PSA: 2016 Pallets Are BACK!

MysterTal Member Posts: 157

For the sake of anyone who hasn't played DBD back in 2016 and would be taken completely by shock as they experience this for the first time, I will try to explain:

There used to be way more pallets on every map. Like a lot more. Like, ridiculously more.

Then one day, the Devs realized that there may be a few too many pallets and the way pallets spawn on each map may be a little... Overly unfair to Killers. Just a tad.

Jungle gyms had two pallets in them and they would have a window that leads directly into a pallet garden.

What's a pallet garden? It's a tile that used to spawn two, sometimes three pallets right next to each other, all enclosed with long walls. Lovely place for a picnic, because if a Survivor ran to that tile back in the day and that tile lead directly into the shack, you may as well go make a sandwich.

Not only did pallets spawn so close to each other, but there were about 4,000,000,000 of them on every map (just a rough estimate).

So a while ago, Devs reduced the number of pallets on each map and changed the distances in which most pallets can spawn from each other. There's still some exceptions and places where two pallets can spawn close, but those of you who started playing in the last half of the last year or so have been spared the worst possible pallet spawns that used to be in the game.


........................WELL, THEY'RE BACK!!!!

Depending on RNG, Autohaven maps can spawn the old seeds now, with the 4,000,000,000 pallets with three connected jungle gyms with double pallets in them and pallet gardens with triple pallets - all right next to each other.


I usually have to keep one eye open when I play Survivor, but now I can just sleepwalk through a match just like old times.


  • MojoTheFabulous
    MojoTheFabulous Member Posts: 2,015


  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,616

    Not necessarily bashing this, but can you show off some recent examples?

    I have yet to encounter it to this degree recently.

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873


    That's a joke. So you're telling me that the pallet vacuum, ultra safe unmindgameable loops are back? You know the ones where killers would get rank for 3 gens on just two pallets in the open? Those are back?

    Obviously, you need to calm down. There's a lot of pallets in the map, they need to be toned down but they are

    A. Nowhere near as much as they used to be .-.

    B. Nowhere near as safe and time consuming.

    The devs will address it if you make a proper, more constructive thread on General discussions, where Peanits tends to be. He'll pass it on.