Thoughts on Freddy?
Dunno bout everyone else but he looks like he's gonna be a lot of fun. He seems to have elements of every killer. The fake pallets like the doctors, the bonus objective like the pigs, he has map coverage like billy and nurse, some stealth from his invisibility further away and the snares sound very similar to the clowns ability.
Honestly it seems like he's got elements from most of the killers, but just much weaker than their actual powers. This is amazing news for him as not only will he most likely be well - balanced, but there will be lots of variation in play style with him, and he isn't going to be weak in any particular aspect of the game (eg. map coverage etc). I honestly can't wait, dunno bout everyone else
Also with the new micro sleep mechanic, has anyone considered the new possible strength of tinkerer on Freddy?
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Well we still don't even really know what the benefit is to Freddy for having survivors asleep. I don't see why a lullaby is better than a TR when you're asleep. Both are non directional.
All they mentioned was more susceptibility to the dream snares and dream pallets while asleep but no specifics.
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He seems more of a manipulator now than a staller. I'm gonna miss old Freddy but I like this rework.
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We do know the benefits. Fake pallets and dream snares only affect survivors asleep, and we still don't know which of the old elements are being kept
Edit: by this i mean he might still be able to see people through walls, but also you have to remember sleep is passive now, so essentially his ability just gets stronger over time unless survivors do alternate objectives to counteract it
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@Blueberry I'm getting the impression being asleep will be like having an RBT on you in that you can go work on gens but slowly.. or get yourself waken up by running around everywhere. They hinted at skill checks being difficult to come by when playing against freddy.
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I enjoy all the blood mechanics. Reminds me when in the remake Nancy falls in the pool of blood.
I want more!! More blood!!
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Also I would love a red add on where if your asleep. Then every now and then a fake Freddy pops out and slowly walks towards you but then also bursts into blood. That would be scary awesy
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Well I guess it depends how effective the fake pallets and dream snares are which is what we don't know. I hope he keeps some of the slow effect. I doubt they would keep the aura reading.
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All this blood has gotten me slightly worried about your mental state 😅
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Actually a good point. Freddy might be the one killer that can actually make proper use of Tinkerer. The 0 terror radius is kind of cancelled out by the blood spurting from the gen though...
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I think he will be great now. Most definitely going to purchase Freddy now.
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He sounds unique and badass. Gonna start prestiging my Freddy and stocking up add-ons in preparation for the rework.
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I'm more excited for the Freddy rework than The Ghost myself.
Sounds like the PTB will only be The Ghost though which sucks... was hoping to see them both in there.
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I'm excited :D
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Freddy might be top tier now.