Body blocking hooks - Reportable?
LOL using buzzwords again? How am I moving the goal post this time?
That's like your go to defense when you have no argument dude. It's getting old. And yes if you keep doing it in other threads I will call you out on it.
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Survivors ask to be slugged, killers oblige, survivors complain on the forum that this is taking the game hostage.
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Killers ask to be gen rushed when they tunnel. See how that logic works?
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That his highly inaccurate for console since I know for a fact 3 man and 4 man SWF break up and queue on their own because of the long queue times.
PC queue times can't compare to console.
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My argument is, that survivors and killers get treated differently. Something is acceptable for one side, but not for the other. Killer plays alone vs 4 and should have the power role. But your solution only leads to a clown show, like this discussion.
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I'm asking for fair and balanced game for all. If I was sitting here saying "game should start with exit gates open" you could say I'm only out for one side. But I'm not. Survivors body blocking the hook has PLENTY of counters. Killer body blocking the unhook prompt has 0 counters. See the difference?
The only clown here is you bro.
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That's why the swivel hooks were introduced.
As I said like 20 pages ago, I'd prefer the same treatment for both sides. Either swivel hooks for survivors and killers or perks for survivors and killers.
But since you start to insult, I'll stop this discussion right here.
Have a nice day.
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Yes that is why swivel hook was introduced because survivors had no way to make a save if killer body blocks the hook prompt.
However the killer does not need swivel hooks because they already have ways to counter survivor body blocks.
You are comparing apples to oranges.
PS. LOL insult. Good cop out. Whatever helps you sleep at night I guess.
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Yes, they changed the hooks since facecamping had no counter, bodyblocking has counters.
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Bodyblocking is a strat and all, and it works great when a survivor manages to block the front of the hook and the killer either drops the survivor, or takes the stun due to wiggling out.
Still, there's one situation where, while carrying, killer hits 1 or 2 guys and manages to "win" the position in front of the hook. At that point I would consider bodyblocking failed, since the killer is in front of the hook already. And the killer should be allowed to hook, I mean, he's right there.
But Mr. 3rd guy crouches behind the killer in the exact spot where the little "stepback" for hooking is prevented. This is the only case where I would advocate for ignoring collision, since the killer succeeded in clearing the front of the hook. Why should he also care about his backside?
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@Condorloco_26 I thought they fixed bodyblocking from behind, yes that is dumb but if it remains the way it is then I guess you’ll just have to look behind you too.
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Since I've experienced it quite a lot before, in any bodyblocking situation I always go look for another hook as a first option.
And as a second option I go full Shane if they swarm the hook, not caring about the carried guy. I'll most likely land 3 hits before being stunned. That's a win for me.
And unless they all ran away, I know someone is going to block that "stepback" position, so it's a no-win for me if I try to hook with someone still around.
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@Condorloco_26 the step back position blocking definitely qualifies as exploiting imo but just sitting in front of the hook is fine.
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@Tsulan Are you back to playing again?
Or are you just trying to stir up drama again?
Because it's very obvious the difference in blocking, and the options a killer has when "trolled" by 3 survivors doing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to escape. If you see all 4 survivors, guess what, they're not getting gens done
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Oh I'm playing again. Mainly survivor, since I want to relax. But guess what, I encounter this body blocking quite a lot. Killer usually loses that situation.
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There are plenty of perks to counter this if it's that big of an annoyance. Iron Grasp, Agitation, Mad Grit, Save The Best For Last. Always pick the closest hook unless you have a very good reason to select a further one.
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Use Mad Grit if it's as common as you're saying it is.
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Am I the only one who thinks it is weird that a 55kg girl will crouch in front of a 2m heigh(or more) and around 120 weight (or more) killer who could just kick her dead in the face with his foot?
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This was my argument in a post a few weeks back, it's not even close to representing a horror franchise lol. When has that ever happened in a movie?
'Oh no, the killer! Quick, everyone, crouch at his knees!'
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U need to see the survivors perspective aswell. Beeing on the hook facecamped (back then when facecamping was a thing) was just straight up bs. Yeah it was funny sometimes, I laughed a lot.
But u the fun for all remaining survivors were gone. The hooked one was dead, the others kept holding m1. And there was nothing the survivors could do to change that situation.
But bodyblocking? Smack or slug, u have full control in that situation to make a decision.
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Yeah. When I bought the game I was like "this gonna be a horror game, survivors will be afraid to face the killer, etc" Turns its not even close to a horror game. Probably wasn't even meant to be. I always thought the game would be more fun if the survivors would actually have a reason to FEAR the killer.
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I know how you feel, i have to admit when I first started playing and played survivor I feared the killer and was caught up in the suspense of just repairing gens, escaping (not worrying / understanding perks) trying not to be caught or seen. Made me jump quite a bit at times, but it wasn't long before that element of the game wore off. Still enjoy it though!
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I know, it was game over for that survivor. It's good that it's gone, BUT they should have solved it either by giving both sides swivel hooks or perks for that exact purpose.
Not a perkless version for survivors and a perk version for killers.
That's all I'm complaining about. That both sides get treated differently. Instead of equally.
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You can't compare something that can be stopped to something that can't be...
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It's not, but Mad Grit completely counters it.
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By the way you describe it, it sounds like you lose every game as killer, lol.