2.7.0 100 Game DC Data

BillSimmons Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 74

Scroll to the bottom if you want to see my proposed solution to the dc plague.

Seeing players talking about dcs constantly on the forums and having dcs happen in my own games I wanted to see how many games out of 100 had a disconnect in them.

Out of 100 survivor games 27 games had at least 1 disconnect, I didn't include any time I dc'd to keep the stats as true as possible.

As much as I believed that a game where someone disconnected ruined my fun, I realized that I was only bothered when it happened frequently like this:

Whether it's a teammate that accidentally steps in a bear trap on their 4 minute chase or a player who hears a faint nurse blink in the distance and vanishes off to Narnia. Having almost half your games (9/20) with dcs is the true fun suck and the formula to get players to post on the forums about this issue.

I've been checking the topics talking about dcs, from ideas of implementing a similar system to DOTA with low priority queue or plain out banning players who dc for incremental times somewhat like Overwatch.

One thing to note is that those games are highly competitive games and personally I think DBD is more in the casual field.

So here's my REHAB-BHVR pitch:

  • Use a weekly timer, which allots a SINGLE disconnect to each player evey week.
  • On the second disconnect in the same week players will receive a BP reduction and XP reduction. This handicap can be removed by finishing 5 games with over 8,000 BP (before the reduction).
  • This is to ensure players don't run directly into the killer to speed run their 5 handicapped games.
  • If players dc again before finishing the 5 games with over 8,000 BP, it will reset the 5 game counter and put them on a 10 minute queue cooldown for public games.
  • This process will continue to happen (10 minute cooldowns & 5 game resets), the current system that DBD has in place to handle players who dc frequently will ban them.

We need to rip this dc band-aid off and start a new meta of finishing games, thanks :)


  • Eninya
    Eninya Member Posts: 1,256

    Maybe, if we still weren't randomly disconnecting. I've dropped out of a few games with some friends, and some of them dropping as well, while the rest of us/them stay connected. It's gotten so weird that one friend was able to see the killer's perks again, though he was unable to spectate; it was like the game had finished for him.

  • BillyIII
    BillyIII Member Posts: 365

    Dota is cancerous though.