When is Mettle of Man getting nerfed?
The only killers that can counter MoM are Billy and LF those two can make sure that this perk never activates. If you use an instant down addon you just waste an ultra rare that you can get back from the game. If you use a perk that gives you instantly down you need to waste a lot of time in order to make it work and still the perk ( MoM) can activate so no there are very little counter to this perk and you get too much with no downside.
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problem with this is that EGC triggers and everyone has their MoM ready to go.
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You're cute.
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Please correct me if I am mistaken.
Wraith can't counter, Nurse can't counter, Hag can't counter, Doctor can't counter, Freddy can't counter (currently), Clown can't counter, Spirit can't counter. Trapper's only option is getting them to step in a Bear Trap, Myers can only play around it while in Level 3 EW, and Amanda needs to be able to repeatedly hit the same person with the Ambush.
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Amanda can bug and count as a normal hit