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Make Vile Purge more of a threat

MasonMyers69 Member Posts: 246
edited May 2019 in General Discussions

Corrupt purge works quite well and is effectively a better huntress, the only problem is it's down to the SURVIVORS if they want you to have this power or not. The only way to make them cleanse the sickness, which is the whole point of the fountains, is to make vile purge more of a threat so survivors need to cleanse and not leave the plague half powerless. Make it so if you're fully sick perhaps slow gen repair/slower movement speed. I'm pretty sure if a person was sick with the plague, they wouldn't be running at full speed but hey. Pls devs, make the plague more interesting and more of a threat, vile purge especially.


  • Frugl1
    Frugl1 Member Posts: 72

    Could potentially add a third state that makes you scream ala doctor.

  • darktrix
    darktrix Member Posts: 1,790

    I can smell the DCs increasing already.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    Nice pun! :)

    Survivors just need to suffer a repair penalty, but I don't know what % number it should be tho.

  • TWiXT
    TWiXT Member Posts: 2,063
    edited May 2019

    Give the fully sick survivors 2 things when they vomit: the Hindered status for duration of vomiting, and a 6m AoE that infects everything around them. With the hindered status popping up periodically the Plague becomes more of a threat in a chase but isn't so OP that survivors can't deal with it. Currently the only times survivors get infected is either through direct interaction with another survivor/object that is infected, or by being spewed on by the killer. With infection time on objects being 35 seconds (up to a maximum of 50) however, survivors generally don't get infected the majority of the time without the Killers direct intervention. With the AoE though, objects all over the map would get frequently infected by sick survivors when they vomit which would give the spread of the infection more of a "Plague" feel that would help the killer apply better map pressure.

    Another suggestion people have made is to have infected gens experience regression for the infections duration that survivors have to combat with slightly slower repair speed, which honestly sounds like a decent buff but might be a bit too oppressive. For that suggestion I'd say the Regression rate should be half as strong as a normal gen kick, but adding that extra half rate on top of a gen kick might prove to be too fast of a regression. It's an interesting Idea that would add better gen pressure and control for the Plague, but I'm unsure if it would be too strong, and with the AoE suggestion above it might prove to be overpowering.

    Either way, i believe the first 2 suggestions here to be the best one's, because of how they would change Plague matches (I don't think they'd be too broken), and they would encourage survivors to cleanse at fountains or risk getting periodically slowed in a chase or infect their allies.

  • Decarcassor
    Decarcassor Member Posts: 651

    Being infected allready make survivors more noisy and leave a little trail of green smoke. Also Plague has an add-on to detect puking survivors. Screaming wouldn't change anything. Its not the real issue.

    The issue is that right now at high rank there is an objectively correct answer to the question: "Should I cleanse ?" And that anwser is "No." Because cleansing let the Plague access her most powerfull weapon while being sick isn't that big of a problem for confident survivors.

    But I don't think we want to do the opposite. Make the sickness too harsh so that survivors always have to cleanse. And I don't think we can achieve a balanced choice between cleansing or not with a static sickness effect.

    The best solution in my mind would be to make the sickness get worse over time, so that the pressure on survivors to cleanse increase. So first you get Broken. Then if ignore the sickness, maybe you get Exhausted too. Thats annoying. And if you keep ignoring it, maybe Hindered too ? Being perma-hindered would be super harsh, but you got to deny the Corrupt purge for a bit longer.

    Or maybe make some entirely new effect for the disease, but thats a decision for the game designers at that points. We are just throwing ideas around.

  • yobuddd
    yobuddd Member Posts: 2,259

    Let’s also nerf the insta-heal at the fountains a bit. I mean, you DID just recover from Plague after all.

    I propose you drink from the fountain to cure the sickness, but remain injured (if hit or if the disease progressed that far). You then have 1 minute to drink from a clean fountain (the one you just used is corrupt now) for the free healing. During this minute, fountain auras will still be visible.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Sickness instantly applies exhausted. Can't imagine anyone sprinting around while puking.

    Broken status applies after the sickness increased.

    Puking pauses/cancels every action.

  • NeaJovovich
    NeaJovovich Member Posts: 234


  • Madjura
    Madjura Member Posts: 2,444

    Survivors not only control whether and when you get it, but also which pool they use

    If they use a pool that's on the opposite side of the map where all generators are already done then it's generally a bad idea to even go there

  • Decarcassor
    Decarcassor Member Posts: 651

    Good survivors allready don't waste any time healing when they don't have to. Being Broken just make them rush the gens even harder.

    Vile Purge is just a different way to get the first hit on survivors. If they juke around a lot it can be even longer to infect them rather than just hit them. Vile Purge is not a threat by itself.

    Compare it to Legion's Feral Frenzy. Some would say its also only good to get a free first hit and nothing else. But you get detection out of hit. You can bounce quickly beetween targets and the survivors can't juts ignore Deep Wounds forever. Eventually they have to mend, even if it only waste a few seconds, its less time spent on gens.

    Back to Plague, getting a survivor fully infected can be arguably harder than landing the first Feral Frenzy hit and you get absolutly no momentum out of it. If the survivor manage to escape you or they get infected by the environement they don't have to do anything about it as long as you are not around. The sickness does nothing to hinder the survivors by itself.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    I think that if you are infected and broken that the periodic vomits should give the survivor a momentary pause for the animation. This makes it much more dangerous to not use fountains and makes looping much less viable in that state.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871
    edited May 2019

    The problem, from what I seem to understand, is that the game's meta is at a point where (good) Survivors would rather just power through gens instead of wasting time healing. And because of that, being in a position where they can't heal doesn't really matter if they don't want to heal in the first place. Granted, if there are random teammates who can't afford to give up healing, being contagious could be a problem for the state of the overall team. But if you have a full team of Survivors who are comfortable playing without the need to heal, Vile Purge does very little to them.

    Post edited by TAG on
  • Bug_Reporter
    Bug_Reporter Member Posts: 673

    4 Survivors on broken state is almost like playing Michael with Tuft Hair. Dont you like it?

  • Horus
    Horus Member Posts: 850

    A few possible ideas would be when survs reach full sick is repair speed debuff by 20%

    When fully sick survivors can only middle vault and suffer from exhaustion

  • MasonMyers69
    MasonMyers69 Member Posts: 246

    @Peanits @not_Queen some good suggestions in here to make the plague better than what she is.