How to not get stressed out when playing Killer

I bought the game a few days ago, had a blast playing with friends but i also enjoy playing the killer (just as much if not more), but i do have a problem: i get stressed out, especially if i miss easy stuff (missed a swing at point blank, missed an axe throw that was obvious) or if i do bad in general (survivors trolling me at the game, teabagging, 3-4 man escapes).

I've tried breathing, "not thinking about it" (which usually makes me more mad) but none of that works, and i'm starting to feel really depressed and ansious when playing, because most of the time i'll lose, get teabagged at the door and then get comments like "XD you suck".

What do you guys do to not feel like this?


  • StarMoral
    StarMoral Member Posts: 938

    My personal method on How not to get stressed:

    ·Hope the matchmaking doesn't F you over

    ·Play a killer you love (In my case, baby boi Legion)

    ·Get BBQ and Chili ASAP. One hook can get you more points than a normal game.

    ·Run NoED and tell salty survivors to go Dead Hard in a ditch.

  • Dehitay
    Dehitay Member Posts: 1,725

    If it's stuff in the game, there's not much you can do about it except build up a tolerance. Fortunately for me, I've been playing forever, so my tolerance was built during infinites, double pallets, pallet vaccuums, and that crazy #########. The game's balance improves slowly compared to a typical development team, but it does eventually get somewhere.

    As for post game chat, there's a few tricks I've learned to deal with all the whining. The simplest is to just respond with lol to any attempt to infuriate you and add an extra "ol" each time they try to persist. 9 times out of 10, it annoys the ######### out of them.

    Them: What's wrong, noob? Can't play a game without camping?

    Me: lol

    Them: BBQ and Ruin? Can't do anything without your baby killer perks, can you?

    Me: lolol

    Them: Is that all a noob killer like you can say?

    Me: lololol

    Them: You're what's wrong with this game. Can't get any real killers that don't rely on Ruin and camping.

    Me: lolololol

    Them: omg, you're such a damn noob. Go to hell, you baby loser killer!

    Me: lololololol


  • Cyno
    Cyno Member Posts: 9

    If you're getting stressed out over sweaty little shits giving you grief you shouldn't be playing.

    if you're old enough to be playing this game you should be old enough to ignore some rando's grief. Either learn to enjoy your wins or losses and ignore the dumb shits out there or stop playing. You'll get better over time.

  • StarMoral
    StarMoral Member Posts: 938

    Lol I don't doubt that was a real conversation. I honestly believe a survivor would complain about Ruin (only real counter to gen rush) and BBQ (point generator) while running MoM, DS, Dead Hard, Adrenaline and an instaheal med-shi-... kit.

  • TheRebirth
    TheRebirth Member Posts: 6

    Hard to ignore when they're saying pretty much what i also believe to be true.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    Every few games you gotta equip some purples and an ebony.

  • TheShape78
    TheShape78 Member Posts: 712
    edited June 2019

    The more you play the game, the better you'll become . As for the trolls, I find it's best to just ignore them. Easier said than done, I know, but when you realize their entire goal is to upset you enough to reply with a nasty message , you begin to realize how immature and pointless the whole thing is. So, in my case, if a troll tea bags me, yes, it's annoying, but I just chuckle and give 'em a good hit. If they send a rude message , I NEVER even bother replying to it, as again , it is a waste of your time to do so. Also, the more you play, all of this will just become 'normal', so you basically get used to it.

  • TheRebirth
    TheRebirth Member Posts: 6

    How do you all make up for your mistakes ingame? Like missing attacks, throws, etc.

    Also, how not to focus on those in the middle of the match? Every time i miss a window axe throw/swing i get furious. Perhaps i shouldn't expect perfection but it's annoying nonetheless.

  • Mochan
    Mochan Member Posts: 2,886

    Strengthen your spirit. Don't tell me you have never failed in your life? Or that you succeed so often you don't know the taste of failure? Lose moar please and let that strengthen your spirit.

    And you are taking this game way too seriously. This is not a competitive game and it's okay to lose.

  • Dehitay
    Dehitay Member Posts: 1,725

    Unfortunately, any mistake a killer makes is critical. However, this also leads to them improving faster than survivors who can get away with mistakes. During your learning phase, if you focus more on personal improvement than victory, you can be happy that your accuracy is improving even if you didn't win.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,241

    You gain experience, you watch videos on technique, and you improve. When you gain experience and confidence, your stress will reduce to a certain level. If you're competitive like me, a loss will always piss you off to a degree. Your first 200 hours as a killer is all about learning map awareness and game sense. That foundation will translate to any killer you pick up. Also understand that this game is not balanced. There are some games where you chose the wrong killer on the wrong map or the survivors have an automatic win loadout (4 Mettle of Man, 4 Adrenaline, Borrowed Time, Instaheals). It happens. Understand what happened and move on to the next one.

  • MrDardon
    MrDardon Member Posts: 3,937

    It's pretty easy to ignore toxic matches at the start. But keep going with it all the time after my 2.5 k hours it gets difficult to ignore this sometimes. If I get a ######### match in a dbd session between my 15 - 20 matches then it's kinda ignoreable. But getting a few ######### matches over and over again can break you really apart and I'd watch out for that, really.

    I can't wish anybody to reach the point where you only feel anger, hate and frustration because of a video game. That's why everybody should keep a solo game or a peaceful game alternative when you get frustrated cuz of dbd. At the moment my alternative is my old childhood game on PS 2: Jak and Daxter and I love this game more than any game I've ever played.

  • TheShape78
    TheShape78 Member Posts: 712

    I agree with this. Just like anything in life, you have to realize you're not always going to win, you will lose..but that's ok, because that's how you get better and improve. If you want to win, you have to fail. Don't go into a game focusing on victory . Just take everything one thing at a time.

    Oh, there's a generator to bust down...there's a pallet to break...there's a survivor to deal with, etc. Trust me, you WILL improve your skills. If you lose, don't get upset , just accept it, and be ok with it. It's not about winning, it's about improving . Also realize you're not the only person who's had to go through this, we all did.

    I want to point this out too...if you find uourself making a mistake , inste'd of throwing a fit, take note of what you did wrong. I threw the hatchet just a bit too high...I didn't aim ahead of them quite enough, etc. Then, apply the needed adjustments the next time. Another thing th't always helps me is I expect to get frustrated when those things happen, but in knowing this, I am actually able to almost 'observe' that emotion, objectively , without acting on it. I know that is SUPER deep, but mindfulness is a very powerful skill to learn in your life, that will in turn help you tremendously in game as well.

  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    This will only work if your intent is not to rank up.

    I like to make gimmick builds where I'm trying to get something fun/funny to happen.

    Example: Impossible skill check Doctor or Mirror Myers.

    I also like to set different personal goals that don't really require me to try and win.

    Example: 360 chainsaw Billy (360 before every chainsaw run) or Jumpscare Wraith (with proper add-ons) where I attempt to make all my captures from pulling people off gens/totems.

    Sadly if you want to rank up or go for the 4k you will incur the stress that anything competitive brings with it.

  • TheRebirth
    TheRebirth Member Posts: 6

    Hate to admit, but i do not have a strong spirit. I tend to lose a lot irl so if i do bad in a videogame (which always was my favorite hobbie, and i'm always trying my hardest to be decent) i get upset with myself.

    I appreciate all the tips everyone has given me, and i'd appreciate some more.

  • SadonicShadow
    SadonicShadow Member Posts: 1,146

    I went through the same feelings that you are going through when i first started playing killer. Eventually you get used to it and become numb. How you feel about playing killer is going to be largely dependent on the attitude that you adopt. For starters i would suggest getting into the mindset that you cant win them all.

    Everyone in DBD has bad games where you get absolutely obliterated. From new players to those with 6000 hours. Granted as you get better at the game and learn the ins and outs you reduce your rate of losing but it will still happen. How you deal with it is what matters.

    In addition to accepting that you cant win them all if the survivors or killers are being toxic in the post game chat just ignore them. No matter how triggered that match may have made you do NOT interact. They are only looking for a rise out of you and feeding them will just sour your mood further. Just say gg and leave. Dont waste your time. Pick yourself up and move on.

    All in all if you get to frustrated with the game i strongly recommend putting it down for a little bit and play something else. Its what i do when i get to fed up. After a couple days i am ready to jump back in.

    Good luck and i hope you enjoy DBD for better or worse :3

  • StarMoral
    StarMoral Member Posts: 938

    With missed attacks and all that, I honestly just keep my focus on the survivor's movements so I can get them later in the chase.

    Let's say I miss a Frenzy stab and go on cool down, I keep my LoS as best I can with the survivor and make them panic since they don't expect me to be watching them while stunned.

    Also, if you think (or know) somebody has Dead Hard, try to bait it out by getting as close as you can. After they Dead Hard, stabby stabby.

  • Terminator525
    Terminator525 Member Posts: 18

    Play leather face and one hook everyone

  • Laakeri
    Laakeri Member Posts: 835

    When I stopped caring about rank / kills the game got much more relaxing and fun as killer. Only thing that still triggers me is people running the bs windows that devs call "time wasters".

  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786
    edited June 2019

    The best way imo is to laugh at people's mistakes, especially yours.

  • Kiskashi
    Kiskashi Member Posts: 1,043
    edited June 2019

    I have this problem too, I get really stressed out if I don’t play well, it’s a personal problem so my first match of the day is really stressful. Sometimes, it sounds weird ,but for me I really enjoy playing as a killer I have no experience with. Like spirit, I was trying to learn how to play her yesterday and it was a blast, I was bad for my first few matches but it really helps if you can look back on your progress and be satisfied when you’re getting better, it was so satisfying to go from 0k to 4K with max bp in 3-4 matches as her. Playing as a new killer can take the pressure to do well off because you don’t expect to which I guess is the key to being happy as a killer, don’t expect to 4K or do well, just do your best and take the mistakes as a chance to learn. We only get better on both sides by facing better opponents and learning from it.

    It’s all just in the practice and just tell yourself that you’re improving, you’re getting better, you’re learning and maybe if it helps watch some favourite streamers. I’ve learned a lot of spirit (and killer in general) mind games just by watching them. If I really get mocked and tilted by a team as one of my inexperienced killers I tend to come back as a main (killer I’m confident with) such as Mikey with a tombstone piece or Freddy with an ebony. Not that I use them if I don’t need to but I do save them for that special toxic teabag happy flashlight clicky kind of survivor. I consider them going out of their way to taunt me as volunteering for a mori.

    If they’re teabagging at the door don’t give them the satisfaction just walk away to a random part of the map, the EGC will force them out eventually, use the time to break things, practice hatchet shots on a chosen target, Close the hatch so that last cocky guy can’t wait to get it, practice chainsaw swings around objects as bubba etc. they act all brave and vault spam but won’t leave their safety and you’re denying them the points and the satisfaction. Or if you can take advantage of their ego and get close with an Insta down or tombstone, if you can get one down and hooked with blood warden that’s also fun.

    As above too get BBQ because even if you have a really bad match the bp alone from this can be worth it. If it’s post game toxicity I think playing with offline status might help on consoles (ps4 at least) bc I did this accidentally while playing yesterday, also closing the endgame chat on PC or just saying gg and move on, kill them with kindness and such.

    Some of my advice is for when you have a bit more experience (only just realised you said you started recently) but it just goes to show it’s a constant thing for killers regardless of experience there’s still the chance to lose to more experienced players or just have a bad day in general, it feels so much harder at the start but you will improve. Just keep trying and learn from your opponents, your mistakes and from others (streamers)

    Post edited by Kiskashi on
  • HavelmomDaS1
    HavelmomDaS1 Member Posts: 1,948

    Watch a streamer like tru3ta1ent, ohtofu or similar who plays nearly every killer every day on a high level. With just watching you will improve and learn more stuff like mindgames. After that it's just a matter of practice

  • Jesya
    Jesya Member Posts: 1,101

    you said you bought the game a few days ago... you can't expect to be good at this point.

    You should also try to think that the people you are playing against most likely have more experience than you do in the game and most likely many many more hours played too.

    It's frustrating when you get bodied in a game, miss attacks or miss good plays.. but it happens to everyone - even the best of them. Just try to remind yourself you are new and learning and you'll get better :)

  • JawsIsTheNextKiller
    JawsIsTheNextKiller Member Posts: 3,360

    Killer is so rewarding in the long run. Enjoy the journey not the destination. What really helps me is to not play to kill, but to enjoy the game and play to improve. Billy/Leatherface chasing an injured survivor? get the chainsaw out to try and get the chainsaw hit. Spirit, play for a mindgame hit rather than a chase hit. You know that someone is around the hooked survivor but you don't know where? Forget about them and pressure some gens.

    Also, don't take offense at teabagging. It's either goading you into a chase or a celebration. Neither of which you should be bothered by. Many survivors will teabag you at the exit then hang around to let you have a free hit. So don't be offended.

    @Dehitay has good advise on chat. Ignoring is good, Lols are very good. "Sweaty killer" comments can be countered by pointing out their best/oddest perk or addon and then exiting chat (lol Windows of Opportunity) . When I get destroyed by a survivor, I just compliment them and feel better for doing so.