My thoughts on the new Legion (I like it but...)

Hello everyone, I'm new on this forum but not on Dead By Daylight (i have about 1000 hours in this game).

I've played the legion for 60 hours after the new Buff/Nerf. Despite what many people may say about it, i really like the new legion gameplay. Now you should use your power ONLY to injure as many survivors as you can and it seems great to me (and finally has a bit of counterplay). Furthermore, the 4.6 m/s movement speed makes him pretty good. All the changes seems to me fine except:

  1. Duration of feral frenzy: let's talk about it... now you have to use the legion power ONLY on multiple survivors and 10 seconds (or 14 with addons) are too few. If you wish to go straight on this road, you should consider to increase a bit the base duration. For instance, 14 seconds (18 with addons) seems to me pretty balanced with the new legion.
  2. Smiley face pin, defaced smiley pin, the legion pin (addons): Now with the legion's power change, those addons are pretty weak because you have to hit a survivor with Deep Wound (and it makes you to lose the power in order to apply them). Honestly, i think you should rework them maybe decreasing the duration to 30 (or 45) seconds but instead you apply those effects when you hit a Survivor who is not currently afflicted with the Deep Wound Status Effect.

I hope you will take into account my feedback.

See you in the fog!