Dbd drinking game

bambusratte_xD Member Posts: 39
edited May 2019 in General Discussions

Hey folks,

I invented a nice drinking game while playing my beloved dbd. It's pretty easy..

You always drink right after the match*


If you escape per hatch or door it's 4cl

If you get facecamped or tunneled to death it's 2cl


Each fair kill (no camping or tunnelling) gives you 1cl


If someone dc it's 2cl each, everything per match with a max of 4cl so if you escape as survivor with 1-3 dc it's still 4cl but if you get camped with 1dc it's 4 too ;)

It's fun cause u get drunk fast and the more drunk u are u getting worst playing dbd :D

*note, you always drink for the played role

At last, sorry for language mistakes I'm german :)

Post edited by bambusratte_xD on
