Killer Adept Achievements

Could you possibly modify the achievement to make it so killers have some control over it? Or do you plan to keep it as is with the survivors deciding whether or not you have a chance to get it? I've seriously given up on trying. Had 5 straight games where no one escaped yet no achievement due to either DCs, suicide on hook, or the survivors leaving someone on the hook for an extra health state. If nobody escapes then I should get the damn achievement. Otherwise this is just another case of the devs promoting toxicity by allowing the survivors to deny you an achievement by simply pressing a button.
Why are devs ignoring this so hard. Fix these damn achievements. There was nothing wrong with how they were previously. Why do these devs hate killers so much.
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@ApeOfMazor They don't, its just the emblem change did it
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@ApeOfMazor I wouldn't say they hate killers, but they certainly need to fix the Adept achievements for the Killers.
@Peanits Got a moment to comment on something like this? Perhaps maybe showing this to the development team?
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As it currently stands, merciless victory means "all survivors played well yet didn't escape."
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I haven't had much trouble with it except for survivors dc'ing for about 2 games but I agree it should be how it was before seeing as how survivor only needs to escape which is pretty easy
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Well sir, you have better luck than me lol. I can't seem to get the survivors to play good enough to earn me the achievement. If they don't dc then they end up missin a save and lettin someone go into struggle. Either way i'm screwed lol.
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Waiting for rank reset helps. I did the adepts I was missing at yellow ranks and it was relatively easy. To get them you have to play both super "sweaty" and super stupid at the same's pretty dumb.
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The lower ranks are even worse as the achievement requires the survivors to play at a certain level. Totally agree with you though on the killers being required to flip back and forth between sweat and stupidity. I even try to back off a little so they can get all their saves in and they still end up screwin me.
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I was trying to get adept as huntress one game and this is what happened
I was running Iridescent head with infantry belt
-Territorial went off right away
-I went to basement
-instadowned him with a hatchet
-He dc'd right away
-10 seconds later another person dc'd
-5 seconds later another person dc'd
-I roamed around for a minute looking for the last guy
-Found him he tbagged and I instadowned him hooked him and the game was over within 2 mins
Ez safety pip
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That's the main problem. If all 4 survs don't give it their all and hang in there til the end then you get punished for their bad play. Might as well just give the adept killer achievement to the survivors lol
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Yes, this needs to be addressed.
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Why did they even change this ? Now it's almost impossible to get them.
As survivors, it's very easy, so why is it sor hard for killers ?
"Get 4 kills with the killer's base perks only". End of story.
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Gettin a 4k with such amazing perks like Dark Devotion and Corrupt Intervention should be enough to earn a reward lol.
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So bhvr read the post but didn't respond. Guess that means they don't care.
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People have been posting this for weeks and there is zero response on it. Like every other thread has some bhvr stafg posting in it but an actual issue that could be pretty easily fixed goes unacknowledged.
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lmao how did killers bein able to get adept achievements become a taboo subject?
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Bringin this up again. The devs will never acknowledge or respond to this so i'll just refresh it everyday.
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Guys feel free to say anything you want in this thread. The devs will skip past it once they see the title.
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Yeah. Really should be 4k or even just ruthless (1 pip).