More about toxicity- Specifically survivors

This is the first time posting to this whole website, but I just made an account to talk about the main issue with this game- The Toxic Community.

I will say before hand that I am probably biased since I am a killer main.

The game itself is great, while it may have bugs or op perks, overall it is a fun leisure activity, but what made me put down this game for months was just the annoying people who play it. The game that I just played, I played as Legion for my ritual, and I will say I'm still getting used to playing him now, but the issue was the survivors, they were the types who teabagged, trash talked afterwards, and probably would have disconnected if I was winning. I generally don't give it any more thought then usual, but it made me think about all of the other games like that where it was just not fun to play online. I obviously did the whole report thing, but it shouldn't have to be like that, while I know all games will have a troll community, it shouldn't be a larger majority. I just think that because this game doesn't have a real "competitive" mode, it shouldn't be taken as seriously as some people do.

So to wrap it up, be kind and help new players, think before disrespecting anyone (killers or otherwise), and just have fun like games are meant to be.


  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    You've got a great attitude, and i don't blame you for trying to "spread the word".

    But it'll happen, over and over.

    It's up to you to decide if it's worth it to keep going.

    Cause trust me, after a while it just doesn't bother you (as much) anymore.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Just report and ignore. They'll remove themselves with their attitude and we can have a better game for everyone else.

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    You bring an excellent point, people are too rude to newer players and better players. Take a look at the salt I got as Spirit.

    Toxicity should stop. It's disgusting how toxic they were when they rushed the basement while I was carrying someone and they called me names for playing properly lol.

  • 53nation
    53nation Member Posts: 681

    I think it's because there is only one mode, that you see this a lot.

    You can say entering a lobby isn't joining ranked pvp, but it really is.

    The opposite side for the most part doesn't know if you're rusty, trying to farm, eight, drunk, etc. So it's all gloves off all the time. I realize this can be different on pc, as they seem to be able to change their username easier. (BPfarmerz69)?

    Ultimately, nearly everyone playing wants to feel like they're winning; teabaggs are just the exclamation point i supose.

  • FSB75
    FSB75 Member Posts: 474

    First and foremost, welcome to the Fog....

    I've been saying for years now that DBD isn't a competitive game. I believe, right or wrong, that people KNOW what I'm talking about.

    DBD isn't CS:GO. It isn't League of Legends. Hell, it isn't even Hearthstone.

    DBD is a casual game...and there's NOTHING wrong with that. However, people will still be glib and start saying stuff like; "Well, as a survivor, it's my objective to leave the map. As a killer, it's to prevent survivors from because there is that "struggle" it IS competitive".


    So follow up with it. Who won the last MLG DBD tournament? What team took the trophy at CPL? Monopoly, Risk, Uno, and Battleship could be described as "competitive" by the low standards around here.

    Most people don't play Yahtzee like their life depended on it. Can you image your Grandmother rolling 5 6's then jumping up on the table to teabag in your face?

    Gamers have changed...without a doubt. Running as a pub player in ANY game 10 years ago, and coming out with the best K/D meant NOTHING to anyone. With the DBD crowd, there is an attached pseudo sense of achievement. Oh, and that door swings both ways. Not to get too far off track, but again....DC is the new fade. Got downed? No worries, DC and try again in a new game....because Rank (it's a ######### matchmaking system!!!!) means EVERYTHING around here.

    Personally, I blame Twitch.

  • DarkFox85
    DarkFox85 Member Posts: 74

    It always breaks my heart to think how amazing this game could be without the toxicity [and the DCs but that's a sub-issue of toxicity]. I hope the OP doesn't quit the fog.

    I will say taking toxicity is one of those things that gets easier the more it happens. And it happens every other match - anyone who has ever actually played killer can attest to that.

    All the rest of us can do is try not to contribute to the toxicity.

  • mutabletiger4
    mutabletiger4 Member Posts: 185

    I love the game, sometimes though the toxicity gets to you and you need to stop for the day. I've done it before, but we (non-toxic players) just need to be nice, make it a game a new player could enjoy and not feed into the toxic part of the community