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So uh:

Member Posts: 3,732

Who here is excited for May 31st?

I know I am. I hope they reveal the Freddy nerf rework on the anniversary. It'd be the worst best time to make the day more memorable!

Here's to hoping that we shall all celebrate merrily on the day of the anniversary, good day to you all.

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  • Member Posts: 3,732

    Oh yeah, we Legion are prepared and shall take shelter. We offer shelter to others who wish to take cover while the Freddy mains tear the forums apart.

    You can join us in the shelter, I think we got popcorn, if not, would Cold Dirt suffice?

  • Member Posts: 7,314

    @TreemanXD is right, they had like 2 years to plan for this rework. The odds of it being rubbish are quite low since I would assume they took everything into consideration @Shad03

  • Member Posts: 504

    I think that the devs will do justice to Freddy while making him a viable Killer. I'm super excited! Though we should be getting the gameplay reveal sometime this week...

  • Member Posts: 3,732

    @FireHazard I do not care to put my faith up only for it to be demised.

    We'll see, and if the changes are positive, I'll even post something to congratulate BHVR for a good killer change.

  • Member Posts: 13,616

    Meh, not really.

    I quite enjoy how he plays now.

  • Member Posts: 4,388

    I was very hyped after last years video and was disappointed with this last year results. Fool me once and all.

  • Member Posts: 1,043

    This community/game has taught me one thing, never get overexcited/hype, approach changes with chill and reason or risk disappointment. I'm honestly dreading the Freddy rework, but I still have a little hope to spare that it will be for the good...

  • Member Posts: 326

    They have the luxury with Freddy that he is in such a terrible spot there's almost nowhere to go but up. Even if the rework moves him to a mid tier killer I will be happy.

    Question is.... who will be the new king/queen of the "Worst Killer" title?

    @Shad03 Popcorn? Cold Dirt? Sounds like a party.

  • Member Posts: 1,693

    Let's Theorize:

    Legion is still being worked on

    Freddy is getting reworked

    Trapper just need to get an easier way to obtain traps

    Wraith needs to have faster jumpscare

    Pig needs to get her changes reversed

    Not sure who yet, but we'll see ;)

  • Member Posts: 2,230

    The problem is that he actually isn't in a terrible state, it simply took Freddy mains a long time to figure this out. Freddy is a very viable Killer in capable hands, something many do not realise as they never invested enough time into him.

    I and many other Freddy mains dread the rework as we are convinced that the devs will ######### him up for us.

  • Member Posts: 3,333

    Freddy is in a terrible state, but Freddy mains have put so much time into the killer that they no longer see his flaws and shortcoming for what they are. He's functioning in ways that go against what would be proper game design for every other killer. He's got a very strong gimmick that can cripple game progress for survivors, but he actually can't play the game without his power. That is something he shares with the nurse except in her case while she'll never be viable without her power; Nurse will still be able to at great expense still hit and potentially down you without her power. Freddy can not do the basic gameplay at all. He can't pull off gens, pull off hooks, do basic attacks or body blocks without having someone asleep beforehand. Putting people to sleep isn't instant so there is a period of time where freddy can't even be considered in a chase.

    He can't interact with the game, but can be stunned and blinded by survivors who are awake. That's a huge downside freddy mains are playing through which is respectable as hell. Yet, he has no reason to function like that. That is poor killer design. A killer should be able to take all the universal actions freely. I understand putting time into something and thinking it is great when by the design of the game it isn't. I know it feels bad to have it change when you've gotten strong despite the adversity, I also know when something needs to change for the greater good too. Freddy gotta get fixed.

  • Member Posts: 5,069

    It would be even cool if new Freddy could be in the same tier list like Myers.

  • Member Posts: 15,095

    May I draw your attention to the Wraith Cube?

    Long rework time, lots of ideas, great hype aaaand they gave him inbuilt Bloodhound.

  • Member Posts: 1,043

    That moment when you played Freddy so much you just accepted these things as “just how it is” not realising how bad it is until someone throws it in your face. Wow. Still don’t think it’s of merit to me personally though, being invisible and all. He does have some positives and can actually grab out of lockers without power.

    I just have always known him this way, I think I started playing just after the infamous Freddy nerf. But doc is right, it requires putting faith in the rework and that’s a little thin right now given recent events for certain killers. I’m not even going to say can’t get worse because I don’t want to challenge them...

  • Member Posts: 14,110

    Wraith is good now, Freddy is also good if used right. They reworked his add-ons and gave him built in old windstorm.

    I guarantee you it’ll be better than you think.

  • Member Posts: 15,095

    Wraith had to be reworked AFTER his rework. Took them just another year.

  • Member Posts: 14,110

    He is a good killer now though, that rework really helped him.

    Just wait for the rework.

  • Member Posts: 15,095

    I've been waiting for his rework since November 2017.

    But sure, can't hurt to wait another year.

  • Member Posts: 2,230

    Quality of Life changes would fix him already. A full on rework will likely break him for mains, just so that the noobish casuals can have fun in low ranks. That's why I'm 100% against the rework.

  • Member Posts: 16,663

    Dont expect too much, in the end it is simply cosmetics. :P

    I will not be at home sadly, so I am not that hyped.

  • Member Posts: 3,732

    @Aven_Fallen I ain't the one expecting all this. I just feel sorta bad for people like @DocOctober and the several other Freddy mains I can name off the top of my head but won't.

    Freddy can be powerful in the right hands, not mine of course, and it's because of that I don't necessarily feel like he should be changed. My greatest question is... Why not revert the nerfs? That is a simple solution without needing to rework the killer from the ground up.

    It is kinda late to do that now though.

  • Member Posts: 2,270

    Yea, Freddy will most likely suck, not even because we can expect him to be weaker, but if it'll be anything like Legion "rework", he'll be BORING AS HELL.

    On the other hand, devs have come through many times with a lot of difficult problems, especially with balance issues. Who knows, if it's not the same guy who did Legion rework... I have some hope.

  • Member Posts: 2,771

    I can assure you as a Freddy main that he will be the worst Killer for real that time.

    Go see what Janick wrote about Freddy and the dream world on this forum.

  • Member Posts: 14,110

    @DocOctober I’m not even a Freddy main. I’ve learned him and I’m also dreading the rework. It is what it is I guess.

  • Member Posts: 381
    edited May 2019

    Actually, nothing is wrong with a killer functioning on a totally different level from the other killers. It's actually a good design if you're looking to shake the gameplay up because what Freddy provides is a totally unique playstyle that you cannot take advantage of if you play him like a regular killer.

    Freddy is awful if you play him like a regular killer, but when you put multiple people to sleep then you're heavily stalling the game and get all the information you need though this does come at the cost of not having a chase based power. While he might not feel that great to play for most players the problem is that a lot of people who have taken the time to learn, perfect and actually like this power will suffer from the rework that will inevitably change him and his playstyle.

    While I'm confident the developers have a cool and exciting power for the rework, I would like to see the playstyle the current Freddy provides to show up in another killer in the future because powers that fundamentally change how you play the game are what keeps things fresh.

  • Member Posts: 848

    Don't forget that they were also saying that Plague would be viable in low ranks when she was released.

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