Survivors DCing a Lot

This last week I've been running into A LOT of survivors who either DC on the first down or just commit suicide and screw over their team mates. (while playing as fair as possible and not using a killer like legion.) What's going on?


  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,977

    Well today, several matches I've been in where people just randomly dc'ed. They were not being chased or on the hook or anything. Just dc out of the blue. Then it happened to my friends and I where we just got kicked out in the middle of a match.

    Happened to some killers, too. Killers who were doing well. We messaged them and they said they got booted. I'm on PS4. Anyone else been experiencing this today?

  • ba_tetsuo
    ba_tetsuo Member Posts: 330

    95% of my DCs have been right as I down them for the 3rd time, or right after I mind game someone into an instadown


  • Tzeentchling9
    Tzeentchling9 Member Posts: 1,796

    There are some bugs going around that unintentionally DC people occasionally. It's pretty obvious when that happens though. The player won't just stop like they brought up the ESC menu, they will running or performing an action. Also the gong sound doesn't play when they leave.

    However, there are a lot of Survivors who instantly DC on purpose when the match isn't going their way(first down, hit them again when they run toward you after getting unhooked, they get their dumbasses blocked and downed, etc.) because there is no punishment for it.