

    @SnakeSound222 I would like a list of these suggestions please, as I have not seen them due to the headache of how these threads are made every single day so I start ignoring them.

  • GenSim12345
    GenSim12345 Member Posts: 182

    MoM would get a lot less complaints, if it actually just activated on 2 hits instead of three. Theres plenty of perks to help extend or escape the chase, MoM seems to just synergize better with second chance perks, if it activated on less hits it would prob activated really early (1-3 gens)

    As it is now. Seeing MoM is just clear sign your better off breaking chase and heading to someone else, or if your a dick like me just have insidious and just camp them for the salt since they couldn't use it XD

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  • Crythor
    Crythor Member Posts: 296

    I would even be ok with no aura reading at all in with that changes as long as it can still only be used once.

  • Meme
    Meme Member Posts: 275

    Oh silly me. Thank you for telling me how to play. Guess it is time to start camping so they don't make it to the end game.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    What if we make it so the activation requirement really IS to heal?

    For example:

    After you are healed 4/3/2 times the perk activates

    Once activated the next time you would be put into the dying state from the injured state is negated

    or for a more versatile but less reliable perk:

    Other survivors heal you 30/40/50% faster

    After you are healed 3 times the perk activates

    Once activated the next time you would be put into the dying state from the injured state is negated. This can only activate once per trial.

    The first one would be essentially the same thing but it activates faster and doesn't have the aura reading downside BUT it requires you to actually win chases in order to activate it.

    The second one is a counter to the anti-heal meta with a need secondary effect if it's used enough. Again requiring you to win chases, but since healing 3 times in a single game is rare you would be taking it mostly for the speed increase aspect of it.

  • CallMeRusty420
    CallMeRusty420 Member Posts: 615

    The devs have probably seen a lot of the concerns with the perk and are more than likely working on a fix. These things take time and even though I'm a Trapper main, I refuse to let MoM ruin the game for me. I just play and enjoy the game out of every chase and encounter and interaction I get. I've thought of a possible trade off for MoM to make it balanced and here's my suggestion for anyone interested.

    MoM still works the way it currently does which saves your skin for a 3rd hit but you are put into the broken state for at least 30 seconds so that way you wouldn't be able to heal until after the broken effect runs out which in turn would buy the Killer a little more time overall while the survivor still gets the initial effect.

  • GenSim12345
    GenSim12345 Member Posts: 182

    MoMs main problem is how late into the game it can activate, as far as i can tell at least. If it took less hits to activate then chances of it activating at say 1 gen left would probably be lessened depending on the skill of the killer and what killer used, thats my logic of balancing the perk. One that isn't just "lol, use exposed perks, or these killers that you don't like/have" to counter MoM.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,434

    I play both sides, but am I the only one that just hadn't had a problem with this perk?

    I mean I play Wraith (probably one of the most affected killers in game) and I always seem to down them right after they use it. The chases are a bit longer, but sometimes I notice in post match chat that while looking at the survivor's perks, they didn't even get to use it.