NEW Gameplay idea?

Was thinking about how we could make this more interesting and getting rid of generators and I thought of having it so you have to play in the map for 20 minutes before the gates automatically open, a long time to survive but their are incentives for survivors to make contributions to help the escape.

Various actions, should help decrease timer in chunks, only nominal but make it so its worth doing.

Examples can be, pallet stuns take off 30 secs, losing the killer during a chase can be another say 30 secs.

Protection hits another set time etc.

You get the gist and their are various ways this could work and goes both ways like timer pause if survivors hiding in lockers. But with the issues of gen rush, I think having a longer start time before escape is a good idea, gives the killer more time but also with time reducing incentives for the survivors to get out quicker but being more active.

What do you think? And what ideas you guys have?


  • Banshee
    Banshee Member Posts: 31

    Running around doing nothing for 20 minutes doesn't sound very interesting, and it pretty much promotes toxicness, which is one of the games biggest problems atm.

    A for effort :))

  • branchini1979
    branchini1979 Member Posts: 295

    Just thinking of doing away with the gens.

    Need a start length of game though, so both sides know they could both have a good game, but have incentives both sides to try and be active.

    So maybe more actions by killer, hits, hooks makes the killer stronger, and knowing the killer being stronger means the survivors need to do more actions (whatever they may be) to reduce the timer quicker to get out

  • moonlunn
    moonlunn Member Posts: 170

    While in theory this could be fun and we do need other game modes this probably wouldn’t work like okay one person should being chased what would the other 3 be doing? And what if a survyare just crouched behind something for 20 minutes