How rich would you be?

Ultama160 Member Posts: 11

how rich would you be in each scenerio?


1. got flash lighted while breaking a pallet (1000bp)

2. got teabagged at the exit gate and DIDNT get a free hit (100bp)

(bonus 1000 bp if you did)

3. got a free hit when someone jumped off a ledge and tried running back (100bp)

4. got hit with ds with the gate open (1000bp)

4.A) noticed someone messed up ds with the gate open (5000bp)

5. found someone in a locker next to a 99% completed gen (1000bp)

(bonus 5000 if you did this in a house)

6. saw someones butt next to a tree only for them to move slighty so you look away while getting close to them then lundge around a corner (100bp)

7. you hook someone and see the top of someones head behind an object but they dont have a flashlight (100bp)

(bonus 1000bp if they do)

8. when camping someone on the hook or hatch and you have to play the staring game with the person trying to bait your attack (100bp if you lost, 1000bp if you won)

9. someone gets the hatch and procceds to harrass you post chat about how you got rekt after you steam rolled the other 3 survivors (1000bp)

9.A) they did this but camped the hatch while you had the 3rd person on the hook(2000 bp)

9.B) they did this but were mega salty afterwards (3000bp)

9.C) they did this but baited your attack and you were running franklins demise so they lost there rare item (5000bp)

10. face camped someone out of spite (1bp) satisfaction is its own reward

10.A) because they radared you with OoO (1000 bp)

10.B) because they tried to flashlight♥♥♥♥♥♥♥you (1000 bp)

10.C) because they pallete looped you for 5 gen (1bp)

10.D) because you need kills as freddy(5bp)

10.E) because you need your trapper daily (10bp)

10.2E) you got your trapper daily (24000 bp)

10.F) because you know you can as the hillbilly/ cannibal (1bp)

10.G) because someone running SC took 10 shots for his friend and now he has to pay the piper (1000bp)

10.H) because you wanted to ruin seal team 6's perfect record

11. when you get body blocked and the last gen gets complete so you start noed'ing all the kids that bullied you (10000 bp)

11.A) they were salty afterwards (15000)

12. (1000bp) for every crutch perk and meg/ cladette on the survivors side.

13. evertime you played a level 1 killer against a team of survivors running all items and 4 crutch perks but were called bad at the end of the match (10000bp)

14. Every time you gave up on a chase from a surv that was running you from pallet to pallet only to follow you around to make you chase them again and you downed them in 10 seconds (4000bp)

14.A) they were teabagging (5000bp)

14.B) they were clicking there flashlight (6000bp)

15. You played the spirit faked your power to make someone climb over a pallet thinking they were slick (1000bp)

16. You closed the hatchwhile a surv was on top of the hatch waiting to bm you when you found it (100000bp)


(1000 bp each)


[*] #########

[*] could your wall hacks be more obvious?

[*] your ruining this game

[*] camper!

[*] baby killer

[*] its ok we know your not good (after you steam roll them)

[*] get rekt

[*] doctor/hag/hillbilly/ cannibal/shape/legion/clown/nurse is op

[*] noed/ ruin/ nurses calling is op

[*] go ♥♥♥♥ yourself (after you win)

[*] you have no honor as a killer(after you win)

[*] ggwp ( after you steam rolled them)

[*] that addon is op

[*] im reporting you for camping

[*] im reporting you ( gives no reason)

[*] my team sucked ( this person was first to die)

[*] lol private profile, lemme see your hours noob

[*] ######### your mcdonalds wifi

[*] im acually a killer main

[*] thats not how you play killer

[*] toxic

[*] not ggwp ( after you say gg politely)

[*] stop totem camping


Alrighty time for part 2:


1. everytime you qued for a lobby but had that one guy that never pushed ready (100 bp)

2. evertime you got lobby dodged(1000 bp)

2.A) got dodged after equipping bloody clothes(2000 bp)

2.B) got dodged after equipping legacy (5000 bp)

2.C) got dodged after equpping a flashlight/ toolbox (1000 bp)

2.D) dodged after becoming a 4 women cladette/ meg squad (1000bp)

2.E) dodged after becoming a 4 man quinten/ dave/ ace squad (50000bp)

3. In your mind went "oh♥♥♥♥♥♥ after finding out your fighting the doctor/ hag/ huntress usually after being affected by there respective powers (100 bp)

3.A) went " oh look, a legion" (500bp)

4. thought you were safe only to look over your shoulder and see the shape staring at you (1000bp)

4.A) thought you were safe and the pig turned a corner on you (2000bp)

4.B) thought you were safe and the wraith body blocked you coming out of invis (3000bp)

4.C) thought you were safe and the huntress snipes you from 30 meters away (4000bp)

4.D) thought you were safe and you swear to god you heard freddies tune (5000)

4.E) thought you were safe and the hillbilly chainsaws you after sprinting across the map (6000bp)

4.F) thought you were safe and you activate a hag trap you swore to god wasent there before (7000)

4.G) thought you were safe so you climbed through a random window only to have a bear trap on the other side (8000)

4.H) saw the legion be line for you after chain feral frenzy and you didnt care to dodge it because you know hes going to run to someone else and not follow up on you. (9000bp)

4.I) got yoinked off a gen or hex totem by the spirit and pooped your pants (10000bp)

5. everytime someone pulled you off the hook right next to the killer (1000bp)

5.A) the killer doesnt tunnel you after(2000bp)

5.B) the killer tunnels the other guy (3000bp)

6. Everytime you got someone off the hook and you swear to god they didnt want to be healed (1000bp)

7.( if you at any time felt like this) (10000)

8. everytime you swear to god the killer was wall hacking but ended up have nurses calling ( welp cant take that♥♥♥♥♥♥back now)(100 bp)

9. evertime you were at 95% gen complete and you thought you could get it done before he got there (100bp)

9.A) if you got it done (1000bp)

9.B) if you became bait and someone else got it done (100bp)

9.C) you get grabbed (1bp)

9.D) the guy helping you blows the generator (1000bp for each fail)

10. when the killer is running unerving presence and that one guy wont stop failing skill checks (1000bp)

10.A) he is the guy ♥♥♥♥ing up your generator (2000bp)

10.B) your the guy ♥♥♥♥ing up the generator (5000bp)

10.2B) same but without unerving presence (10000bp)

11. when you tried to camp a palette and you fellow survivors get in your way (1000bp)

11.A) if you did this and got them off the hook 3 meters from the killer (2000bp)

12. when someone dies on the hooks there first time up without the killer camping and you swear to god someone else was going to get him (1bp)

13. the killer downs 2 people but no one comes to get you off the hook even after the other survivor is picked up (1 bp)

14. when theres 2 survivors left and one brought the key so they leave you without showing you the hatch and you die (1bp)

14.A) you find the hatch later and escape (5000bp)

15. The killer got salty in the end game chat that you didnt go back to save the one guy on the hook and that makes you a bad surv but the killer was very obviously running noed ( 20000bp)

15.A) he was no running noed ( -2000bp)

16. When you escaped only using ds or Mom at the last second (1000bp)

16.A you didnt get to use your MOM so you let the killer get a free hit on you because you know hes poor and he needs the points for better add-ons (10000bp)

17. You used ds to counter a farm hook or tunnel (1000bp)

17.A) you used it to spite the killer while the exit gates were powered (2000bp)

17.B) you used it save a friend ( 3000bp)

17.C) you used it to stun the killer that was camping enough to make a hook save and you ran BT so the guy off the hook got away (5000bp)

17.2C) he just ended up downing you instead (-2000bp)

18. You sat at the pallet and stared at the killer like he was stupid on a long wall while the killer moved around trying to make you move but you know he has to break the pallet so you dont move ( 10000bp)

19. You escaped with no miter ( 5000bp)


(1000bp each)


[*] just got/ doing this for my dailey

[*] ♥♥♥♥ing playing as the nurse

[*] nice speed hack

[*] (auto disconnects after a brutal beating)

[*] ♥♥♥♥ you

[*] im acually a surv main


hope you enjoy the list guys :)

If theres anything i missed you wanna see be sure to comment


  • George_Soros
    George_Soros Member Posts: 2,270

    You thought this out very carefully, nice job.

    How about adding this for killer: gave last survivor the Hatch only to get trash talked by the same survivor after game (1 BP only for being stupid enough to give hatch)


  • Kiskashi
    Kiskashi Member Posts: 1,043
    edited May 2019

    I was looking at the survivor ones on 95% a gen while the killer is coming at you like a bullet train and I recall people saying SWF unfair and I also recall a moment I committed to a gen because it was 95% and it was almost done until my friend (only person I play SWF with) blew it up at 99% by letting go (I was on the killer side too) and I got grabbed. 10/10 SWF for the win.😂I swear we end up sabotaging each other by accident more than anything.

    I do also love the teammates that find a key/bring a key, show no-one and just nope out when the match goes downhill without letting anyone else know at all (they also proceed to do no gens and look for the hatch while everyone else is struggling to get them done) always happens on the red forest map for some reason too.

    Also had one recently where the whole team knew about a key, a jake who found it dropped it in the bus on the autohaven map, jake died because he was hard tunneled (was hooked first), another teammate died not long after and it was just Meg and I, she ended up grabbing the key but was also caught first then decided to struggle on the hook while the killer chased me... I really want to know when she picked it up because if she picked it up in front of the killer and that's why she got caught...

    Great list though OP, some of them are way too accurate