BT not working?

Yrakaz4 Member Posts: 75

I was playing on PS4 last night with tier 3 BT when I unhooked a survivor and the killer came down to the basement and hit him down again before we could even get up the stairs. Definitely didnt run out of time. I checked any perk I might not have known about on the killer and nothing gave countered it. It wasnt the first time this has happened.


  • PigNRun
    PigNRun Member Posts: 2,428

    What Killer was it, and what was his setup?

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    Was it a Wraith, pig or T1 Myers with m&a? Did tinker go off?

  • Brawler
    Brawler Member Posts: 331

    Remember that the Borrowed Time doesn't apply Endurance status effect inside the killer's terror radius.

  • TheLastGreatStar
    TheLastGreatStar Member Posts: 1,002

    This happened to me on PS4 too. I actually have the video clip saved too, as I wanted to re-watch to make sure I didn't imagine it lol. My friend unhooked me and the BT icon appeared for literally 1 second and then disappeared and I was downed almost instantly by a Michael who came back into the basement.

  • Mochan
    Mochan Member Posts: 2,886

    Make sure that you're in the killer's terror radius when you unhook. BT won't proc if you don't hear the heartbeat.

  • Mochan
    Mochan Member Posts: 2,886