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Trapper is getting punished for using his traps

I just got out of a game as Trapper at rank 7. I was against a team of very patient survivors who would wait in hiding on Grim Pantry. Luckily I was using Black Tar and trapped them multiple times. The game ended with 3 kills and 1 escape.

And I flippin' depiped.

Now the escaped survivor was the stealthiest and I never caught her. So I knew my Devout emblem would be silver at best. And 2 gens popped very early despite Ruin surviving the whole game so Gatekeeper wouldn't be very good.

But I also got silver Malicious and bronze Chaser. Because there were very little chases happening. Survivors would hide, I would lay my very dark traps, they would get caught and then I'd pick them up. And apparently that does not count for much in the emblem scoring. Most of my wounds on the survivor where also from traps and I wonder if thoses are counted properly toward Malicious.

Now I don't mind too much about ranking by itself. But having the game tell you, you did poorly when by all accounts you used your killer power pretty damn successfully is very dishearthening.

tl;dr: Trapper's Emblem scoring need to be looked at.


  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    Plague is similar, I don’t think it counts properly when you don’t use two “normal,” attacks to down them

    not sure if it affects Chainsaw downs for Billy or Bubba???

  • Gardenia
    Gardenia Member Posts: 1,143

    Was wondering why I was depiping so much as plague, it's hard for her to pip really by comparison

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    yep, 3 kill with one hatch and there we’re multiple hooks on each. 2 or 3 gens lefft and I safety pipped

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    Its not just the trapper, stuff like that can happen on any killer. For example Myers... Chases are super quick when Tier 3 incl snowbal (not many points) and long when stalking (loosing points).

    My advice: Ignore the rank, its meaningless, until they deliver a ranking system that works.

  • Otzdarva
    Otzdarva Member Posts: 6

    It also helps THEM pip, as I'm pretty sure that survivors get the "ESCAPED!" event when they step on a trap during a chase. It's mental.

  • Condorloco_26
    Condorloco_26 Member Posts: 1,714

    I once trapped 9 guys in Pale Rose. Bronze chaser, barely black pipped.

    Best thing you can do is not caring about pips, emblems, ranks.

    Billy, LF and Huntress also get bad chaser emblems if you successfully use their powers.

  • prayer_survivor
    prayer_survivor Member Posts: 626

    Trapper and hag had an implicit buff with EGC. And if only is 1 survivor left and you find the hatch is 100% sure a 4k

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669


    devs succesfully ignore threats like this one though.

    ive made many of those myself and i saw tons of others saying the same, yet i havent seen a dev replying to one.

  • Kiskashi
    Kiskashi Member Posts: 1,043

    I'm glad someone mentioned this, being efficient is wrong in all cases apparently for this emblem, it's just there to promote longer chases. I will still use my ew3 how I see fit however, people have mentioned this before but it's probably unlikely they will ever make killer specific chaser/emblem categories even though it's needed because not all killers play the same. Some people here have suggested getting double points for hits/other areas etc to compensate in the chaser emblem but I can't remember the thread title (I'll edit if I find it).

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212
    edited May 2019

    It should be really simple to change the emblem for the better:

    * One hit downs from a killer power should award regular chase points +60 bonus points. (Chaser emblem points score between 90 and 30 based on the duration, so this would be fairer than just awarding max chase points for the second 'chase' that never happened)

    * One hit downs from perks should behave with the current interaction of being considered one chase. These are perks you are bringing to make the game significantly easier, and should not reward extra points for avoiding half a chase.

    * Injuries from killer powers, such as stepping in a trap, or breaking due to vomit, should be considered a successful chase. If they occur during a chase, score as normal, if they occur outside of a chase, +60 points.

    The only thing I can't really decide on is how you could score hitting a person who refuses to cleanse vs Plague. You aren't necessarily tunnelling, but you still have less chases due to their decisions. It isn't really fair to punish Plague's emblems for the survivors choosing broken over corrupt purge.

    Edit: As for hitting broken players as Plague, maybe consider the time from being unhooked. If the broken player has not been on the hook in the last 90 seconds, score it as a one hit down. This gives players plenty of time so that it is clear that they intentionally did not cleanse, but doesn't highly reward tunnelling a player off the hook with double chase points.

  • RoKrueger
    RoKrueger Member Posts: 1,371

    Who cares about rank and pips anyway. I am here to give the survivors a painful death (every time I am able) and if the Entity becomes displeased afterwards I could not care less, I had my fun

  • gantes
    gantes Member Posts: 1,611

    Meanwhile it's literally impossible to depip as Legion because you get iridescent Chaser and a high Malicious score simply by existing.

    The pipping system needs to stop being a joke before ranked rewards.

  • miaasma
    miaasma Member Posts: 911

    one of the very few ways to get survival points is to escape from bear traps, so yes it does