Endgame Collapse

Remki Member Posts: 24

So I understand that Endgame Collapse was meant to prevent toxic behavior and people spending too much time at the gates, etc. but from what i've been experiencing, it's only decreased the quality of my games.

As survivor i've been last alive for quite a decent amount of my games and i've only ever escaped once. The one time I escaped was through the hatch, but it seems the hatch spawns almost right next to the killer or something at the end of the game, something i've noticed as killer as well.

Once it gets to trying to open a gate as the last survivor, it's barely even doable. I've only gotten close to opening them but because all the killer has to do is go back and forth and waiting by the gate for a couple seconds and the entity will kill the survivor for them.

It's a pain in the ass because it's incredibly killer sided, and let me guess, you're going to go on some rant about the hatch spawning regardless of the amount of generators done. That doesn't mean anything if the killer finds and closes the hatch right away as usual.

I've only had two survivors escape through hatch after endgame collapse as killer and I myself have only escaped through hatch once. It'd be a lot more effective if it didn't just screw the survivors over so that a minor problem was fixed.


  • EnviouSLAY
    EnviouSLAY Member Posts: 300

    I have mixed feelings on it as well; especially if you are playing meta killers who can basically teleport from door to door so it is near impossible to escape. I feel like the hatch should open back up after so long so you get a chance for those really bad matchup games. Because most of the time if the killer doesn't have a tracking perk to find the last survivor its just a waiting game to die while they run back and forth to secure no open doors. What is worse is getting slugged and forced to wait for the claw to kill you; but slugging and bleeding out is an "approved playstyle"

  • Yrakaz4
    Yrakaz4 Member Posts: 75

    The endgame collapse makes it impossible to escape when the pigs trap is on.

    Perks such as No one Left Behind becomes very rushed and almost useless.

    Against the Hillbilly, trying to open an exit gate with the timer is near impossible as he can go from one gate to the next in seconds.

    I am killer main and it honestly makes the game boring as killer because it's too easy to get all 4. I play survivor for the challenge but then get frustrated by the unfair balance.

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,238

    It shouldnt be a fair situation when you already failed to do generators or jump into the hatch.

  • PeepingPeacock
    PeepingPeacock Member Posts: 354

    It's a pain in the ass because it's incredibly killer sided

    The killer got everyone else on your team and beat you to the hatch.

    That situation should be killer favored.

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    The pigs traps are not actually active in the egc. If you were trapped before the last gen was done then you have to worry about removing it. If you're trapped during egc the trap isn't active and you can leave through the game like normal.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    i think the 15 second gate times were not a bad idea for the hatch closed situation.

    it might be better if the gate times get reduced to 15 seconds, after the killer closes the hatch. they would stay normal at 20 seconds repaired gens though.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    Its depend, sometime the hatch is close to the gate you're standing at. I usually hide near a gate, make sure the Killer come to check then when they start walking back, I start to open the gate. It gives higher chance. Though if 2 gates spawn too close. Its a certain dead.

    I had one like this

  • Mochan
    Mochan Member Posts: 2,886

    Endgame Collapse is definitely killer-sided, but that's fine.

    You can tilt it to your favor by bringing Plunderer along and fishing for keys.

  • Chrisko
    Chrisko Member Posts: 288

    I expect that once the devs get good gameplay data on how many door openings were successful during the end game collapse, they may adjust for balance. It seems like a low percentage of success for the last survivor to be able to get a door open, especially when the killer needs to just get line of sight on the doors (to see if they have been worked) and doesn't actually have to get close to a gate. We'll see what changes are made regarding this by the devs. I have employed several strategies which have had little success myself

  • Chrisko
    Chrisko Member Posts: 288

    I have had the opposite experience. I have only escaped through the door 1/15 times approx.

    1. I have waited by the door and opened as soon as the hatch was closed
    2. I have waited for the killer to head toward the other door and started opening but was downed with 2 or 3 secs remaining on the door.

    The door opening time needs to be reduced by about 3 seconds IMO.

    The other idea is for the door lights to all be lit so the killer can't see if a door is being worked on from a distance and has to actually go near the door to see if a survivor is there.

    I expect a balance to be done once the devs get some escape statistics from the endgame gameplay. Hopefully the devs will share data with the community so we all know what other players are experiencing.

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    We have a perk for that.

    Also if all lights on a door are lit, but no sound is heard and door isn't open then that is a dead giveaway that door ain't the right one. Also survivors stick out at the exit gate lever so you can see pretty easily their not there. So it wouldn't help you much against experienced players.