Survivor Positive and Negative Traits (Survivor Power?)

The survivors are kind of boring once you unlock most of the perks for them. After that, they are basically all the same other than customization and height differences (also blood web and item differences). Some people have been wanting survivors to have some sort of small passive bonus like "meg could have 2% bonus speed" but to me, that's not really exciting enough. I'm here to give my ideas and thoughts about the idea for traits for survivors.

Having a small passive for each survivor would just be somewhat annoying if they just have something positive without any drawbacks. This will provide more of a variety when playing a survivor and make them kind of predictable for the killer side.

I thought it would be a cool idea to give the survivors a passives along with a debuff based on their lore for unique play styles and different challenges for each survivor. I came up with some examples down below (I chose the values that seemed to be right in the moment of typing this so don’t freak out about the numbers):


"Inspired": Helping and being near other survivors gives you hope. When in a 8 meter range gain a 2% bonus speed for all actions for each survivor within range. When you do a safe hook rescue or heal another survivor you keep that bonus for 40 seconds. Stacks up to 8%

"Abandoned": Being alone makes you feel hopeless about what happened before. When away from another survivor, skill checks appear 30% more often and great skill checks won't give bonus progression. If Self Boost is active it will remove this effect.


"Agile": Being in great shape allows you to vault 10% faster than normal.

"Noisy": Your loud and predictable. When running your breathing and footsteps are louder. When you create a loud noise notification your aura is revealed for 5 seconds to the killer. Cool down of 5 seconds.


"Med Expert": All that studying will pay off here. You heal 15% faster without a med-kit. Knowing how to use medical supply's properly gives you a 15% decrease charge consumption on med-kits.

"Unfit": Staying inside a lot before is starting to seem like a bad idea. Your vaulting speed is decreased by 10%.

Feng Min

"Lone Wolf": You are determined to get stuff done by yourself. Gain a 5% repair speed bonus when 4 meters away from another survivor.

"Inconvenience": You feel that others are getting in your way. You have a 10% decreased heal speed when healing others speed and take 10% longer to get healed by others.


”Just lucky": Your just one lucky guy what can you say? Gain a Moderately better chance of getting an good item from a chest.

David King

”Powerhouse”: All those years of playing ruby made you stronger than the other survivors. When slamming the killer with a pallet the stun duration is increased by 10%.

”Clueless”: You have never worked on a machine before, but you’ll get the hang of it. Gain a 6% repair speed reduction with a 20% reduced good skill check zone. After working on generators for a total of 60 seconds you will lose this debuff. Failing a repair skill check will add 10 seconds back regardless if you have the debuff or not.

(I have more ideas but let’s see if you guys like the main idea)

Having this sorta thing would make them more predictable to play as and counter. Before the match starts the killer could decide that types of perks they could use against the survivors to expose their weaknesses.

As a survivor you could get the general idea of each other’s play style depending on what character you play if you where to play solo. You could just trying playing the same character for [BAD WORD] and giggles or you could try an actual team comp.


  • Shad03
    Shad03 Member Posts: 3,732
    edited May 2019

    This actually doesn't sound so bad. But then you'd have people come in here saying "bUT tHEn tHErE wOUlD bE surViVoR MetAs."

  • dfrenchiee
    dfrenchiee Member Posts: 334

    I like it. It gives the characters you're playing more personality rather than them just being skins.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    I like how every survivor has a pros and a con. I also like how their attributes reflect their personality because the reason why we main a specific survivor is due to their personality.

    However, I'll suggest what Detective David Tapp's passive should be! :)

    Detective David Tapp:

    "Determination": You won't stop until the bad guys are taken to justice! While within the killer's terror radius, gain a 9% action bonus towards all actions.

    "Reckless": You're so determined that you end up putting yourself into danger! You perceive the killer's terror radius 4 meters shorter than normal.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,064

    Honestly, this does not sound bad. Way better than the simple "give one Survivor a fifths Perk Slot for one of his Unique Perk" or "Give Survivors a bonus for using one of their Teachables".

  • Shad03
    Shad03 Member Posts: 3,732

    Allow me to rework Ace's thing @CubeyBlueDice


    "Lucky": Your personal luck is moderately better then everyone else, cause you're a lucky guy. Gain a moderately increased luck for better items in a chest and freeing yourself from traps and hooks.

    "Gambler": Your incessant need to gamble might cost you. When missing a skill check, there is a ever increasing chance for the next ten seconds you get a significantly harder skill check every two seconds. Hitting the skill checks will cause half the progression of a great skill check (in other words, it's like hitting a great skill check for half the reward), and missing resets the timer.

  • TheRoyalOwl
    TheRoyalOwl Member Posts: 749

    Ok can people stop making the same threads. It's quite annoying to see like 10 different threads on survivor passive abilities, it's not a good idea because its gonna break the balance even more.

  • TheRoyalOwl
    TheRoyalOwl Member Posts: 749

    Well no dur, you make fun of the fact they "will make survivors meta", but having survivors passive abilities be linked with their perks will absolutely leave some survivors better than others.

    If the percentage is little than it literally isn't gonna matter to most people.

    If it's even close to an ok percentage it might be considered when making a build.

    I really don't like idea especially when the developers don't know who to even balance the ranking system.

  • Shad03
    Shad03 Member Posts: 3,732

    @TheRoyalOwl I play mostly killer, but I KNOW survivors need something. People keep saying the Nurse and Billy are the only viable killers, yet people might still choose the lesser viable killers despite it.

    Survivors need something to make them generally more unique so more fun builds can be made with them.

    I will agree with you on the Dev part, the ranking system is a mess.

  • TheRoyalOwl
    TheRoyalOwl Member Posts: 749

    Well you kinda pointed out the problem with this in the first paragraph. It will likely make survivors that are already popular, cause of their perks, more popular because of their passives.

    People will use the other survivors for their looks but there will be less of them, and I really don't want to see more megs and claudettes than I have to.

  • CubeyBlueDice
    CubeyBlueDice Member Posts: 61

    I actually had the idea that when he uses a map it would last much longer than normal. I really like using the map so it would be cool for someone to have a specialty with maps and I thought he could fit the role for it.

  • T0xicTyler
    T0xicTyler Member Posts: 504

    I'm with @TheRoyalOwl on this one. Survivor metas are not something we need in this game for the sake of balance (game balance and variety.) These threads have been overdone to death and the general consensus has been no AFAIK.

  • FilthyQuentin
    FilthyQuentin Member Posts: 82

    I don't see the problem with the survivor meta. Killers have their best to worst killers so why not survivors aswell. It would make more sence to main that survivor other than just looks cz looks dont matter except for Claudette (Tapp and Adam) because she is the only survivor that has a trait and that is to blend in the dark. No wonder why you see her in almost every lobby. And before you start with it would break the balance can we atleast first test it on a ptb and if is it really that bad it just won't make it to the live version. Sure it would take some time for devs to make it happen and right now is probably not the best time cz of archives, chapters,... but it could happen some time in the futer.

  • Kaiju
    Kaiju Member Posts: 530

    Meg with Spinechill and Resilience 25% vault speed oof

  • FilthyQuentin
    FilthyQuentin Member Posts: 82

    @Kaiju just make it not stack easy.