The D/C plague is still VERY real. We need a fix.

I posted my idea for a fix about a month back, I think it is time we revisit it and try and drum up more support for it.
It needs to be two pronged Carrot and Stick style.
For the rewards; Nothing for 20, after that 10,000bp and/or 50 shards x 1 for Brown ranks, x 2 yellow rank, x 3 green rank, x 4 purple rank, x 5 red rank, x 6 rank 1. Using this math just using blood points is the same as a mori dallies. I understand that seems very small but most folks lizard brain will kick in and want to tough out the bad matches more knowing there is a reward waiting at the end of the session (This has the added effect of adding player retention if the shards are offered.)
For the punishment; Once you d/c twice mid match in a 1 hour period you'll be blocked from the que for 5 minutes and be marked for an hour after. D/C again during the hour be locked out of que for 30 minutes and reset the mark to one hour. D/C once more and get blocked from que for and hour and reset your mark. Then just loop it at that time until they go an hour with out d/cing mid match
Most DC's I see happen after a killer camps and then immediately tunnels the unhooked survivor. How about fixing this core issue?
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There's a DC in at least 75% of my games on their first down, not after camping/tunneling or w/e. Definitely a serious issue.
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@Nos37 I see more often someone raging after being caught first or being dumb.
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Sorry Nos37 but I can't trust that there is legit campers or tunnelers in your game. Even if there was that isn't a reason to D/C. Your point is moot as I am fixing the core issue.
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The first half of your suggestion is whatever, I guess you could implement that and maybe it would work, seems fine
For the second one: Blocking people out of queue for 5 minutes is NOT enough
It should be MINIMUM an hour. If you have a legitimate reason to disconnect (for example, something is on fire) then the situation is unlikely to be resolved in 5 minutes. Make disconnecting hurt by having the minimum be high enough for people to care
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I've felt the pain of the rare spotty internet before. I've been banned from other games cause my laptop started to act out suddenly and shut down one to many times. I like the start of it being a slap on the wrist. But maybe you're right. The first should be a ten or fifteen minute lock out.
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Correct. If your internet / laptop are bad enough that you consistently get the lockout it shouldn't be an hour ban
It should be permanent, if you are consistently ruining the game for four other people because your internet or laptop are garbage then go play singleplayer games. Alternatively you can get it fixed so you are not getting banned for ruining other people's game constantly
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I have to STRONGLY disagree, Most people would get the clue after the 30 minute ban and would wait to get things fixed. You're asking for a nuke choice for something that is out of hand of people.