What is Wrong with the Doctor

Alright so basically I'm mad about the doctor. I get he is rarely played but in the 70ish hours I have on steam for this game each and every time I go against the Doctor they always have Distressing, I also understand that as the doctor having a perk that makes your terror radius larger helps you alot but going against a Doctor is so hard! I always have Calm Spirit just because A: When I play killer I have found some people because of the crows and B: I won't scream when fighting the Doc. It also seems that every Doctor I go against has to tunnel me! This might just be an angry person ranting but if you have any input let me know


  • Kees_T
    Kees_T Member Posts: 811

    He's really cool to play with, but not against xD

  • SlinkyJinky
    SlinkyJinky Member Posts: 371
    edited May 2019

    Ooh! it's story time:

    Having no friends the Doctor camped himself in the mirror on the weekend one too many times till one day he snapped and forgot how 'skill' worked, so now all he does is tunnel and face camp.

    So sad!

    Learn from his mistakes and be a "Gentleman Killer" or one day you might find yourself a skill-less face camping sack of trash. 😤

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    TR effect builds work extremely well with the doctor and his power gives him superb tracking. This means you're going to see Distressing a lot more on him than other killers because the bigger TR is good for his power. If you're already running Calm Spirit then you've already done a lot of the work to protect yourself. If you're getting tunneled it is probably because you're a weak target. At 70hrs in the game you know nothing in terms of proper movement and map awareness. So if you are presenting as the weak link of your team then you're getting taken out first.

  • Boosted_Dwight
    Boosted_Dwight Member Posts: 3,059

    I don't mind play against a doctor.... I'm I weird?

  • VolantConch1719
    VolantConch1719 Member Posts: 1,259

    Many people (like me) run Distressing on Herman because he's the only Killer that really benefits from a larger warning system. It gives him more points (which he already gets a lot of, especially Deviousness), expands his Static Field that enables better tracking, and generally causes more panic. You running Calm Spirit is the best thing you could possibly do.

    As for the tunnel thing, unless you're good with him, Doctor struggles in chases. My recommendation is to get Decisive Strike, the literal definition of an anti-tunnel perk.

    Doctor can be tricky to go against, especially with how varied his add-ons can make him, but he's honestly not that powerful. Even if you don't have Calm Spirit and you scream in the first field, unless he's shocking you directly, the static build-up takes a while. A lot of people use this to their advantage.