Up/Down Votes
How relevant are Up/Down Votes on this forum and what do they represent? I got 20 down votes on a post for asking a question about whether body blocking is reportable or not lol. I wasn't slating the game, or complaining, I just simply asked the question. Not that I care about how many I have, but not sure if you get banned if you have a certain amount etc...
You can't get banned lol.
I once saw a guy ask for a stable game without bugs and he got tons of downvotes lol this says enough.
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Good to know, i guess it just represents difference of opinion. Haha you're right, says it all!
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You answered yourself right there. Unfortunately a lot of people are too immature to use Downvotes correctly.
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Some people abuse it, I’ve gotten downvotes for quoting the devs, saying something I thought as a noob, saying my experience in the game and the list goes on.
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This forum, like the related game, is all about grind. The previous design suffered from redundancy, awesome being a higher degree of an upvote. Now they have fixed it and you can grind both without worrying about getting awesome'd instead of upvoted and vice versa.