LobbyMaking System


I really want to have a good LobbyMaking system, let me explain..

I was Rank 14 playing with my friends rank 13 and 18 we were playing together online and we fall on a killer who was rank 4 "Really?" sometimes killers had Higher rank and were Prestige 1 or 2 so you should make a good matchmaking which choose a good lobby for you with a equivalent killer not a higher ranked killer,

Thank you,


  • LastShoe
    LastShoe Member Posts: 1,183
    edited May 2019

    "a higher ranked killer,"?!


    But pack to the topic:

    Matchmaking system in this game s*cks and is overall bad... but when changed to better adjust players the matchmaking will... let me say it straight, you will have to wait at least one eternity before you will find a game on certain ranks.

  • kabarekabal
    kabarekabal Member Posts: 57
    edited May 2019

    DBD is an old game (from 2016), the amount of players is not as big as it used to be, so additionally filtering out lobbies for players is just gonna cause longer wait times.

    Neither CS, nor other games restrict by "rank", but rather by ping.

    DBD should do the same, open the ranks and only restrict by ping (which btw needs re-work, too often players join lobbies having high pings).

    In other words, the game is old, rank filtering is no longer necessary.

    Perhaps, soft preferring mode should be in the game, but not a strict one. Like if there are currently 2 players are looking for a game, only the one with a better rank will join the killer's game (based on the killer's rank).

  • HateMe
    HateMe Member Posts: 31

    Oh yeah I see,

    Yeah it's true If there were a ranked system the waiting will be longer :/ But yeah Ping system will be better