Do you gg if you die?

CronaWins Member Posts: 650
edited May 2019 in General Discussions

I am finding that survivors only give out a gg when you give them hatch or they escape.

I don't get a gg if i win as killer, even though i always give a gg win or lose on either side.

What every happened to good sportsmanship? Are survivors really that salty when they die?

Are you one of these players?



  • TheGameZpro3
    TheGameZpro3 Member Posts: 699

    As someone who is on console, I make sure I tell them GG in private chat. (Unless they camp or tunnel, then I put out one of these bad bois 🤮)

  • Ember_Hunter
    Ember_Hunter Member Posts: 1,693

    I always say gg, and I am a weirdo and generally stay behind and spectate the games if I die early. I only say no gg if the killer camped and had an annoying logic at the end, or a survivor ruined my game experience for me. Sometimes, I will say "gg to survivors except___" so I can at least appreciate the killer (If you camping or jerk) or my other good survivors.

  • fluffybunny
    fluffybunny Member Posts: 2,161
    edited May 2019

    If I'm camped, tunneled or BMed in anyway, I sometimes won't give GG. I'm also that person who'll die first and spectate to see how the match plays out and to say gg, though.

    EDIT: It's all luck whether you get poor sports or not. Some games I'll get people staying behind to berate me and some games I get compliments or thanks. Really depends.

  • T0xicTyler
    T0xicTyler Member Posts: 504

    I give a gg if I live or die unless the Killer or my teammates were being dicks.

  • DocOctober
    DocOctober Member Posts: 2,230

    gg is very rarely used to indicate that you enjoyed a well-played, fair game. Most people use it when they demolished the other side, so I don't bother at all with it.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,089

    Usually always, except when I am pissed (either by the Killer or other Survivors), then I will just leave. Otherwise I stay in nearly all games until the end to say "gg".

  • SlinkyJinky
    SlinkyJinky Member Posts: 371

    gg instead of qq causes physical pain and suffering to trolls. The most delicious type of pain.

  • Chi
    Chi Member Posts: 780

    Depends on how the killer played.

    If they tunnelled and camped everyone, then either they get nothing or a toxic comment.

    If not, and I die I give a gg wp.

  • nooxet
    nooxet Member Posts: 88

    I noticed lower ranks usually type gg, but when I play higher rank with killer it's usually nothing or survivors complaining about something, or just being plain toxic.

  • TessaTheDeath
    TessaTheDeath Member Posts: 48

    I always gg. The only exception is when I was camped.

  • SunderMun
    SunderMun Member Posts: 2,789

    If I felt like it was an earned kill (ie, i wasn't farmed or tunneled off the hook) I'll always gg if I'm still around.

    That said, most killers won't say gg unless they get a 4k, even though most of the time in my games the survivors on my team aren't toxic.

    I'll almost always gg as killer, even when the survivors are toxic so that I don't get a rise out of those #########.

  • Spicybarbecue
    Spicybarbecue Member Posts: 183
    edited May 2019

    I never gg, gg is used as a bm in most cases. ppl generally only say it when they win in order to rub it in the face of the losing player/players.

  • holywhitetrash
    holywhitetrash Member Posts: 289

    it depends how i feel at the end but i usually gg

    although if i die and the game doesn't seem close to done then i just leave

  • TrueKn1ghtmar3
    TrueKn1ghtmar3 Member Posts: 1,143

    Lol console here but I will gg all who weren't toxic and if they have their message settings open

  • basicpitch
    basicpitch Member Posts: 101

    I always gg. Regardless if i'm playing killer or survivor and how the game went.

    Some of my favorite killer/survivor replies.

    "was it? was it really?"


    "u sucked"

    "get bent" <-- a classic imho

    "U people sucked, that was too easy"

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    I always say GG except when I judge it'll be perceived as trolling.

  • drunky26
    drunky26 Member Posts: 686

    Only time I won't say gg is when the killer was camping and tunneling the whole game or simply being toxic.

    After all, gg stands for "good game"

  • MojoTheFabulous
    MojoTheFabulous Member Posts: 2,015

    I do it almost all the time but mostly because it's just a polite thing to do.

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321

    Maybe I'm just lucky but I had many survivors message me gg recently even though I 4k most of the time. Perhaps it's because I meme a lot and give survivors a chance if I notice they're not doing too hot.

  • feechima
    feechima Member Posts: 906

    I gg win or lose.

  • Shivadeathkiss
    Shivadeathkiss Member Posts: 94

    I gg win or lose. And I compliment the killer or survivors if the match has some awesome hits or escapes. Especially if a killer moves me to a non grassy area before they mori me, so I can see it clearly. I gg because its a fun game when people aren't mucking it up.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    Why wouldn't you? Especially if they gave you the courtesy of more than 1 hook.

  • BillyIII
    BillyIII Member Posts: 365

    Me dying usually means that the killer was a camping and tunneling slimebag. Probably used bamboozle, enduring and other cheats too. So no, I don't give "gg" to cheaters.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    Yes most of the time. The only time I don't send someone a GG is if I have them blocked from previous toxicity.

  • darktrix
    darktrix Member Posts: 1,790

    The difference between winning in games like this compared to real life is there is no real world repercussions for using foul tactics. In real life it's not only winning, but how you win. If you don't get gg after games, maybe you need to think if you did anything sportsmanlike in the first place to deserve it. That and they probably just kissed 5k blood points goodbye along with diminished chance at a pip, so they're probably busy licking their wounds and likely moved on to the next game before the endgame even finished.

  • Boosted_Dwight
    Boosted_Dwight Member Posts: 3,059

    I give ggs if the killer did something impressive or was a very fun killer to play with then I'll send a gg. I play on Ps4 but if I was on Pc I would gg almost every game.

  • MomoMoon
    MomoMoon Member Posts: 40

    if it was a good game, yeah

    i mostly "ggwp" some games i have are full on camping so i don't gg i just leave but most of the games are fun and good games, i deserved to die which i did so its a gg

  • LCGaster
    LCGaster Member Posts: 3,154

    I play on PS4, so I only do it if the killer was really good or fun to go against

  • Toxicity23
    Toxicity23 Member Posts: 387

    Sometimes. Depends on my mood. In the end, I realize that we all get Bloodpoints in the end. It gets annoying when you're an inch away from escaping, but you fail in the smallest way possible, that gets you hooked. But nonetheless.

  • Mc_Harty
    Mc_Harty Member Posts: 3,293

    Sure if the game ends immediately.

    I typically don't stick around if the match is still going. Rather get into a new lobby.

  • xmenfanatic
    xmenfanatic Member Posts: 816

    If I think the game was fun

  • OMagic_ManO
    OMagic_ManO Member Posts: 3,278

    Hard to GG on console but when I can, I do.

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,019

    I always give out a GG

  • basicpitch
    basicpitch Member Posts: 101

    I play both. I have more survivors to 50 than I do killers. But either way, using the perks for either side isn't a cheat.

    Cheating is hacking, deliberately holding a survivor hostage in the basement so they can't get out. Giving yourself unlimited items, being able to deliberately see through -clearly- with 3rd party addons, so that you know where the killer/survivors are.

    Saying that using a perk is cheating, is like saying people who extreme coupon are cheaters and are stealing from the store. Its when you use the perks knowing that they're having issues and BHVR has said not to use them. then THAT is using perks AND cheating.

  • basicpitch
    basicpitch Member Posts: 101

    I play both. I have more survivors to 50 than I do killers. But either way, using the perks for either side isn't a cheat.

    Cheating is hacking, deliberately holding a survivor hostage in the basement so they can't get out. Giving yourself unlimited items, being able to deliberately see through -clearly- with 3rd party addons, so that you know where the killer/survivors are.

    Saying that using a perk is cheating, is like saying people who extreme coupon are cheaters and are stealing from the store. Its when you use the perks knowing that they're having issues and BHVR has said not to use them

  • basicpitch
    basicpitch Member Posts: 101

    deleted due to duplicate posting

  • Mushwin
    Mushwin Member Posts: 4,583

    If i have a good game i do say a GG to killers...but if they have done not so good or not a good game i don't because that is insulting the killer....and saying gg when it hasn't been is not good...if i die and it hass been a gg i do....other wise no

  • dnj510
    dnj510 Member Posts: 438

    From either side, I only say GG if I was outplayed or if they did a good job. But not often because I sometimes don't feel like it.

  • invira_zero
    invira_zero Member Posts: 229

    Almost always do that.

    Its more formal, than a real callout about the game.

  • Caz2018
    Caz2018 Member Posts: 193

    If I had a good game, I rate the match and give a thumbs up to the players involved.