The "Battlepass" conspiracies aren't true and are lies.

I wish some people would just watch the Developer stream for once. Here is something to think about from the Developer stream about the aforementioned "Battlepass".
Dave (Creative Director) is currently talking to Mathieu Cote (Game Director, currently host) speaking about how the Archive works. It is a new way to tell the lore of Dead by Daylight through different challenges that can also be progressed by Bloodpoints if you so choose. Tones are specific focus points of every chapter that provide different types of lore explored or shown with each character that change every 3 months. These contain a number of challenges, for survivor and killer, that are essentially "quests" and look similar to a Bloodweb as the player does have the ability to choose their own route of quests. This is the concern for many players when it comes to the time limit that may encourage players to spend money on the game by exploiting their spending insecurities (no shame, we're all human). Specifically starting at 1:00:10 in the stream, David starts speaking to Mathieu about charms that are the tone's special rewards for completing particularly hard challenges. The following conversation ensues:
DAVE: "...and when you complete [a challenge] of the difficultly level, you will unlock this completion charm that is unique to that tone. Meaning that it's the ultimate bragging right."
MATHIEU: "[Interjects] So if I'm not done by the time the next tome comes out, can I still work on it?"
DAVE: "Absolutely, the archives tone will be available to all forever. Its part of the normal game, everybody has access to it."
That is it. No time limit, no dividing playerbase, no pay to win, and rewards for everyone at anytime. If your argument is that Dead by Daylight will be using this as a way to leech off of players, then you're dead wrong. Any money spent on this "Battlepass" will be available to be redeemed at anytime the player chooses to complete the tone, which is quite similar to buying a regular DLC. This is not preying on people's spending habits, it is simply a quicker way to progress the game. It provides everyday activities for the players to do, provides lore tidbits to be scrutinized, and gives benefits to the main game with Bloodpoint rewards. This is not a Fortnite or Apex Battlepass, so do not label it as one. From my own opinion...
Edit was for grammar.
Couldn’t agree more.
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I thought the Rift was separate from the Archive tomes.
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I think the Rift ARE the Archive Tomes.
The Archive is its own thing but the Tomes are what lead you to the Rift.
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It is they don't stay forever there is only one rift that changes every three months
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Thank you
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It is separate to an extent. The Rift is what the focus point of the tones are, so they provide cosmetics based on whatever lore is also being revealed in the Rift. The paid version of this pass does have more cosmetics, although that is optional as explained above, and would be still be available for purchase after the Rift was already changed for the next chapter. What's similar between the Rift and the tones is that all of the rewards are linked to the quests of the tone, so the tones themselves are what gives you the cosmetics. This means that the "Battlepasses" of every chapter can be still progressed after the Rift switches to a different part of the story, and is what separates them from Fortnite or Apex as they are products that allow you to obtain your rewards at any pace, much like leveling a character that you would buy from a DLC. The content is yours and Behavior will not take that away from you if you didn't redeem all of it's rewards in time.
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Pretty sure The Rift and The Archives are completely separate things.
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the rift and the archives are part of the same things. Doesn't matter. I hate the rift.
But i love the archives.
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Everyone is scared of a battlepass and I'm just sitting here willing to pay 9.99/mo even if there was no battlepass. Guess that's the MMO player in me. You typically get what you pay for.
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Hey guys, Hi everyone.
I don't like/have time to watch streams/videos.
I notice everyone is talking about "the rift", "the archives", this and that.
Do you know if there's somewhere I can read about this whole fuzz? I've looked into the whole forum for an explanation from the devs but can't find anything (or I'm looking in the wrong place)
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They haven't posted it in writing yet I don't think. Unfortunately.
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I think u are mixing it up, bit I hope you are right lol. Please no battlepass
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Yeah so it seems. Too bad, because I'm not understanding a thing LOL
Thanks for answering!
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Yeah I'm very confused too, tbh.
Edit: You're welcome btw lol
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I guess we'll have to wait for them to make an official statement. Maybe Monday?
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@Condorloco_26 I made a separate thread if you don't want to wait. Its extremely long, so you can just look at the parts you want.
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...But the rift is a battle pass tho.
They stay up for 3 months (aka until new rift) and after that they're gone.
Archives yes sure they are staying 100% of the time. They are our new lore. Rifts are just cosmetics with a big cosmetic at the end relating to the current tome of the archives
(That's how I understood it)
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Thanks, I'll look for it.
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They stated tomes come out and stay.
They stated rifts come out WITH tomes, but are limited.
Archive/tomes are lore and free.
Rift is limited battlepass.
I'm fine with the archives challenges. But not the "play this much or dont get this item ever" rift.
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Event items like the Hallowed Blight are (sort of) the same thing, you have to play a x amount to get "free" cosmetics
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@Joao_Bandicoot Kinda. But at the same time not because you can still buy them after the fact.
I would compare rift cosmetics to Legacy.
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@Joao_Bandicoot @Milo We also didn't have to pay to access the Hallowed Blight.
I suppose that's what we can compare the rifts to. A paid holiday event where the cosmetics aren't available afterwards.
Still predatory imo, but that seems like an accurate summation of the rift.
I wonder how buggy they'll be...
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But the Hulk was useless in that movie and aside from a few small comic relief moments did absolutely nothing!
Sorry "a picture is worth a thousand words" so I figured most of your post would be there.
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But they said that the rifts (aka battlepass) that provide players with cosmetics are not permanent. The only said that the tones (the quests that reveal lore?) are permanent so it is just a 3 month battlepass system.
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@PolarBear All of the rewards obtainable from the Rift was said to be gained from the tomes. The Rifts is explaining what the rewards of the tomes will be linked to, like the backstory of Claudette, but the tomes themselves can still be completed at any time. New tomes come out as a new Rift comes out because the rewards of the Rift come from the tones themselves. The Rift is just for show of a new type of story being added to the game after every 3 months.
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@WaffleFalafel "...the rift is not permanent, it's something temporary." "...and in the rift, the player will be able to unlock more cosmetics"
I don't know how you think it won't be a 3 month battlepass.
The tones are the lore stuff and the rift is the cosmetic stuff. There might also be cosmetics in the tones baseline but that wasn't specified.
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I believe the charms that you can get come from the Archives / Tomes. Technically those are cosmetics. But nothing was said about regular cosmetics, i.e. clothes
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The rift is seperate from the archive sort of, and it is a battle pass, and its not P2W but it is items you can only get by not only grinding but ALSO paying, so your working hard and paying hard and thats just dumb in my book. Down with the battle pass!
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Am i crazy? I love the idea of cosmetics that are limited time!! It's a HUGE plus! It gives a real reason to grind. Am i the only one who feels this way?
Arguably the 3rd biggest reason to grind behind skill building and game useable items, such as perks, is bragging rights. I wish all event items and even normal store items were like this. I find it underwhelming to grind out events or buy some costly outfit just to have any player at any time come in slap 5$'s down and get every item i spent the last year grinding for!?! I want to pop into a lobby and show my accomplishments to the other players especially as a solo player or the killer! How cool would it be to finally come face to face with your killer and know by their get-up that this one's no joke!! Instead of "oh this guy spent some money."
Just think about it, that's all I'm sayin' :)