Huntress Hatchets should match weapon skin

I know this is a odd suggestion, but I would like it so the hatchets would match your weapon skin since I feel some people put some effort into making the Huntress look good. I would say this about all killers, but Huntress's hatchets power is the only killer power I could see this possible since her killer power is another weapon.
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That will be awesome
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I feel like they should have a hatchet AND weapon design, it would be hard to incorporate as a icon but it would be awesome to see both, I don't think Hillbilly's Chainsaw needs reskins but it'd be cool.
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That's would be cool, but once you start doing hatchet skins by themselves that opens up the argument for killers powers having unique skins.
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Exelent idea!
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To be honest, that would be amazing.
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You could do it with powers like Billy's chainsaw and Oni's Kanabo too.