watched the entire stream, and nobody said anything about this

zimer Member Posts: 131
edited June 2019 in General Discussions

A theme music for every killer? A personal terror radius music? anything?

the definition of HORROR is based like 70% on how good the sound is, so why dont they improve and add more content that is sound-based

(like myers)

Post edited by zimer on


  • rch614
    rch614 Member Posts: 551

    Unless I actually missed it in the stream, I don't think this is on their radar. They did recently add each killer's personal music to their lobby / selection, but I know that's not what you're after

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    Most killers don't have any music linked to them. Myers has an icon piece of music linked to his franchise.

  • Carpo
    Carpo Member Posts: 19

    Probably because it's not that important

    Hearing clown music for the clown every time he's near would be cool, but it's not important.

    Also removes the mystery of certain killers if you can identify by theme every time.

  • zimer
    zimer Member Posts: 131

    It's content, any type of content, even small details that are added into the game are important, if it helps the play get immersed more, it is important.

    And also yes, that mystery you are talking about would indeed last about 5 seconds less if each killer would have their own theme

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    How is it more immersive if the Entity decides to grab a squeezebox and play the Clown's theme when he's nearby?

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    Every killer past Clown has their own Theme Music while in the menu :3

  • ba_tetsuo
    ba_tetsuo Member Posts: 330

    Freddy will have this, actually. When you're asleep, instead of the terror heartbeat, you hear the la-la-las

  • zimer
    zimer Member Posts: 131
    edited June 2019

    if ghostface will have this there is hope, but since we didnt hear anything on the stream..

    i like dbd a lot, and not seeing any activity on the sound design of the game breaks my heart a little bit

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

    Well with every killer clown onwards they could just make their personal chapter theme their terror radius theme or at least of version of it.

    It probably wouldn't be too hard to create music for the other Killers the problem is with Killers like Amanda and Bubba

    The Iconic saw theme isn't actually owned by the licence holder of the saw franchise so making a specific radius film based on it is unlikely

  • tariousx
    tariousx Member Posts: 156

    Too much money is the reason why. Wont generate revenue.

  • zimer
    zimer Member Posts: 131

    yes it will, game will feel more complete, more awesome => more people who will play the game => more money

    BACKSTABBER Member Posts: 1,809

    What? Watched the entire stream? Why do u hurt urself that bad lol

  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,965

    This would be a nice feature. Lots of things would be nice though. They do have finite resources and time though just like all of us. Apparently they decided that this wasn't what they currently want to focus those resources and time into this year.