new mettle is going to hurt the team more than it helps the player using it

artist Member Posts: 1,519

I read what changes for mettle bhvr were thinking about, and I'm not excited about seeing it used in solo play.

the new version of mettle is going to encourage people to follow the killer around while they are chasing someone much like a flashlight would. the difference is, pulling the save off prevented the downed survivor from losing a hook state.

most of the time, taking a hit from the killer while they are carrying a survivor won't allow the survivor to wiggle off, unless multiple hits are taken or the killer misses a couple of times.

the only benefit is a stack towards mettle, but that is nothing compared to the negatives. now the player that took a hit must go off and heal and repeat this 2 more times, or stay injured meaning their next chase will be shorter, buying less time for their team to do gens.

during all that time, they could have been on a gen, and they could have been healthy for their next chase.

additionally, this perk encourages farming your team off hook in hopes the killer doesn't tunnel the farmed survivor (be real, how many killers don't?) so they can take a hit.

I do believe mettle needed to be nerfed, being such a nice chase perk with no counter every killer could possess in their base kit, but making it a perk that requires you to borderline throw the game is not the way to go about it


  • Madjura
    Madjura Member Posts: 2,507

    It rewards taking a hit when someone is being carried and that's it

    You have to waste two health states and heal yourself or be healed the same amount of times to absorb one health state

    People who do this will lose hard because of their own idiocy and learn not to do it again

    There is no issue

  • tt_ivi_99
    tt_ivi_99 Member Posts: 1,463

    Mettle of Man should've never been a thing in the first place.

    That being said, you now have to work to gain such powerful advantage over your opponent, I dont see anything wrong with that, all games have powerful things that you have to earn.

  • Plu
    Plu Member Posts: 1,456

    At least you are rewarded for doing something instead of being rewarding for messing up.