Accessible statistics

Do you think always accessible and always updated statistics would lead to a more toxic behaviour in the forums?
(We all know it's already toxic since survivors AND killers cry over every little thing, that makes the game unfair in their eyes... and they always think the other side is stronger and prefered by the devs.)
But do you think, if we could see things like survival rate, kill rate, perk use, killer use etc. sorted by patch, or week, or day... that the crying in the forums will get louder?
I mean I would absolutely love it to see those rates out of interest, whenever I wanted to and not only, when they are shown to us.
(Btw: I dont want to make an extra post for it: But I love the high attendance of the BHVR-Team in the forums and the open communication! )
You never know when it comes to this community.
I'd say no I guess? But if you had kill rates, and or death rates shown to the public i'm sure it would promote toxic behavior among "elitists" since people love raving their scores if they're accessible.
To be honest I don't think those are even accounted for on BHVR's part.
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This community can and will complain about anything.
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I drool over statistics. Mmmmm....