Seriously, fix side-by-side gate spawning...

Traslogan Member Posts: 283
edited May 2019 in Feedback and Suggestions

Just had a long-map of Autohaven wreckers, the one where the basement is 300m up a long thin stretch of map.

Turns out that was irrelevant since both gates spawned side-by-side 30m apart and with no visual obstructions to one another, yet again, so the killer never even went up the 2nd half of the map once he realized that.

Had the same on Coldwind Farm, Haddonfield, The other 5000 times it gave me Coldwind Farm (Since that maps is clearly a preference for some reason in the map-selection), and any map with walls really (wink wink, nudge nudge)

Seriously how tough is it to make it so gates are spaced out enough to actually be usable?...