Bellow the surface (fnaf chapter)

Killer: The Amalgam/ Ennard
Killer bio: Ennard was once several different machines those being referred to as the funtime animatronics who were designed to take unsuspecting children. after capturing several children the machines were locked away deep underground but were soon awakened by the souls of the children they killed who possessed them and made them their hosts so they could enact vengeance. one day a mysterious man came in who looked like the one who built the machines but in reality he was that mans son and he had descended into the depths so he could undo his fathers mistakes and free the children souls. but the children had been driven mad and bitter and soon had ripped their robotic body's apart and merged them together to become one twisted machine with all their souls operating it. soon they had removed the mans intestines and began using as a skin suit so they could enter normal life but after days the man rotted and they had to evacuate the body and hide in the sewers where they began to bicker and ejected their leader from their mass and began to hunt. Years had passed and they had been lured to a strange place where they could supposedly hunt but it was all a lie as they were soon locked in with no way out and were consumed by flames but they some how woke up once again as one being and there was new prey to hunt.
Ability, Mechanical Mayhem: Mechanical Mayhem is multi use power allowing you to sabotage objectives and disrupt survivors, You can infest generators with wires and if a survivor fails a skill check on that generator they will be infected with the wires which will slowly disable them (this will be be elaborated on later) you can also place wires in unopened chest and on the ground and when on the ground and a nearby survivor within 5 meters will become infested with wires ,survivors who open infested chest will also be infested. an infested survivor will occasionally scream and reveal their location and will also move 5% slower. when an infested survivor interacts with a generator and completes a skill check they will transfer the wires to the generator. you can only have 4 survivors infested at a time and thus only 4 things can be trapped.
Perk 1, Hex: Elizabeth's rage: Her rage fuels you all, after a generator is completed an inactive totem will become active its effects will begin, when a survivor completes a good skill check they will have their aura revealed for 5/7/10 seconds and if they complete a great skill check they will have their aura revealed for 5/10/15 seconds and also while being exposed at the same time. -
"I'm impressed. What are you doing here? Can't you see that I'm busy? You deactivated my games? I didn't know what else to do. I don't want to disappoint people. But my mind isn't right. I've made something terrible. Her name is Baby. It's too late to deactivate her. I'm sorry.''- Mysterious man
Perk 2, Empty tomb: when they see you they see a living tomb, you kick generators 5/10/15% faster and additionally you will see the aura of the last survivor who touched that generator for 5/7/10 seconds and if their in your terror radius. -
"Why do you hide inside your walls, When there is music in my halls? All I see is an empty room, No more joy, an empty tomb. It's so good to sing all day, To dance, to spin, to fly away."- Ballora
Perk 3, Artificial freedom: Their freedom is purely an illusion, you gain and obsession and every time you hit that obsession you gain a token with a maximum of 3/4/5. when you hook a survivor you will lose a token but that survivor will have 4/6/7% faster hook progression and if that survivor is saved you will see their rescuers aura for 5/10/25 seconds.
"Small souls trapped in prisons of my making now set to new purpose and used in ways I never thought imaginable." - Henry
Survivor: Michael Afton
Survivor bio: Michael was born into a seemingly normal family with his brother and sister being young and his father being a mechanic for popular entertainment organization called Freddy Fazbear's pizza but that normality would soon change when a mysterious killer began using the local Freddy's restaurant as his hunting ground. The killer would disguise themselves as a bunny from the cast of animatrionic characters and would lure children into some unknown location stuff them into the ageing suits but this string of tragedy came to an end when Michael's brother was a victim of the tragedy though it wasn't caused by the mysterious killer but Michael himself in a freak accident involving the animatronics. during a time of grief Michael's father decided to open another restaurant called Circus Baby's Pizza world and in that place were special animatornics designed by his father and on its opening day when Michael's sister was alone with an animatrionic and she was lost which caused the place to close down and caused Michael's father to seal away the animatronics in an under ground facility but it also caused Michael to have a revelation but he did not act on it. Years later Michael's father asked him to enter that underground facility which inadvertently confirmed his revelation. He spent several nights in that facility where he acquainted himself with the angry souls inhabiting those machines one of which belonged to his sister and after trying to help them they ultimately destroyed themselves but they put themselves together into amalgamation and that's when Michael knew what they were going to do and he was ok with it. They killed Michael and began using him as a skin suit to join the normal life they got robbed of but Michael was rotting and soon they had to escape into the sewer but that didn't mean Michael was done in fact it was quite the opposite with rising from the ground his story not yet over. years later him and an old family friend finally ended it all with his sister and her associates souls at rest along the family's friends daughter and his father who finally got punished for his heinous crimes and as Michael was consumed by fire he suddenly woke up in a foggy place and he questioned if it was an afterlife but soon he would learn other wise.
Perk 1, Persistence: You have unwavering persistence in the face of danger, when you get hit by the killer and then if you break the chase your repair and altruistic action speed will be increased by 7/10/16%.
"I will vomit you back... to relive your horror!" - Nightmare
Perk 2, Experienced history: Your history has given you a lot of experience and that allows you too make some good guesses, when in the killers terror radius for more than 10/6/4 seconds you will see all the nearest generators and if all generators are powered you will see the nearest exit gate.
"That was easier than I thought it would be."- William Afton
Perk 3, Unwavering patience: you have patience that most do not posses, When failing a skill check you will gain a token and once 5/4/3 tokens are collected you will gain a 5/7/12% repair speed boost for 8 seconds when working on a generator. once you begin working on a generator all tokens will be expended.
"And to you, my brave volunteer, who somehow found this job listing not intended for you: although there was a way out planned for you, I have a feeling that's not what you want. I have a feeling that you are right where you want to be." - Henry
Map: Circus baby's entertainment and rentals
Map bio: Once a place where the tragic were locked away it was pulled from the memory of Michael and The amalgamation and warped by the entity to be a labyrinth of darkness and death.
Map image
The amalgamation cosmetics
Molten Freddy: With Elizabeth gone the rest could focus on their objectives
Mask less: Below the clown mask lies the true face of the Amalgam