Fan-made chapter Hopeless Husks

TrueKn1ghtmar3 Member Posts: 1,143

Killer: the husk


M/S: 110%

Power: the hopeless pursuit

(How Freddy's power looks) target a survivor and as long as your power is touching that survivor you drain power from them filling a power gauge after enough draining the survivor becomes injured (not determined by the power gauge which is full after draining ~2 1/2 survivors) injured survivors can be drained to inflict broken status (until enough cooperative action is done) but you gain no power from this

Chase power: after filling your gauge you can shed your husk (which has collision) and run at an increased speed, fully drained survivors outside of your TR scream at the beginning and middle of the active draining power gauge. The shed husk remains in the trial until sabotaged by a survivor.


Hex: Atychiphobia

"Being forced to work alone in this world is scary the fear of miss-stepping or doing something wrong paralyzes you in place."

Survivors performing solo actions and fail a skill check will have their aura revealed to the killer for 3/4/6 seconds

Mimics cry

"Chests are just a shell, a husk hiding unknown treasures... Or dangers."

Spawn two extra chests in any available chest spawn location turning any two available chests into mimics. searching a mimic chest alerts the killer to the survivor's location. Time to search a chest is increased by 20/25/30%.

On the other Foot

"I remember this... From when I was on the other side."

Vaults and pallets within 10/15/20m have their auras revealed to you and while in that range survivors who are within 3m of those also has their aura revealed.

No one remembers his name, or even where he came from, all anyone remembers is that he used to be a survivor a really good one at that, single-handedly leading many back to the campfire but hope is something that dies all too easily. With all the weight on his shoulders he'd bear the burden of others who could not themselves and such compassion in reciprocated can easily turn to hate. He spent decades or centuries who could tell it might have even been a millennia stuck in a cycle of death and survival on his own with allies who couldn't hold their own by the time he grew hopeless enough to be a shell in the void he was filled with a darker feeling, rage and bloodlust, for everyone who never helped him. these feelings of hatred grew so large, the hunger to fill the void within him. Before he knew it he could feel the voice filling him giving him purpose and there he found himself standing watching survivors at a campfire from a perspective unfamiliar to him the only lingering thought "kill".
