Sprint burst

I know this perk gives no problems to people, though I find its inconvenience that you have to walk all the time to hold your Sprint burst, waiting for Killer to get close to start to Sprint.
I like to have this perk has a secondary button, hit a button while running will trigger the perk. That way will give survivor freely to control this perk.
Or make it like Lithe, only active when in chased.
Yeah it can be annoying, especially since I'm used to running lightweight. I don't think this will happen though, as it would conflict with other perks potentially. I reccomend running urban evasion to offset not being able to run as survivor
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Hell, no. Making kekburst activatable at will would kill the one and only downside it has.
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It would be like before the exhaustion nerf, making chases take ages. It's fine as it is.
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Hell no.
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I mean... I want that, but I dont... it would get rid of the only downside, but you can sprint normally without activating it... maybe they can make it activate after you get hit? Raise the exhaustion time for it by a lot... idk.... its fine as it is, you just have to get used to it... if you are always walking because of it, use urban evasion too so you can be stealthier while you "walk" (cause you go the same speed while you crouch walk).. idk
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It's pronounced SPRINTO BURSTO with a heavy Japanese accent, and you have to say that every time it activates or it doesn't count.
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No. That would make it better than Dead Hard.
Also you don't HAVE to walk everywhere just make sure the killer is on someone else and sprint to a gen!
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If you walk around everywhere to save it, you're just wasting valuable time. Just run at your own free will! Tier 3 recharges so quickly anyway. I pair it with poised and it works amazingly. I find that being able to sprint burst after getting unhooked is much more helpful than any other exhaustion perk out there.
Having Sprint Burst activate as a secondary action would make ALL of the other exhaustion perks pointless. Also, Lithe doesn't have a chase requirement anymore.
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I don't think it should be active only when chased because sometimes I use it when a killer is camping. I'll hide behind something and as soon as I see them look the other way or walk to patrol the area, I sprint burst over to the hook, grab them off and take the agro then run away.
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No, it's an alternative to lithe and both have downsides for a reason, with SB you can activate it at any time (given no exhaustion) without needing map knowledge/awareness. It's also good when you need to cross the map fast e.g. as above you see the killer in another chase to do an unhook then lead tracks away etc so just in a chase...not a fan. It's fine as is, plus I get more use out of lithe bc now I don't have to be in a chase to activate it and I don't have to walk around as you mentioned.
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Use Dead Hard or balanced or Lithe sprint burst is an awful choice but it doesn't need changes.