Help on getting more Adept killer achievements

To date I only got Leatherface done. I am still working on his chainsaw achievement. Which is the final achievement related to him I need to do.

I actually came here because I been trying often. I really want to get some Adept killer achievements. I am getting closer with some of them like The Legion & The Clown.

I already gotten all Adept survivor achievements so far. It took a lot of hours to do that. But it is also much easier than this.

I would love to hear strategies, methods or advice in general. How can I get another Adept killer achievement? I am well aware you need to use the original three perks.


  • StopDropPANIC
    StopDropPANIC Member Posts: 33

    Due to the pipping requirements, they are easier in grey-green ranks. The main problem is survivors are very quick to DC these days so emblems can be a struggle. You might want to wait until the developers can start doing something about it when they launch the dedicated servers. Otherwise just stick to the lower ranks, bring your best addons (not insta-downs or they will likely DC) and hope the survivors aren't too quit-happy.

  • 53nation
    53nation Member Posts: 681

    I was planning on attempting adept hag, clown and meyers this weekend.

    After reset i am in the grey ranks.. i was gonna bring a pink mori for hag and try that 2-3 times. Hopefully that won't bust the requirements.

    My only advice is to try and keep swf to 2 ppl and have a really good game (or 3).

  • TwistedSegaGamer
    TwistedSegaGamer Member Posts: 109

    Great advice and may I give you advice for Adept Clown since I got that this morning. Make sure you throw bottles to throw off survivors. I found sometimes it does drug them but you could also avoid getting pallets drop on you too. A survivor in that match quit too. I hope this helps you out man I love The Clown. Speaking of him, I just got his one achievement left.

  • 53nation
    53nation Member Posts: 681


    Haha im so bad aiming these bottles, im all for using them for mindgames.

    I keep getting the intoxicate/hit daily, so I'll knock that out then IT'S ON!

  • TwistedSegaGamer
    TwistedSegaGamer Member Posts: 109

    Pretty much and make them do what you want is your best way of getting it.

  • George_Soros
    George_Soros Member Posts: 2,270
    edited May 2019

    Hook action requirements can make it hard, in no small part due to DC-s and hook suicides. If you find yourself in a position where two are dead, one is downed, and one is on first or second hook, drop the downed one repeatedly next to the hooked one so he can wiggle out, save his mate, then down him again, hook him and let the other do the rescue. Continue until they are dead on hook. They may think you're being "toxic", but it actually helps both you and them to get more BP and emblem score.

    The other difficult part is Gatekeeper emblem: especially with a Clown without Ruin, you're gonna get genrushed hard. Not much else to do about it then finding and downing people as fast as you can. Soft camping is recommended too, but keep in mind they may not be as altruistic as you'd hope, so adjust accordingly.

    With PGTW you COULD do an effective 3 gen strat, but unfortunately, if they fix 4 gens too fast, you'll lose a lot of Gatekeeper score anyway, so I wouldn't recommend going for it. As others said, your best bet is to try doing it while you're on low ranks.

    Good luck :)

    EDIT: oh you got Adept Clown already. Yay. Anyway, congrats :)

  • TwistedSegaGamer
    TwistedSegaGamer Member Posts: 109

    Here's what I recommend near the end when there's two survivors left. You need to down both of them before putting em on hooks. I will be honest I didn't have much in add ons when I got it. You do have a point with generators but it also depends on the chasing.

    Believe it or not, I kept getting Brutal & Ruthless Killer ranks because of little to no chases. I also recommend in the event it goes down to one survivor. As you are playing look for the hatch before it becomes a problem. Therefore you can go straight to the hatch & close it.

    I do need to point something else out. If they quit before the match, you can't do for the achievement. They have to quit during the match for it to count. Also do not perform moris since these achievements are more about sacrifices.

  • TwistedSegaGamer
    TwistedSegaGamer Member Posts: 109

    I just wanted to confirm I now got Adept Shape achievement. One of the most difficult achievements in this game hands down. I am a huge fan of Michael since my child hood. I hope one day I'll get Adept Nightmare.

  • letuce
    letuce Member Posts: 89

    Learn what gives you gold and iridescent in the emblem system, and just try to do that.

    The two most important ones are :

    get 9 hooks, and hook everyone, if you have a green mori you can mori the first one, and hook everyone else 3/3/2 times.

    The other one is tunnel, it'll make it easier to delay gens, which will help you out, but also you lose points for survivors healing, so tunneling someone will prevent losing points.

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047

    Honestly just level your killers up to level 10 and when you got a daily you have the 3 perks required for adept trophies.

    I did legion pre nerf, clown, doctor, spirit, huntress, freddy all this way.

  • Alphaphalt
    Alphaphalt Member Posts: 259

    Honestly just play the game and eventually you'll find the match.

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212
    edited May 2019

    Adept achievements are based on double pipping these days so:

    • Stay away from 1 hit down add ons. These may seem like a good way to help out your match, but they lower emblem scores drastically. Less chases, less hits, more heals per hit.
    • Careful with moris. Again, they drain emblems. If you're going to bring one, avoid the pink mori.
    • You HAVE to get a lot of hooks, so even if it seems tactically good, avoid survivors progressing on the hook without being unhooked.

    You have to use the killer's 3 unique perks which is the main difficulty. A lot of killers have some pretty useless perks, or perks that counter a very specific playstyle that may not show up at all in your attempts. Most of what you rely on is their add ons.

    Trapper: Brutal Strength is great quality of life, but it isn't about to win you a match alone. Agitation and Unnerving Presence are also unlikely to do anything for you. Agi can help you wrangle a basement situation which is great for Trapper, but that requires luck more that strategy. Largely I'd recommend using the best trapper bag add on you have, along with either ultra rare, or both ultra rares. With only his own perks, he isn't a wonderful killer and relies on survivor mistakes often. The Bloody Coil and Iridescent Stone put the power much more in your own hands, injuring survivors so chases are shorter, and they become hesitant about disarming, and resetting traps so you don't have to waste a lot of time resetting traps, just blocking off the strongest loops on the map can be better than trapping survivors sometimes.

    Wraith: If you aren't already an experienced Wraith, this one's either a lot of work or a lot of luck. He's not a great killer without perks that synergise with him, and all of his own perks are for better tracking which isn't really his issue at all. For add ons, combine "The Ghost - Soot" with either "Bone Clapper" or "Coxcombed Clapper" to make ambush attacks much harder to see coming, lowering chase times which is where you're going to waste the most time. Alternatively, use add ons that lower your reappearance time to make the power more accessible in a chase, and/or movement speed while cloaked add ons to use his unique bodyblocking approach. Be careful, increased speed slows you while uncloaking so makes the follow up hit harder if you don't throw them off with a good bodyblock.

    Hillbilly: His perks are great, lightborn not so much if they don't bring a torch. Make sure to utilise Tinkerer's effect, ideally with a chainsaw and to prevent the gen going off at all. In terms of add ons, steering is the best option if you're inexperienced on him, and then Carburettor Tuning Guide is basically "Improves everything with no downside." If you don't have those, stack charge speed.

    Nurse: Her perks are pretty bad besides Nurse's Calling. Most of getting Adept Nurse is learning her power moreso than perks or add ons. Overall I'd recommend reduced fatigue time, and anything after that is personal taste, maybe charge speed to offset the downside of the pocket watch. Extra blinks are great for experienced players but are far less likely to help you if you aren't good with her already. Consider trying the Plaid Flannel, it doesn't improve your power it just shows you where you'll land. It's like training wheels.

    Michael: His perks are phenomenally bad as a build. Dying Light will be useless, if you tunnel the obsession they'll get gens done then even if you 4k it'd be incredibly unlikely to have enough hooks to be a pip, try to keep DL tier 1 to reduce the benefits the obsession gets. PWYF is awful, too much set up, loses stacks too fast, basically no net payoff. STBFL is convenient and nice, far from a game changer. Michael also suffers on emblems because he one hit downs, consider running a tier 2 build instead; Dead Rabbit + Vanity Mirror means you cannot reach tier 3 but you gain 16m wall hacks while stalking, and a smaller terror radius all match. If that isn't to your taste, J. Myers Memorial + Dead Rabbit is a fairly standard build that doesn't revolve around increasing T3. T3 is good sometimes but avoid using it for every hit or you won't get a good chaser or malicious emblem.

    Hag: Very luck based. As you're running 3 hexes, all of your perks can be removed, and very early. Consider burning a map offering like "the Game" that will protect your totems better. Losing Devour Hope will not be a really bad thing, as like above, one hit downs and moris aren't your friends for adept. Mean, but try to secure a lobby of 4 solo players as The Third Seal will cripple them, where it's laughable against SWF. Most of her high rarity add ons are either bad or bugged. I'd recommend teleport distance with trap setting speed. Increased trap range can throw more experienced survivors off a bit, but survivors will be less likely to be in range of a hit when you teleport.

    Doctor: A strange one. In most of his builds you want a large terror radius, however for adept you HAVE to use M&A which lowers it outside a chase. Either you can fight through this, or use 2 calm add ons and utilise his punishment mode more to be incredibly stealthy and ambush survivors like a psuedo-wraith/myers. If you choose to play ignoring the reduced radius, use afflictions that sound useful to you. I enjoy longer duration illusion and red stain altering effects as it makes finding and chasing easier. Iridescent King + a zap range add on can be really great together, applying lots of debuffs by zapping and making zaps easier to land. In the end he still takes a lot of practice to be strong.

    Huntress: Her only perk that does ANYTHING in most matches is Huntress Lullaby, if a survivor knows where the totem is, THEY HAVE TO DIE. Mostly it's about practicing and landing hatchets. If you need to, throw a hatchet, then put some tape or something on your monitor to know where hatchets are gonna go, even then she's more about learning how to use them in loops and at pallets and windows. In terms of add ons, wind up time is good, as is extra hatchets. Overall I'd recommend Yew Seed Concoction and Venomous Concoction or their lower tier version. Landing a hatchet as the first hit will slow them and disable exhaustion perks which makes them a much easier target for the second hit.

    Leatherface: He has solid perks. Do not camp, it will lower your emblems. I don't care if BBQ only shows you one person, for all you know everyone else is blocking it with lockers. In terms of add ons, stack any combination of movement speed and charge speed as it greatly improves your odds of winding up and landing a chainsaw. You don't need it for every hit though, M1s give emblems more than chainsaws.

    Freddy: Fire Up and Remember Me have been nerfed to the point of not even being perks, and you aren't playing around Blood Warden or you're playing a very risky match. My best recommendation is to ignore "block" add ons, they reduce your downside but Freddy does much better with add ons that enhance your benefits. Top build I would say would be Class Photo + Jump Rope or Class Photo + Green/Blue Dress. Your transition time will be bigger, but EVERY survivor will be revealed during the transition. Play him like a good Legion, tag one survivor and use the effect to tag as many other survivors as possible and chase the last. The dresses or jump rope will cripple the survivors you're not chasing or reduce their ability to wake up. Not injuring them means self care can't wake them and they HAVE to regress gens a bit to wake up. Maintain as many slept survivors at once as possible. Again, I'd avoid SWF on this one, the less they can communicate, stack on one gen for a mass wake, or wake each other up, the better.

    Pig: Hangman's is -1 perk. Surveillance is a good information tool. Make Your Choice is a one hit down which can be good, but don't overuse it. Don't be tempted to crouch near a hooked survivor and wait for the save, it'll drain your chaser emblem even if it gets you a free hit. You can use her default build for most players, Combat Straps + Video Tape to be able to ambush better, or stack add ons like Jigsaw's Sketch/Plan and Crate of Gears to make the traps waste as much time as possible. You may also try the Rules Set No. 2, some more cautious teams will barely get gens done because they can't get traps off, but this is very rare. While there are builds to make traps more lethal, a kill without several hooks and chases already can harm your emblems hard so avoid making them more lethal. Don't overuse your crouch, it slows you down and loses your momentum in the match. Feel free to use your traps as you please, since end game Pig was nerfed it doesn't make a huge difference any more.

    Clown: His perks are pretty solid, PGtW is my favourite stalling perk, make sure to get the most you can out of it, Bamboozle is a solid chase perk, Coul is less useful and hard to make use of properly. I would use any Ether add ons with either Flask of Bleach for hindered, or Solvent Jug for exhausted, it's up to your taste.

    Spirit: Decent perks, Spirit Fury isn't as good without enduring, but if you make sure it's tier 3 it can still be a gamechanger, t1/2 are barely a buff. Haunted Grounds is random, try to use it when it goes off. Utilise Rancor's info, but don't rely on its mori. For add ons, I'd recommend the Yakuyoke Amulet as it improves quite a lot, and add on the Bloody Hair Brooch to start your power faster too. You can add in the Prayer Beads Bracelet instead if you feel like being particularly filthy. Mostly a matter of practicing her power. Remember, sounds, movement in grass and colliding with a survivor are much better methods to track than trying to use scratch marks.

    Legion: Incredibly hard now that they have basically no power. Mad Grit is nothing, as is Iron Maiden. Utilise Discordance to find many grouped survivors and chain attacks between them before chasing one. USE FRANK'S MIX TAPE. If you don't you get reduced to an M1 killer in a chase with no option to use your power tactically in any way at all. Iridescent Button is solid as well. It really harms your ability to chain attacks as it will show all survivors will killer instincts, but with no way of knowing how close or far they are, however it makes it difficult to know if you're attacking or just frenzying on the opposite side of the map.

    Plague: Her power is largely in survivor control. Dark Devotion is a dead perk, Infectious Fright is reasonable but you'd probably prefer to just hook the downed person, and Corrupt Intervention is more likely to cause you issues with the last 3 gens being hugely split up than it is to buy you time in a match. Avoid add ons which rely on the Corrupt Purge effect as it's a coin flip whether survivors will cleanse or not, as not cleansing is a popular tactic against her. I would recommend Vile Emetic and Incensed Ointment as they make it take less vomit to break someone, and slow you down less after a vomit. Basically they greatly improve your time efficiency in a match which is the hardest part for Plague. Also you can include Black Incense if you want. With the frequency of vomiting, it's basically permanent aura reading on broken survivors. It's hard to double pip on Plague as broken survivors make every hit a 1 hit down which hurts chaser, but without sickness you become a basic M1 killer. I'd still recommend puking until they break then hook them. Don't waste your effort puking on gens or environmental objects, it isn't good enough to matter.

    Edit: I'd recommend trying to max some of the perks before you try it to give yourself the best shot possible; Brutal Stength, Enduring, Tinkerer, STBFL, Third Seal, Overcharge, Knock Out, Bamboozle, Pop Goes the Weasel, Spirit Fury and Corrupt Intervention are the most important imo.

  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167
    edited May 2019

    Using a Jigsaw piece can help a lot with several killers since that map is awful for survivors, especially on lower ranks where people tend to stop repairing the very moment they hear the heartbeat.

    Also remember you can use the best addons and offerings, the achievement is only related to killer perks.

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212

    Yeah the crouch tip was more in general, but it was a bit confusing since it came straight after as I was already thinking about unhooks.

    I just meant that lots of new players on Pig get tempted to hide near the hook due to her stealth, but that's going to hurt an adept attempt more than help it.

  • TwistedSegaGamer
    TwistedSegaGamer Member Posts: 109

    I recently gotten Adept Shape and Adept Hag. I am getting some killers down faster than others. I think it could depend on your add ons too.

  • TwistedSegaGamer
    TwistedSegaGamer Member Posts: 109

    I just want to confirm I now have Adept Hillbilly and Adept Nightmare. I found out during my match for Adept Hillbilly that one survivor can escape still getting the achievement. I actually see this person go in the hatch.

  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,913

    I wait until rank reset and hope I get a team of potatoes. I recently did Adept Plague. The only one I have left is Adept Legion, which I’m not too thrilled about because I hate Legion.

  • TwistedSegaGamer
    TwistedSegaGamer Member Posts: 109

    @MegMain98 I just got to ask since I also been trying to get Adept Doctor. Do you have any tips to help me out please? He is one of my favorite killers in this game.

  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,913

    @TwistedSegaGamer I got a majority of my adepts before they changed the requirements. I think Doctor was either my first or second one I ever got.

    It’s not too difficult to double pip as Doctor. You can use your shock power to stop pallet looping. You’ll never have to worry about not finding survivors.

    Best add-ons are easily High Stimulus Electrode and Iridescent King. If you want to do a “Silent Doc” build then use Calm Carter Notes (purple add-on). You can use that since one of Doctor’s perks is Monitor and Abuse.

    It shouldn’t take too long to get Adept Doctor dependent on what rank you are at. He isn’t difficult to play like Nurse and Huntress

  • TwistedSegaGamer
    TwistedSegaGamer Member Posts: 109

    Great stuff thanks man.

  • TwistedSegaGamer
    TwistedSegaGamer Member Posts: 109

    I am just letting you guys know, I just gotten Adept Wraith achievement. I am not sure when I could be getting another one. I am just glad I gotten six of them in the same month. Half of those are achievements I really, really wanted too.

  • TwistedSegaGamer
    TwistedSegaGamer Member Posts: 109

    Yesterday I gotten Adept Legion achievement. Based on my own experience. You don't need to sacrifice everyone. I seen some videos moris gets used on more than one survivor.

    Keep in mind, those will take away from what you'll need for Merciless Killer. Also I highly recommend when it is down to two survivors. You have to make sure one or both can't get back up.

    I also recommend when it is one survivor left to search for the hatch to close it. Honestly this can be tricky to do at times. I will say Some add ons will greatly increase your chance at getting them.

    I will respect anyone doing these without them. I hope some of this information helps with you getting Adept Killer achievements. I went from needing help to end up giving it instead.