General Discussions

General Discussions

About the Survivor ranking system

Member Posts: 798
edited May 2019 in General Discussions

Does the “new” pip system bother you?

I feel I want to play for fun, but I also want to challenge myself and see how I improve at the same time but the actual pip system is nonsense imo.

there are games I do absolutely nothing for my team or just try to gain those pips resulting in me being almost useless and games where I help a lot, having a great game and maybe barely safe pip.

there are scenarios like: destroy ruin-> get tunneled-> waste 4 minutes of killers time being chased>camped on the hook>depip, rest of team survives.

It is not about the pip itself, its just feeling rewarded after having played a good match.

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  • Member Posts: 980

    It's too easy to rank up as a Survivor. Do a gen, 1 unhook + heal, run the Killer around a bit and you've got your safety at least if not the +1. I never feel rewarded as a Survivor with a pip. Pip + 15-20k BP, yeah, I feel I've done a good job in that match. Otherwise, I haven't done enough. You can hit Rank 1 with ease under the new system, although not quite as easily as before.

    You just have to spread your efforts out. You can't focus on one thing and still expect to pip. I like it because it does force people to play multiple roles in a match if they want Rank. They just need to make it slightly harder and then maybe Rank will mean something.

  • Member Posts: 798

    If u are rank 15-20 yes, that doesnt apply when u need like 4 golds just to not depip.

    the spreading efforts would be nice if you could control the peace of the game, but the killer could just decide to tunnel which is fine, but even if you escape you wont pip and maybe not depip.

  • Member Posts: 980

    Overall though, it's way too easy to pip and Rank right now. I'm sitting at Rank 11, and I'm playing legitimate potato Survivor atm. ######### plays, really bad timing, and not helping my team as much as I should. Not to mention I'm playing with 1 and 2 Perk Survivors as I level them up to 40 for new teachables.

    I just cannot Rank down without actually putting effort into it. That would mean screwing over the other players in the game, and that's not something I'm comfortable with. So I end up making a couple bad plays in my efforts to help as much as possible, and still safety or sometimes pip up because I managed to have a good game.

    One match doesn't make or break a Survivor, it's multiple matches over the course of a session. So that one tunnel means nothing in the grand scheme of things. If you get tunneled/camped even a couple times, not really a big deal. You can get it back during another match. You just need to pray to RNGesus a bit more.

  • Member Posts: 3,144

    Yeah, I'm not a huge fan.

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