Survivors have it so easy



    JESUS_CHRIST Member Posts: 313

    Once I got to around 8 after rank reset it was mostly SWF teams all running the same second chance perks making it pretty difficult having to hit everyone so many extra times. On top of getting blinded, body blocked and having my hooks sabotaged.

    I was playing a pretty even amount on both sides for a minute too and I found it a lot easier to pip as a survivor and I'm not even that good as a survivor. Monto said it's definitely easier to rank up as a survivor too in one of his recent videos so I know I'm not just crazy in thinking that, although I am crazy. Getting BP-s is easier as a killer but pipping is easier as a survivor. I think both should be evened out a bit. Although I don't know how that could ever happen without removing SWF from the standard ranking system in some way. Maybe they could get a separate rank for games played in solo and SWF or something but IDK really.

    To the person that started their post about things in the killers favor with Yamaoka Estate I just gotta say no. That is worse than the corn maps when you have people playing stealthy. I spend most of the game running through bushes hoping that I can tell that I bumped into somebody. With my boy Trapper I can usually do some damage though. Really maps are situational with killers and perks and can go both ways. The last time I played a team of blendettes they burned an offering for that map and it wasn't so I'd have a good time. Further solidified by the fact that they all DC-ed after I finally got them on their third hook.

  • noneofyourbusiness
    noneofyourbusiness Member Posts: 532

    No they, aren't easy...

    ...and this is my opinion as kiler main

  • prayer_survivor
    prayer_survivor Member Posts: 626

    At low ranks is worst. B&C kill more people than all killers together

  • Mister_Holdout
    Mister_Holdout Member Posts: 3,144

    I'm not wrong.

    Good Survivors > Good Killer. That's just how it is. DbD favors survivors in most scenarios. Rank doesn't matter, because those SWF kill squads could be at any rank. The only killer capable of going toe to toe with skilled survivors is Nurse. And that's because Nurse isn't handicapped nearly as much by bad map design as other killers.

  • prayer_survivor
    prayer_survivor Member Posts: 626

    I've been playing this game for a long time, so I'm very good as killer, but I don't kill anyone so I'm at low ranks. I can tell you I don't need weapons, I can make 4k only using slaps.

  • BloodyNights
    BloodyNights Member Posts: 526
    edited June 2019

    For me I'd say it's pretty even. As killer I do not get Death squads every single friggin game. That's a minority for sure, and those types generally have super altruistic survivors. Usually if you down someone you can walk around for a bit a get another smack for the ones going for a flash light save/waiting to save as soon as you turn your back.

    Are there crappy games were you get gen rushed, and before you know it they already got it down to one gen. Sure it happens to the best of us. But that isn't the majority. Majority for me is around 3 kills a game. I almost never get 0 kills. Currently I play Myers as my main, with The Legion on the side. Ghostface is certainly getting added to my arsenal.

    As survivor you can certainly have relaxing games, heck I've had games were the killer never saw me once, I just did gens, and left. It was boring. But then I've had games were a survivor has bond on, and brings tier 3 myers my direction so I don't have time to get away, get downed and get camped until I die and that's GG. Or survivors who disconnect because they don't like the map, or the killer is rocking some op add-ons/Ebony Moris, and it instantly becomes a hatch game.

    Not every game on either side is always a cake walk, and it feels balanced on both sides to me. Git Gud never applied so hard right now imo.

    Post edited by BloodyNights on
  • FeelsVeryBadMan
    FeelsVeryBadMan Member Posts: 197
    edited June 2019


    I think people just love to over-exaggerate about everything to compensate for their lack of skill on these forums.

  • Mochan
    Mochan Member Posts: 2,886
    edited June 2019

    Except there aren't that many good survivors and there are a lot of good killers.

    While the first part of your argument, "Good survivors > Good killer" may or may not be correct (debatable) the second part of your argument "DbD favors survivors in most scenarios" is clearly wrong, and the actual stats of the game straight from BHVR (survival rate) prove it.

    And it takes a full team of very good survivors to really make your argument correct. That's not something you see in most of the matches playing this game. The vast majority of players are not in the red ranks doing 4-man SWF, the vast majority of players are potato survivors in green and yellow in 2-man SWF at best, where killers are at the very least on even footing with survivors, and if anything the stats suggest Killers have a slight advantage.

    Sure, there could be 4-man bully squads in the lower ranks, but they are far from the norm and are exceedingly rare, once again putting a cog into your argument "DBD favors survivors in most scenarios."

  • TrueKn1ghtmar3
    TrueKn1ghtmar3 Member Posts: 1,143

    And almost all second chance perks are pay go get half the time too

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    My nurse doesn’t think they have it easy. ;)

  • Mister_Holdout
    Mister_Holdout Member Posts: 3,144


    I'm referring to hypothetical match ups. The higher potential of survivors vs the higher potential of killers.

    And in most cases, survivors can reliably defeat most killer setups. There are exceptions however. 3+ blink Nurse, insta saw Billy, iridescent Huntress, prayer beads Spirit, ect.

    As killer, you never know who you're going to get matched with. You might get unlucky and be matched with a good survivor team. Guess what? Unless you're playing Nurse, that match will likely result in a loss.

    I can give you specific examples of this happening, but I'm assuming you get the idea.

    Survivors have the tools to beat most killers. That's my point.

  • Mochan
    Mochan Member Posts: 2,886
    edited June 2019

    If it's hypothetical, then it isn't reality, so survivors DON'T have it easy.

    It's not in most cases. It's HYPOTHETICAL.

  • Kabu
    Kabu Member Posts: 926

    @Mochan What do you mean? Hypothetical does not mean it can't be based on reality. @Mister_Holdout even stated he could give examples which most other players who've gone into red killer ranks could share.

  • tehshadowman33
    tehshadowman33 Member Posts: 939

    As a killer main with 3,000+ hours, I haven't really used Nurse's Calling in ages.

    It's pretty much a dead perk when there's one or two generators left because everyone and their grandmother runs Adrenaline now.

    Survivors also aren't stupid enough to heal inside your terror radius, so unless you're playing Nurse/Myers/Spirit/Huntress/MAYBE pig/MAYBE Hillbilly/MAYBE tiny-terror-radius Doctor it's pretty much not worth picking, and even if you do take it over another perk, you're going to be almost forced to ALSO take Monitor and Abuse.

    Nurse's Calling is, I find, only to be a staple perk on Nurse herself because you get the most value from it going off and revealing a survivor's aura... Even if it only happens to be useful once or twice in a match where you play Nurse, it practically guarantees you'll get a confirmed hit unless you happen to suck with Nurse blinks.

  • ghostkiller666
    ghostkiller666 Member Posts: 85

    I think its nice that survivors have those great addons, and i think that should be more easy to get them (that's why i suggested a black market but none gave a #########), but killers are too weak, most of the games you need to tunnel someone before them gen rush you (generators are already fixed and balanced, there's no logical reason to change them) or the match get out of control, because normally what i face is: I hook one time, maybe tunnel deppending on the team, but after i hook (the same guy) for 2x in a row, and I let him escape on the last hook chance, normally, i don't ever see that survivor again lol, they normally don't do hook rescue or gens, because they simply vanish letting the hard work to the others.

    I mean, the killer is a victim because they have to abuse to get some vantage in the game. Tell me, horror movies normally (the classic ones) is about the killer who have all the vantage, but in somehow one or 2 person survive(s). The exeption i remember was the last movie from Halloween that Laurie is hardcore and set her own house to a trap place. But anyway, i didn't like that movie, the thing is about the killing, the killer must be more powerfull and have control but he should fail more easily. thats the solution. dont ask me for details

  • darktrix
    darktrix Member Posts: 1,790
  • TrueKn1ghtmar3
    TrueKn1ghtmar3 Member Posts: 1,143

    Lol sometimes there are no kills can we play victim then? I blame SWF XD

  • WildDovami
    WildDovami Member Posts: 56

    I mean, are you saying that because you can't get all 4 survivors or 1 survivor? You will rarely get all 4 unless you're a beast, but if there wasn't a chance of winning, you wouldn't have anybody to kill because nobody would play.