So there I was being face camped....and I had a thought

So I play both sides, Killer more then survivor but I was rank 1 on both sides prior to the new system and now I hover at 4 as a pre-cursor

So I understand that sometime people are toxic, sometimes new players don't know how to chase and sometime farming unhooks lead to unsafe moments where the recently unhooked gets hung back up and survivors proxy for another save and it forces the killer to stay near the hook. I get it.

However yesterday as survivor I took the chase and eventually went down and bubba decided his best bet is to face camp and wait for the survivors to come for the rescue and unhook so he can insta-down someone else for a easy 2+k. Only this is not our first rodeo so we just gen rush while I take one for the team. Killer loses with 3k Bloodpoints and we move on and I depip but whatever.

However I hear this frustration all the time and when not in SWF people typically DC and the killer just goes to the next survivor to camp (losing BP all the face camp long day) but artificially pushing this tactic up the ranks. So as I was hanging there I thought a good counter to this for the Dev's would be to do the following:

1) Hook Bleed Timers go at half speed if the killer is in the radius of the hooked survivor with no other survivors in proximity (IE if someone is hiding in the bush for the save its normal pace) This would further punish face camping.

2) Insidious could over rule this if used (so if someone really wants this strat they have to use a perk to get it

3) Bleed out timers are no longer visible to the killer, so he can not use it as a tracking tool

4) Killer continues to loose BP for camping survivors when no one is around.

If you really want to get one kill on a toxic person, by all means but it comes at a cost.


  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291
    edited May 2019

    They tried that already on a ptb and it was abused, a survivor could just try and bait them away so they didn't leave standing just out the area so the timer took ages making all gens free and a lot easier to do.

    The problem with facecamping isn't that there is no punishment for it, it's that survivors tend to not use what they have to pun8sh it or kill themselves on the hook, they reward the behaviour most of the time making the strat worth doing.

    If they see someone being camped and run around trying to bait the killer more fool them, I will be the one on a gen close enough by them, trying to get out of dodge waiting for the flapping arms to tell me it's clear to save.

  • BismarckCane
    BismarckCane Member Posts: 73

    The issue really is its not currently enough to punish by BP only, and solo lobbies, moving on is really a DC away from punishing a whole team. By adding the timer it all but ensures 5 gens before the kill. Thus its an for sure 1 kill.

    To your point about rewarding the chase and moving on. This is how it is now. You are rewarded by chasing, hooking, hitting others. The incentive is there. It is not working is some cases and thus if we really want to end the camping, this would be my suggestion :)

    Thanks though for the reply

  • Shad03
    Shad03 Member Posts: 3,732

    Face camping as you know it was removed. There is only hard camping. And besides, as above post stated, this feature was abused.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    This is like the millionth time this exact same idea has been posted on these forums.

    It was tested long ago and the survivors abused it heavily so it was dropped.

  • BismarckCane
    BismarckCane Member Posts: 73

    Oh you don't see this at red ranks I agree but it is a green to early purple problem still. 8-15 and more noticed after rank resets (in my sight)

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,693

    Imagine if killers wanted to penalize survivors for running multiple second chance perks.

  • BismarckCane
    BismarckCane Member Posts: 73

    Don't really see the comparison on this one, perks vs play style? and trust me I am as tired of mettle as the next killer.

  • Donnyc
    Donnyc Member Posts: 47

    If they changed hook bloodpoint gains from static to progressive it would encourage more hooks. For example first hook for the same survivor is worth 500bp second is worth 1000bp third is worth 2000bp.

    And for tunneling they could double the bloodpoint gain for hooking a different survivor and increase the chance to pip up with bonuses for hooking all survivors once, and again for hooking all survivors twice.

    Rewards are the best option.

  • Hudson
    Hudson Member Posts: 93

    As I said before: We aren't punishing enough!

    There should also be punishments for tunneling, for using noed, for camping, for facecamping, for tryharding, for nodding the head and especially if someones dares to use insidous for camping a hook,

    we should punish, punish, PUNISH!

    There definitely should also be a punishment for klicking on "Play as Killer", since killer players are all bad eggs and should be punished right on from the beginning of the match.

    Besides that, you could do punishments as much as you want. I love camping, especially camping with friends, and I will do it as long as it's not bannable. Even if Insidious is removed, I would do it from time to time. But it's actually fun to see, if the other survivors see you, or if you get them with the perk.

    There are enough perks to be able to cope with camping, like borrowed time, premonition, Mettle of Man, Adrenaline ....

    And I think this "no skill" argument is nonsense aswell. Considering that, one of the favorites of the survivors (Adrenaline) doesn't need any "skill" aswell.

    First there should be perks helping players out with things they are not good at. Second I also think that camping doesn't have anything to do with lack of skill, it often has to do something with survivors being dickheads in the game.

    I tell ya, if I chase a survivor for half of the game, constantly flickering his flashlight and tbagging, using his excaustion perks and finally getting healed with adrenaline ... if I get this survivor down, I will make sure that he dies on a hook with Bubbas running chainsaw in his face for giving me such a ######### game.

    But hey .... we also can just punish like crazy. So let's punish campers, and just let's punish survivors that combine excaution perks with adreanline aswell. And let's remove BP from survivors who tbag and who flicker flashlights.

    I also would like to punish survivors who blind me while I am kicking a pallet. And let's punish survivors that do loops for more than 30 seconds.

    And most of all, I would love to punish survivor mains, that cry about the least usefull perk of all, named insidious. Let's punish them really hard!

  • Hudson
    Hudson Member Posts: 93

    I like that one!

    It was also suggested, that you can obtain a free mori, if you hooked each survivor once. That would definetely make me try to get a hook on each one.

    But like stated above, I would love all the punishments aswell. Let's just punish each other!

  • se05239
    se05239 Member Posts: 3,919

    Here's a thought.

    Instead of punishing killers for securing a kill, why not add more reward for going out and hunting?

  • Jake_Parks_prince
    Jake_Parks_prince Member Posts: 218

    If you facecamp a survivor on hook from first hook to death hook it only reduces chase by like 7%

  • CallMeSpidey
    CallMeSpidey Member Posts: 625

    Sadly, they don't lose bloodpoints as punishment for camping.

    They don't lose anything. Face camping is an issue, best left to the gen rushers. Sad the survivor who's getting camped gets removed from the game so fast.